10.5. Take Me Away 🌊

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(Malachite Pov, a short sweet chapter for the episode chapter ahead.)

     We sat in the bottom of the ocean. We wanted to be free but we were still chained down now. We were fueled by hate and anger, We should be able to leave. We should be able to destroy... to SHATTER. We'll shatter the Crystal Gems- NO! NO WE WONT!- WE WILL! WE WILL SHATTER THEM! SHATTER ALL OF THEM AT ONCE! SHATTER THE PEARL! THE DEFECT! THE FUSION! ROSE QUARTZ! EVEN YOU! YOU FAKE GEM! AAAAAAAAA!!!! We scream in our head and from the outside as well, a shark swims into her mouth and we crunch it up and eat the shark. We need to leave the ocean Now! THEIR ALL TOO MUCH! WE NEED TO LEAVE! WE NEED TO SHATTER AND DESTROY!

(137 words)

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