15. Scared Triangle

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(Y/n Pov, I'm trying the Steven universe style but you have any body type you want cause that's just fine.)

     Me and the Gems were warping all around to find Steven until we ended up at the Galaxy warp. We found Peridot on the Homeworld warp with Steven, she was sitting on the warp with her fingers in her hair and one in her mouth as she stress chewed it I'm assuming. Steven just looked at her and then turned to look at us "there he is!" Pearl shouted as we all ran to Steven as I was the only one to notice her running off. "Guys!" Steven shouted as Pearl hugged him him "what happened!?" "Ah, your okay! Y/n said you got snatched up by-" "Peridot!" Garner grumbled as she now noticed Peridot "why can't you just leave me alooone!" "Gems move! Y/n! Stay beside Steven!" Garnet said as she, Pearl and Amethyst ran at Peridot who made the electric ball bullets and shot them at the gems who dodged them which led to Peridot making her helicopter fingers again as she tried to fly off but Amethyst cause her in her whip. "Hah!" I picked up Steven as we watched from the homeworld warp as Peridot tried to shock Amethyst off the whip but Garnet grabbed it with her gauntlets.

     "Not this time!" Garnet sent the shock back to Peridot which made her freeze up and well, get shocked, garnet then slammed Peridot down onto the floor which made me and Steven gasp and look at each other before back the gems, peridot got up coughing and started backing up as the gems closed in on her "wait! Wait! Y-you need me! I'm the only one who knows about the!-" peridot was cut off as she turned to face Pearl which lead to Garnet grabbing her and squishing her til she poofed. I ran over carrying Steven as Peridots limbs fell onto the floor with metal clunks "what on earth!?" Pearl exclaimed as we looked at Peridots disembodied limbs "ugh sick! There's bits of her all over!" "Nope. She's right here." Garnet said as she showed Peridots gem in her hand before putting her in a purplish pink bubble before tapping it away to the temple. "And now she's in the temple." "So.. these weren't actually part of her body?" Pearl said as she picked up the leg that was missing a foot which Amethyst snatched from her and picked up the rest of the limbs "whoops." Amethyst said as she dropped them over the edge and into the ocean.

     "Garnet. She was trying to tell us something" Steven told Garnet as I set him down and looked over the edge into the ocean where Peridots limbs disappeared, I ended up zoning out as I thought about what peridot was trying to say until Amethyst started pushing me to the warp as Pearl was doing to Steven. Me and Steven shared the same glance to each other as we all got on the warp and warped home. Once home, the gems went back into their rooms as me and Steven sat on his bed while he was holding Peridots foot as we both thought about what she was saying. Steven then sighed and set Peridots foot down as Amethyst climbed onto my lap and put her hand onto Stevens face and did a terrible impression of peridot "I'm back! To kidnap you!" Steven turned to look at her "what? It's been long enough we can joke about it, right?" Amethyst said as she shoved her way in between me and Steven "it's only been like an hour." "So, ew- what are you guys doing with her foot?" Steven looked at it then back at Amethyst "think it's lucky" "maybe-" "not from Peridot" Amethyst interrupted me than laughed and side hugged Steven. "Well, glad to have you back!" Amethyst said as she walked off and down the steps as Steven looked at the floor.

     "Um... Amethyst.." "yeah?" "Do you think..? No.. it's okay never mind..." Steven trailed off as Amethyst stared for a second "hehe okay weirdo, if you need anything, I'll be in my room eating garbage. And Y/n will be right on the couch, when they finally go to sleep." "K!" Me and Steven watched Amethyst enter her room as the the door shut behind her. Steven then fell onto his back "why were you so scared?" He turned to face peridots foot "what were you going to say? Now your deep in the temple, in a bubble and never know. If I could just talk to you.. for one more second.." Steven then jumped up which made me jump as his gem started glowing, he lifted his shirt so we could both look at It as we then looked at the temple door which glowed for his gem and the door opened into a pink room with clouds, Steven had already shown me the room once before as we played checkers in there and the winner got covered in fake ice cream.

     Me and Steven rushed down the stairs and into the room "this is a bad idea.... I'm only going so you don't get hurt." I told Steven as he just looked at me with a smile then looked around the room "room. I need to talk to Peridot!" A puff noise sounded and Peridot appeared in front of us "I'm the only one who knows about the-" it then cut off as the fake Peridot froze in place with a weird face "the what!? Ugh no! No! No!" Steven smacked the fake peridot away as I frowned as she disappeared. "Room. We need to go to the basement! The real basement! I know there's a way down from here!" Me and Steven watched as some clouds moved which showed a pinkish tube that could be used as a fireman pole "thank you!" Me and Steven said together as we ran to the pole, I let him down go down first as I followed sliding down after him. Steven cheered and whooped as we slide before we got flung off into the bubble room, Steven shouted some nonsense when flying through the air and we both landed on our faces and grunted cause of it. Steven got up first as I laid on the floor for a few seconds, accepting my fate before getting up to see Steven look for Peridots gem before I pointed out the familiar green Dorito shaped gem. "There!" "Oh! Thanks Y/n!"  Steven climbed onto a pipe and grabbed her gem before falling off the pipe and landing on his back and letting go of the bubble as it hit the floor and popped before the gem floated up and I ran over to Steven as we watched the gem start reforming.

(Not just yet~ 1152 words)

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