Chapter 5. Hand ship

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(Y/n Pov, hours after they've been launched into space)

     I slowly wake up from being passed out, all I remember is being launched into space to a unknown destination. I am still half asleep as I'm tossed onto a cool floor and hear a sort of electronic zap behind me. I hear two voices behind me as my back faces the electronic zapping noise behind me, I can't make out what their saying but one of the voices is stern and demanding, sounds like she's been through a war and has kept the mentality. The other voice is softer but has a 'smarter than you' tone.

I hear them start to walk away, one with heavy footsteps and the other with sort of plastic like metal footsteps. After a few minutes, my vision comes back to me and I sit up. I'm in a green room and there's a electric screen like door keeping me inside. I look down at my arms, there slightly bleeding from all the cuts I have, there's some shards from the ship I was in before stuck in some cuts. I tear off some of pants legs to make makeshift bandages.

I shakily start trying to stand and lean against a wall, as I look around more I notice everything is green and yellow colored, it looks like what you'd imagine a futuristic city to look like. I rub my eyes and go and sit with my back to a wall as I now rub my forehead to help with the headache. I start hearing the plastic metal footsteps again, I look over at the screen door. I'm guessing it's a gem, she's taller than me, she has light yellow? I can't see colors right through the screen triangle hair, a sorta of multiple green jumpsuit with these metal looking parts that are around her elbows and make her arms long with floating cylinder like fingers, the same metal is on her legs that seemingly make her taller, there dark green with light green accents on the more feet part of her foot, she has a visor and a green triangle gem on her head, either a Peridot or maybe.... A really light Emerald?

(My Art)

"Are you awake now human clod?" The gem asked in a matter of fact sounding voice. I simply nod, I'm slightly scared of what she'd be able to do if I don't happen to listen. "Good, we're going to go through some tests to see what you humans can do, you can call me Peridot, human clod." Peridot says, so I was right on my first guess of her gem.

     I shakily stand up again and look at her. "Alright, so all of this is being documented for my Diamond." Peridot said "diamond? Are they... like your.... Leaders or something along those lines?" I ask as Peridot nods. "They are, now answer this, why were you inside a Ruby ship with a bunch of shattered Rubies, Clod!?" Peridot shouts at me as I jump from the noise, sound echos really well in this.. ship I'm assuming now.

     "I found the ship crashed down in the woods while I was taking rock, I saw this steam like smoke coming from it so I was going to see if a fire had started so if it has happened, I could get someone to put it out. Once I saw there wasn't a fire I went into the ship to check it out, and I was messing with buttons and it just launched me here and I went unconscious.." I told Peridot nervously as she glared at me as I spoke, her floating fingers made this octagon shape, the four fingers made a square at first then some electrical screen made it an octagon and she 'typed' on it.

I watched her as she mumbled something about logs to herself. Peridot eventually turned back to me "alright, what do you know about the crystal gems?" Peridot asked, that was the question that made the panic set in of where I was, and that the gems weren't here to help me. I started hyperventilating and fall back into sitting. Peridot looks at me weirdly and mumbles some stuff to her screen as she watches me panic before walking away. I keep panicking, and press my back against the left wall. I hear a smooth, but slightly monotone voice start singing a soft song.

I listen to her sing and start slowly calming down to her song. When she finishes i ask "Who are you?.... Also... lovely song.".... After a minute of silence she answers "my names Lapis... Lazuli...... thank you." Lapis said.. wait. Steven said he helped a Lapis Lazuli, could this be the same Lapis?... I should ask. "Hey, I have a friend named Steven. He told me he had a friend named Lapis. He said he helped her get back home.

     ..... "Steven universe?.... He did help me.." Lapis said "and you gave back the ocean." I finished her sentence for her. Lapis gave a small chuckle. This started a few small slow conversations between me and Lapis. Eventually a orange gem with long very fluffy looking white hair, a orange jumpsuit like outfit like Peridot wears, and red stripes all over her arms and her face, she has an gem instead of her nose, it's long rhombus like shape, it was yellow and orange color. A quartz of some sort. Maybe a jasper.

     "KEEP IT DOWN! WE DON'T NEED YOUR RACKET ECHOING DOWN THE HALL!" The 'Jasper' maybe yells at me and Lapis, making me flinch away from wall as she punches it. The Jasper stomps off down the hall and I sadly sigh and hear Lapis do the same. After hearing each other sigh we quietly snicker at each other more. After a few hours, Peridot comes over and removes the screen keeping me locked in the cell.

     I look at Peridot as she walks over and forcefully grabs my arm and starts dragging me somewhere. I look back at Lapis who looked surprised, I now can see that she is a blue gem with poofy hair. But that's all I get from looking at her as peridot pulls me down a hall.

      Where is she taking me!?

(1051 words)

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