Chapter 8. Stuck With You

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(Y/n Pov)

As I wake up, I notice Peridot sitting in a ditch outside of the pod. I notice something stuck just above her elbow, it seems like futuristic handcuffs with electricity like thing instead of a chain. I follow my gaze from it to... my wrist!? What!? I jostle up and Peridot looks at me. "Good, your finally up
we can get moving." "What!? We!?" I yell at her "yes we! I'm not letting you run off to those Crystal clods and tell them where I am!" Peridot shouts as she starts dragging me out of the ditch by the hand cuff. I get dragged up the side of ditch and stand once peridot gets up to the flat ground.

We're in a cornfield, Peridot stands taller than me and starts walking in a random direction. I sigh but follow her next to her as I don't have a choice but to go with her. Peridot mumbles to herself as we walk through the cornfield, she keeps getting hit the face trying to make her finger screen again and again as the corn leaves mess it up. I giggle at her anger as it's quite childish "what you laughing at clod!?" Peridot shouts at me "you get so mad so fast. Hehehhehehe." I giggle as her face turns a darker green "Shut up, clod!" Peridot shouts and walks faster as I giggle more.

Peridot grumbles as more corn hits her, she eventually stops and rips out a corn stalk and throws it away from her. It makes me giggle more but cover my mouth so she doesn't notice, but her anger is slowing us down... we should get in the open for the gems though... I finally saw them again, and I was taken away from them again.. peridot looks at me confused as I froze in thought, I get embarrassed and start walking faster then her. Peridot then starts walking right behind me as I'm guessing she noticed she won't get hit by the corn stalks when right behind me. We eventually get out of the corn field and I sigh, happier to get out of the corn field but disappointed to be stuck to Peridot.

Peridot starts dragging me in a random direction whilst staring at her finger screen. "You know, with having me stuck to you, your going to have to care for me." I told Peridot in the same Matter of fact tone I heard her speak in so much. Peridot freezes and turns her head slowly to stare at me "...what..?" Peridot slowly asked "you have to care for me. Us humans are a lot of work. We have to eat, drink, sleep etc." as I spoke Peridot glared at me and that glare only got worse as I continued.

Peridot grumbles and starts dragging me into the woods. I hear a river in a the distance and Peridot appears to be heading towards it so I could drink I guess. I think I remember reading somewhere that fast moving water is clean, but I can't be picky if I'm stuck with Peridot. I don't know what weapons she still has on her.. i Daze out as I walk with Peridot, she eventually tugs on my arm and I snap out of my day dream and look at her "h-huh?.."

"Here's some water for you human." Peridot said as she points at a river in front of us.. I am really thirsty. I crouch down to the river and cup my hands and cup up water and bring it to mouth and drink from my hands. Peridot walks up right next me and watches me carefully, I inch away from her as she does make me a bit uncomfortable, she did lock me in a cell and attack my friends. Peridot keeps watching me as I finally stop drinking and let out a relived sigh to have finally drunk something. "Alright. You had your rock 'water' now let's keep moving clod!" Peridot shouts and grabs my hand with her fingers, which are quite cold actually as she drags me to my feet and holds my hand as we walk in a random direction.

"Where are we even going?" I ask as Peridot keeps staring at her screen, she's like a kid addicted to a tablet. "None of your concern Clod." "..... do you just call everyone clod..?" I ask as she glared at me but nods "you are all but clods on this miserable dirt rock! Now get your touch stumps off me!" Peridot shouts "touch stumps..?" I ask as she nods and points at my hand which is still holding hers. I feel my face get hot and I let go of her hand quickly. "Why is your face red? Are you dying?" Peridot asks as she forcefully grabbed my face "uh- um- no- it's a human thing-" I said as she frowned and let go of my face "Nothing that matters to me then clod."

She keeps dragging me through the woods eventually The moon comes over head and I yawn "Peridot. I need to sleep now." I said as she groaned "what even is sleep?" She asked as she turned to face me and stomped her foot "it's where you close your eyes, be Quiet! And let your mind go blank. Then you fall asleep" Peridot glares at me as I say be quiet but she drags me next to a big tree. I sit down and lean against as Peridot sits a few inches away from me but also still leaning on the tree. I yawn again and look at the stars, after everything that happened.. there still beautiful.

I yawn once more and my eyes eventually start closing as I lean my head against the tree. I feel my head and body start falling to the side... I land on something soft.. it's... warm... my eyes fully close and I drift off into a soft sleep.

(Peridots Pov)

I watch as the Clod closed their eyes, this 'sleep' ritual was confusing. I watch the Clod start slowly falling over than land onto my shoulder! What does this Clod think their doing!? I was about to shout at them until I heard this soft noise come from their mouth... what was that..? I guess I'll allow this Clod to 'sleep' on me... for now.

(1067 words)

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