Chapter 7. Stronger than you

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(Y/n Pov)
As the ship gets knocked around more, I get tossed back into my cell and hit my head against the wall and black out.

....... I wake up to some soft singing,

I heard some yelling in the distance and.. Steven? I heard two sets of footsteps coming closer. As the footsteps got closer, I watch as a small red gem with a square Afro like Garnet runs and glances at me and gasps then glares at Lapis so I glare back at her. Eventually Steven runs over and looks at me and Lapis "Y.n!? Lapis!" Steven yelled "don't worry! I'll get you out!" Steven said as he jumped into the screen for me to make a little clear path underneath which I use to make him feel good. The red gem yells "THERES NO TIME! UGH!-" the red gem the runs off as Steven looks at Lapis as she starts yelling at him slightly, I go after the small red gem. I think I saw red gem in one of her palms.

     I see Steven catch up to me and we hear Jasper and Peridots footsteps come close we press ourselves against a wall to hide and Jasper and Peridot argue over the 'mission' and 'human' and this thing called the cluster which I'm guessing there talking about me. I glance back at my finger that the Ruby shard got stuck in, It has red stripes on it like how Jasper has, but it only covers my finger. Jasper punches a wall and yells at a gem to quit singing and it makes Peridot jump and cower before they both walk away in opposite directions, me and Steven follow a singing voice and eventually find a blue short gem, with long light blue hair with bangs covering her eyes, white gloves, and a dress that covers her feet. I glance at Steven as he walks up to the gem, I just now notice his black eye. Pearl won't like that.

     "Hey, I like your song. You sapphire?" Steven asks the gem "you escaped.." she said as Steven put his hand in the field making a path for her underneath. "Of course." She mumbled "come on! It's SAaAaaaafe." "Thank you Steven" "your welcome." Steven said happily as we hear the other gem yell out for Sapphire. "Come on!" Sapphire grabs me and Stevens hand and start running through the hall's extremely fast and drags us in front of a hall that opens to a big circle area. We see the red gem across the big circle area and she looks at us and gasps as Sapphire looks her and says "Ruby!" Sapphire lets go of me and Stevens hands and runs to Ruby as Ruby runs to her and they meet in the middle in a hug and start talking to each other and worrying over each other. I check over Steven quickly to see if he has anymore injuries, especially from those electric fields but he's fine other than the black eye.

     We look back at the two gems as Ruby picks up sapphire and spins her around as they both them start glowing white other than their gems and float in the air "Steven, thank you!" before turning into.. "Garnet! Your a fusion!?" I heard the gems talk about fusion before, but I'd never seen it before. "Oh um in sorry, we didn't want you two meeting us here like this." Garnet said with a slightly new look as her pants were now dark blue and dark red, with pink tips on her toes. And now maroon gloves. "Well... did we make a good first impression..?" Steven asked nervously, Garnet put a hand on Stevens cheek "oh Steven... we already love you.." she said with a smile and I awe at the cute scene as Garnet ruffles my hair and gives me a hug before letting me go. We hear Jasper yell from a distance "WHERE IS SHE!?" "That's Jasper.. Steven find the others and get to the control bridge!" "But I don't know where they are!" Garnet then kissed Stevens forehead and some sparkles appeared around his forehead.

     Steven stared off into space before saying "future vision..." so I did miss quite a lot.. "wait are you going to be able to beat her on your own?" Steven asked Garnet "it's okay. I'm never alone." Garnet said with a smile as Steven gets a determined look and nods before grabbing my hand and starts leading to Pearl and Amethyst I assume. We run through the halls as we eventually find Pearl and Amethyst in two cells beside each other and Steven lets them out and we all start running whilst following Steven. We can still hear the commotion of Jasper and Garnet in the distance, we eventually find peridot in this control bridge and she takes a weapon out of this screen like thing that she tries to stab Steven with but he just grabs the end of it and yellow veins appear on his skin from his hands and Peridot gasps in surprise.

     Steven breaks the weapons and Amethyst summons her whip and tackles Peridot and tangled her up in it so she can't attack us. Amethyst has one foot on her side "don't touch that! You colds don't know what your doing!" Peridot shouts at us "You got this Pearl!" Amethyst shouts "alright ship, turn us around!" Pearl puts her hands into the screen and her eyes go green with white lines moving horizontally in them. Steven looks at a screen that shows Garner and Jasper fighting before plunging down through the floor. I stand a foot away from Peridot, eventually we all hear a very loud crash from the center of the ship.

(This ending can go two different ways. This is the Peridot path, the next chapter is the Malachite path)

     We all get tossed around a bit and Peridot worms over to me and ends up knocking me over "Hey!" Pearl, Amethyst and Steven look over at me "Y/N!!!"Steven shouts and peridot as this green sphere envelops me and Peridot and we get launched away from the ship and towards earth. My head smacks against the screen as it descends super fast to earth. I Yelp and start blacking out as I see Peridot break Amethyst's whip and look at me before I fully black out.

(1079 words)

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