16. Itty Bitty Gem

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(Y/n Pov)

As me and Steven watched Peridots gem reform, once she reformed she was shouting "the cluster! You half formed, Mega traitor clods!" She aimed her arm at us as she was now Stevens height, my pupils turned to stars at looked at her now Itty bitty body, peridot looked at her arm and wiggled her fingers as Steven had the same reaction as me "oh my gosh! Your so.... Cuuuuttteee!" Steven said as both me and him surrounded her a little "my limb enhancers! WHERE ARE MY LIMB ENHANCERS!" Peridot screeched as she looked at her arms and legs "Aweeee~ your like.. an angry little slice of pie!" "Your adorable~" "stop talking! I demand to know what this place is and where I!-" peridot stopped as she looked up at the bubbles gems. Uh oh- "oh my stars... your going to harvest me!?" Peridot held her head and crouched to the floor, before hitting Stevens face and part of my leg, "ow! That hurt!" "Yeah! That's not nice peridot." ".... It hurt?" Peridot asked as she looked at Steven "yeah a lot!" Steven whined as Peridot then slapped him again "Ow!" "Yes! Feel my unbridled Rage!" She shouted as started continuously smacking him before Steven grabbed her hands and held her shoulders, she looked up at me before quickly looking back at Steven "hey! Hey. Hey.. what that's on your shirt?" Steven pointed at Peridots chest as I let go of her shoulders "what's a shirt?-"

     He then flicked his finger up and hit her nose as I sighed as peridot yelled ow and Steven laughed, peridot then tackled him to the floor and smacked him as I tried to grab her off him as he got up then started walking away from her which she followed, still smacking him. I tried to grab her from behind but they kept moving "why are you acting like this!?" "You smashed me into a limbless cloud! You trapped me in your bubble dungeon and you called me cute!" "But you are cute!" I said as peridot screeched as tried to punch Steven "NO IM NOT!" Peridot missed and fell onto her face as Steven spoke "I didn't poof you! We freed you!" Peridot turned to face us with her legs under her knees that were pulled to her chest "why would you make such a miscalculation?" She asked as she hid her mouth behind her knees as I just stared at how cute she was. "Back at the warp pad, what were you trying to say? Why do we need you? What do you know?" Steven asked as Peridot lifted her head surprised "what do I know? Everything there is to know about the cluster, you pebbles!" "Cluster? Wait pebble?" Steven asked as he got confused by being called a pebble  "What's a cluster?" I asked as I stared at Peridot.

     "My mission. The reason why I'm on this sad rock in the first place! I was to check progress on the cluster! Just in and out before it hatches! I wasn't supposed to get stuck here!" Peridot shouted as she waved her arms around as she spoke "but now, it's going emerge and nothing can stop it! And we'll all be shattered!" Peridot shouted again as she held her face and looked at the ceiling as I frowned at her worry "okay, wait, slow down. Now from the top, emerging, hatching, clusters." Me and Steven sat down in front of her "you wanna know?" "Yes" I nodded to the question "you both really wanna know?" "Yes." Me and Steven said in sync this time "what's your shirt?" Peridot pointed at Stevens shirt "oh! These are my banana pajamas-" peridot then swung her finger up and hit his nose "ow! Wait don't run away!" Steven shouted as I stood up as Peridot ram and climbed onto some pipes to the exit of the room on all fours like a cat as I climbed after her "they'll see you!" She got to the top and laughed before running out of the temple with me and Steven on her tail "wait! Stop! Their gonna see you!" Steven shouted as Peridot ran into the living room with the gems in the kitchen.

     "Freedom is mine!" Peridot shouted before she looked at the gems and the looked at her "wait!"me and Steven ran in front of peridot to protect her "look! Over there! Another planet to betray!" The gems blinked before summoning their weapons "retreat!" Peridot turned and ran to the door on all fours, Garnet and Pearl blocked the door before peridot could get to it "oh no you don't!" Pearl yelled as Peridot slid to a stop in front of them and squeaked before running up the stairs, where Amethyst sat on Steven's bed with her whip "heeey."  Peridot screamed and hissed before jumping down onto the couch and then landing on the floor, peridot then ran on all fours into the bathroom before shutting and locking the door before the gems could catch her. With me and Steven watching it all go down. "You may have won the war but the battle isn't over Crystal Clods!" Peridot laughed as me and Steven ran over to the gems as the poofed their weapons away "should we tell her that's the bathroom?" Pearl asked as she looked at Garnet "eh.." Amethyst mumbled as we heard muffled Peridot talk through the door as she seemed to explore the bathroom.

     "Ugh it's locked." Amethyst said as she tried to open the door before Garnet stormed up to the door and slammed her fist on it "Peridot! Open the door!" We then heard the toilet flush... she better not be... "uh.. if your trying to flush yourself down the toilet, it won't work. Trust me... I've tried-" I stared disgusted at Amethyst as she only stuck her tongue out at me. "How did she get out? We bubbled her!" Pearl said as me and Steven nervously stood next to each other "maybe we needed a bigger bubble." "My bubbles are fine."... "we did it." Me and Steven said in sync once more as we sweated, the gems turned to look at us, amethyst gasped "Steven, Y/n, why would you do such a thing?" "Because she knows something!" I said as Steven helped finish the sentence "something that's made her scared!" "Duh, home girl knows we're going to beat her into a green pancake." I rolled my eyes at Amethyst as Steven continued "no, not cause of us. Cause of something called 'The Cluster" "cluster? That's new.." Garnet mumbles.

     "What else did she tell you two?" Pearl asked putting a hand on her cheek "that's all we got." "That's right you dirt bombs! You don't even know what's coming!" Peridot shouted from the bathroom "I'm tired of playing these games, can't fight her than fine, we'll talk. Peridot!" "WHOA!" We heard her slip and fall off of most likely speaking, the sink. "Alright, no more fighting let's just have a civil conversation." "As if I'd negotiate with you! Filthy war machine!" Peridot screeched "okay. Let's kick her butt-"  Garnet said she backed off from the door and summoned her gauntlets "wait!" Me and Steven shouted "yeah! Destroy me again! And have fun trying to talk to me when I'm in a bubble!" "I really hate to say it but unfortunately she has information, she's more valuable to us like... this.." "this is going to be tricky.." garnet said as we heard water running "OW! HOT HOT HOT HOT!" "You have to turn it the other way for cold Peridot." I said as I leaned next to the door, the gems went to the kitchen with Steven as I sat next to the door, guess it was my job to guard the bathroom now.

     The gems were all talking as I just listened to Peridot explore the bathroom, I could hear her little ooos and panicked screeches when something scared her. It was cute and funny at the same time, and she's even cuter now that I'm able to pick her up and she wasn't taller than me. Sometimes she'd creeped up the door and slide pieces of toilet paper out from under the door "Peridot, don't waste the toilet paper." "Why should I listen to you! Slightly better human clod!"... slightly better?.... Eh. It's better than nothing at all.

(1406 words)

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