23. The Cluster pt 2

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(Y/n pov, sorry for the wait, I've been busy with many things and needed a mental health break, but I'm back and ready to make more chapters! And the chapters are going to be more improvised as going exactly how the episode goes is making me a little less inspired to write but luckily, it's not much)

I looked at Steven as he suddenly sat up and looked worried, then looked at Peridot on top of staircase to the Drill already. Peridot started screaming some things at Steven as I just watched a crack open up along the earth, "Y/N! COME ON!" I heard Peridots screechy voice shout at me, I quickly rushed up the staircase and looked into the escape pod part of the Drill "There isn't enough room for all three of us in there! You two go and stop the cluster! I'll wait for the gems and keep everything I can in check!" I said, resting my hand on Peridots as Steven frowned but Peridot gained a determined look with some... blush..? and nodded, shutting the pods doors and starting to drill after I pulled my hand away. I gripped violently onto the stand as it shook and vibrated as the Drill dug itself into the floor... and towards the cluster, and then... I was alone... with the chance of falling into the earth. I walk down the stairs and hop over the crack into the earth, luckily landing on the other side with no issue. Why'd I do this to myself? I guess all I can do is... sit and wait... maybe I'll nap?... yeah.. that sounds nice...

(1.5 hours later)

I was woken up suddenly by violent shaking, the earth was shaking! AGAIN!? Weren't Peridot and Steven meant to stop it!?... hold on... that's not... the cluster...? "GAH!" I screamed as I got lifted onto something as it ran! I looked at what was carrying me now, it was A CORRUPTED GEM!? But! The gems aren't here! What do I do!? "AG!" I yelped as the gem threw me onto the floor, it growled as it looked at me, it looked like.. a plaque doctor raven thing.. but it seemed to have.. strange.. limb enhancer looking wings, I would keep studying it... if it didn't try to BITE ME! I quickly dodge away from the beak of the beast, I summon my weapon and punch it in the face! It squawked in pain and flapped it's strange looking wings, it then looked back a me and growled before jumping at me! I scrambled away and got up, now that me and the creature stood face to face, I could see it better now..

 if it didn't try to BITE ME! I quickly dodge away from the beak of the beast, I summon my weapon and punch it in the face! It squawked in pain and flapped it's strange looking wings, it then looked back a me and growled before jumping at me! I sc...

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It's feathered tail swished side to side as it growled at me and I glared as my grip on my brass knuckles tightened. It ran at me again, but this time I ran back and punched it's chest! But as I slid under it to punch it on the stomach, I saw the gem was on its stomach! It was shaped like Peridots too! As I got behind the gem, I jumped onto its back and held on as it screeched and started to run around, luckily, it stayed near the barn.

I climbed up its neck and started just punching it's face, over and over. I heard a loud whirring from the hole where the drill went but I had to focus!

(No One's Pov)

Peridot kicked off the door to the escape pod and hopped out of it cheering, Steven close behind until suddenly stopping and looking towards the barn, grabbing peridots shoulders and turning her to the barn as she stops cheering and stares at the scene. Y/n was punching the corrupteds beak as it squawked and backed up with each punch. Peridot stared at Y/n with stars in her eyes, blush slowly grew on her face as she watched Y/n hit the corrupted gem around. She kept staring as Y/n hit the gem once last time as it poofed into green smoke, hiding Y/n until they walked out of the smoke with the triangular gem in their hand, right in front of Peridot. Peridot looked up at Y/n with her jaw dropped and a dark green face. "WHOA! Y/n! Did you beat that gem all on your own!?" Steven shouted and pushed past Peridot, knocking Peridot out of her trance. "Yeah.. I did! Wait! Guys! You did it!" Y/n quickly pulled Steven and Peridot into a hug, still holding the gem which Steven noticed "aren't you going to bubble that?" Steven asked and pointed at the gem "how?" Steven shrugged as Y/n stared at the gem, confused.

Peridot looked at Y/n with smaller stars are in her eyes, she was making slight grabby hands at Y/n still craving more of the hug that she just got. Steven watched as Y/n struggled to bubble the gem, eventually getting it and the bubbled gem rested inside a red bubble and a set of 3 pairs of footsteps ran over "DID YOU BEAT THE CLUSTER!?" A familiar voice of a Pearl screeched out as she ran over and looked over Y/n and Steven. "Yes! But it just wanted some friends! I bubbled it! It's a million people! Now they have eachother to talk too!" "YOU BUBBLED THE CLUSTER!? HOW!?" "We had a bit of help." Steven smiled and looked at the floor before Garnet walked up to Y/n, still having Lapis in her arms "I see you had something happen here." The gems looked over at the red bubble in Y/n's hand "WHA!?- UH!?-" Pearl panicked even more and almost fell over, Amethyst shoving her back up. "Nice dude!" "What do I do with it now?" "Tap the top of it, send it home." Garnet said as Y/n tapped the top of the bubble and it disappeared. The gems smiled at them as Steven and Peridot looked at them. "I'm... im gonna take a real long nap now." Y/n said as they walked into the barn and quickly made a makeshift hammock before flopping into it. Peridot watching them go as Garnet gave her a very small smile.

(1048 words)

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