14. Too much free time

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(Y/n pov)

It had been about 3 days since the party and I woken up to two notes on the table, one read that Steven was off doing stuff with friends and the Gems went out on a mission and were letting me rest from the party, their was a little note on the gems note from Garnet saying to try and summon my weapon and work on my powers a little more, to find out what I could do. I grumbled after being stuck with Peridot, I don't really want to be alone. For the first few hours of the day I glared at the warp pad, making sure Peridot wasn't using it to arrive here. After making sure Peridot wasn't arriving her, I head out the house and onto the beach and sit with my feet in the water. I stared out into the ocean, thinking. Why was Peridot being slightly nice to me? It doesn't make sense, we constantly fought and bickered so I wouldn't get why she'd be nice to me. I fall onto my back and stare at the sky, I just watched the clouds pass by gently.

     I started thinking of Peridot once more, she was cute but she made me so angry at the same time! Could I have a crush?... I was stuck with her for so long, I couldn't help but get slightly attached... but she's the bad guy! You can't like the bad guy! I grumble and slam my fist down into the sand, which put more sand on my face then intended so I sat up and grumbled, I looked at my hand and watched sparkles disappear from it.... SERIOUSLY!? I SUMMON MY WEAPON AND DON'T SEE IT!? UGH! I forced myself up off the sand and stomped in a pace along the beach, I knew I was on fire now, but I could care less. I ended walking into the ocean to my knees and sat down, the water was boiling around me and making steam, but it was cooling me off. Maybe I could go to the Big Donut? See Sadie and Lars again, I became friends with both them, mostly Sadie but Lars was still a jerk but he was my friend.

     I take a breath and slowly calm myself down and get out of the ocean, I was drenched but I thought about how mad peridot made me so I light on fire and evaporate the water off me. Once I calm down once again, I took one more breath and headed down the beach to the Big Donut. As I opened the door the bell ringed, Lars was leaning against a wall as usual and Sadie was the one actually working "hey guys." "Oh! Hey Y/n! Man, you look a lot different from when you disappeared." Sadie said with a wave and smile as Lars looked up at me and gave me a small wave. "So, do I still work here or was I missing for too long?" "Well, I did your part of the job and Lars surprisingly helped with some easy parts. So, yes, we somehow let you keep your job." "Aw, dudes thanks!" I went behind the counter and hugged both of them despite Lars's whining over it but I let them go and we all started talking about things, especially stuff I missed.

     Eventually I left the Big Donut after two bags of donuts, a bag for Steven and One for myself. I walked down the board walk and got stopped by Onion standing and staring in front me, I smile down at him and just take a donut out of my bag and give it to him. I know he won't eat it but he still wanted one, he then ran off, probably back home. Or to just be Onion. I wave to a few people I pass on the boardwalk, I look towards the ocean, I just noticed it's almost 3 already!? Jeez, time really flys. "Y/N!!" I heard a familiar little boys yell and turn to see Steven running full speed towards me "Hey Steven!" I say as he jumps into my arms as I give him up "I got you something from the Big Donut." I hand him his bag of donuts which makes a cheer escape his mouth and I carry him back to the temple. "Wait! I want to see your powers again! Can we try on the beach!! Please please please please!?" Steven shouted as I set him down and set my donut bag on a rock as I took a took a breath and start making myself mad and Steven ooos as I light on fire again, but I'm not as angry as before, I guess I'm better at just controlling it. "Good job, Y/n!" I heard Pearl yell from the deck of the house, which ended up making my flames spark from the surprise and look at her as I relax and let the fires disappear.

     "Thanks Pearl! Guess you guys got the corrupted gem! Any sings of Peridot!?" "Not yet! But we'll get her eventually!" I give a thumbs up as Steven runs up the stairs to go tackle Pearl in a hug as I grab my donut bag and head inside myself. "Hey N/n, got any for me?" I heard Amethyst say from the kitchen as I toss her a chocolate donut with sprinkles "Nice!" Amethyst caught it and stuffed it in her mouth as Pearl gagged and put Steven to bed. "Night Steven! Night Y/n!" Amethyst shouted as she went into her room with her mountain of snacks in her arms. "Goodnight you two." Pearl said as she followed Amethyst but went into her own room instead "night Steven." I put my donut bag down and laid on the couch and faced the wall, I listened to Steven say goodnight to his stuffed animals as I fell asleep until I heard him say "good night ominous triangle at the end of my bed."... what? I then heard muffled screaming and got up as quick as I could and watched the warp pad light up and warp away. I rushed to the temple door and pounded on it violently "GUYS! I THINK PERIDOT KIDNAPPED STEVEN!" The temple door opened to all three gems with their weapons out. "Let's go get her."

(1070 words)

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