19. Getting real close

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(Y/n pov, this chapter takes place a day after the episode Log Date 7 15 2)

It had been a while since we arrived at the barn, Pearl and Peridot had a huge robot fight which ended in a draw and peridot getting punched in the face by Pearl, and peridot got a stern lesson on how earth works. Steven had gotten Peridot a tape recorder to make up for her logs, and Peridot, Steven and Amethyst went to the kindergarten to get a drill head for our drill to get the cluster, Peridot was seeming to understand earth more, whilst the group of 3 was away, Garnet had Pearl take a break from building to help me start learning more gem stuff. Like fusion, Garnet said since Steven can fuse, I should be able too as well. Even though me and Steven are technically both hybrids, we're still different from eachother, but the drill went bonkers and peridot had hurt Amethyst's feelings but she also saved Amethyst from the wild drill and they forgave each other. We celebrated Stevens birthday while Peridot kept working on the drill, it was a bit of a mess as Steven stretched himself out but then turned back into a baby and then back into a 14 year old. It was confusing.

The group also went to the moon on lion to get coordinates to the cluster, I didn't go cause Lion wouldn't be able to handle all of us so I stayed behind. Peridot had stolen a thing to contact the Diamond directly so we all had to chase her down until she contacted one of them, yellow Diamond but tried to convince her earth was worth saving, Yellow denied it so Peridot then called her a clod so that was the mark of her officially joining us. But I had been slightly avoiding peridot, what Garnet said about us bonding was.... Slightly spooky you could say, but I had been sleeping on the roof of the barn so I could see the stars better with Steven sleeping in a truck with a mattress. I stared at the stars, one was brighter than all the rest, I heard some small footsteps creeping up behind me. I looked behind me to see Peridot with her log in hand "oh.... Hey Peridot. Whatcha doing?" "Oh.... I was wondering what The Y/n was doing up here. I also wanted to know about the Y/n's powers." Peridot told me as I sat up and patted the spot next to me so she crawled over and sat next to me. "I was just star gazing cause I couldn't sleep." "Star... gazing?" "It's when you just watch the stars. And for powers I have... I can light on fire.. and summon brass knuckles for my weapon, Garnet says I should be able to fuse but I'm not willing too yet." Peridot gave a hum and looked up at the stars with me, we both somehow ended up sitting in silence for a while, just staring at the stars.

"..... so what if the Y/n can fuse? Would you fuss?" Peridot then asked, I had to take a second to think.... Would I fuse? I don't know how it would feel.. would it be nice..? Or would it be weird..? "I'm not.... I'm not sure... I have no clue how it would feel.." "oh.. couldn't you ask the Permafusion?" "Do you mean Garnet? I've tried but she always explains stuff weird. But... I think it's time I go to sleep." "Sleep?" "Yeah, it's where you close your eyes, think about nothing... say nothing... calm your breathing... and..." I ended up dozing off

(No one's pov)

As Peridot watched as Y/n dozed off, Peridot stared at the sleeping Y/n for a few minutes before laying down next to Y/n and staring at the stars before following the rules Y/n explained about sleeping. Soon enough Peridot fell asleep beside her, peridot was slightly snoring as the sun slowly started rising on the two who ended up being snuggled right up next to each other "Y/n! It's time to wake up!" Steven shouted at the roof of the barn where the gem and human hybrid were sleeping. "Garnet! Y/n's not waking up!" "I can't find Peridot either!" Pearl shouted as Garnet then jumped onto the roof of the barn. Garnet looked down at the sleeping duo, she gently scooped them up in her arms and jumped down holding the duo. "Found em." "What? AWE-" Steven violently awed at the sleeping duo as Pearl and Amethyst looked at them confused. Y/n started blinking as they woke up from the noise.

(Y/n's pov)

I woke up to some noise and saw Garnet holding me.... And me holding... PERIDOT!? I squealed and violently let go of peridot and fell out of Garnets arms onto the floor. "AH! WHAT THE!?" "Awe! You two looked adorable!" Steven awed at me as I was blushing immensely, Steven went to hug me but was stopping by garnet as I lit on fire and I ran off "Wait! Y/n!"

(Peridot pov 😱😱)

     I woken up to feeling cold and the sound of the Steven and Pearl yelling for the Y/n. I looked at where everyone was looking and saw a ball of fire seemingly running away from us as the Permafusion sighed then I noticed she was holding me! Me! The great and lovable Peridot! I jumped out of her arms and down next to the Steven "what is that ball of fire?" I asked the Steven as I pointed at the fire ball "that's... y/n.." "really? They had mentioned they could light on fire, but where are they going?" "Not sure.. but two of us should go make sure their not going to light anything on fire." The Pearl said as the Permafusion then started trailing after Y/n with Pearl in tow. "That means we get the barn to ourselves! Yay!" The Steven shouted as he dragged me and Amethyst back into the barn. "I have some questions about the Y/n actually." "Oh, ask away Peridot!" The Steven said as he and Amethyst sat down in front of me "what is the Y/n? They're a hybrid like Steven but a human!" The Steven and Amethyst looked at each other before shrugging their 'shoulders'. "Can the Y/n fuse?" "Not sure, I think Garnet was trying to help them fuse when we went and got the drill but she would've told us if they did end up fusing so we don't know."

     I'm going to solve this mystery. I'll know your secrets eventually Y/n.

(1122 words)

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