20. Fusion

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(No one's pov)

Garnet and Pearl had ended up at a now boiling lake trying to find Y/n "now how do we get them out? Are you just going to go and grab them or..?" Pearl asked Garnet as Garnet then walked into lake and appeared 2 minutes later empty handed "welp, they won't let me grab them and they aren't calming down. But their holding their breath, so their either going to come out for air eventually or.... We become Sardonyx and scoop them out." Garnet told Pearl who looked at her startled "form Sardonyx!? Are you sure? I'd only do it if your okay with it." Pearl said whilst looking at Garnet who simply nodded, they then started their fusion dance and Garnet tossed Pearl into the air and caught her which resulted in the fusion Sardonyx to appear. Two white gloves hands pushed away a light red glowing curtain that disappeared into glowing white dragonflies, the fusion had red orange skin, 4 arms, she was 20 ft tall and had Garnets legs and tux like upper coat on and a red bowtie "alright, Y/n dearie. It's time to leave that lake hun." Sardonyx reached into the boiling lake and scooped out a still flaming Y/n "leave me alone... I want to be alone right now.." Y/n mumbled whilst not giving Sardonyx a glance.

"Oh come on dearie, you can't be mopey forever cause you were snuggling the little green pie~" Y/n then suddenly looked at Sardonyx and jumped which made the flames spark more "calm down, your just fine dearie." "W-who are you?" "I'm the lovely Sardonyx~ the fusion of Pearl and Garnet, and if you ever need me, just ask and I'll be there in a flash. Literally!" Sardonyx said as she set Y/n down as Garnet and Pearl unfused in front of them. "Calm enough to head back to the barn now Y/n?" Garnet asked as Y/n just sighed and nodded, following the two gems back to the barn as the two gems and the hybrid at the barn, were teaching Peridot to just simply dance, despite Peridot failing horribly each time and then throwing a temper tantrum. "Hey! Their back!" Steven ran over and gave Y/n a huge hug which knocked them over "hey Steven.." "you feeling better?" "Yeah... I'm feeling better."

     "That's good! We're teaching Peridot to dance. It's not working-" Steven told Y/n as they looked over at Peridot on the floor screeching her gem out. Y/n simply giggled at the small gems anger as Amethyst turned off the music and went to Garnet and Pearl as they all talked and went into the barn. Steven jumped out of Y/n's arms and went into the barn as well with the gems as Y/n went over to Peridot "you done yet?" Y/n asked Peridot who squeaked in surprise and blushed in embarrassment. Peridot quickly got up and stood nervously "yes..." she gently muttered "do you want me to teach you how to actually dance? Steven and Amethyst have weird ways of dancing if you ask me." Y/n said as Peridot looked at Y/n as if they said something unheard of and magical "you'd teach me?" Peridot asked as Y/n nodded and took out their phone and set it on a fence post nearby and turned on a song they played on full volume and went back over to Peridot.

     "So to dance, just feel the Rhythm! Move your body to the beat, you can dance however you want, just be moving!" Y/n told Peridot as they started dancing with Peridot watching them for a bit before she slowly got into it and started dancing with Y/n. Y/n and Peridot danced to the song for a bit before they both started happily laughing with each other over their dances, Peridot ended up tripping and bumping into Y/n which stopped their dance until Y/n held out their hand to Peridot for them to dance together. Peridot happily took their hand and they both started dancing together and laughing until, a green and red glow appeared from the gems as Y/n picked up Peridot in the dance and hugged her whilst spinning as their bodies both fell apart and glowed brightly. The gems in the barn noticed the light through the cracks in the walls and rushed outside to see Peridot and Y/n or at least what was the two. Their laughs turned into one commanding voice and they grew to 7 ft tall before the song ended and they looked at the gems "what?"

(Bloodstones Pov 😱😱)

     I was confused why were the gems staring at us? I followed their gazes towards myself and saw

     WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED TO US!? I started panicking, We!? WHO!? I was breathing panicked and felt myself being torn apart before Garnet rushed over and grabbed our face and us

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     WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED TO US!? I started panicking, We!? WHO!? I was breathing panicked and felt myself being torn apart before Garnet rushed over and grabbed our face and us.. me? Look her in her 3 eyes "Calm down! Your both okay. Your both a stable fusion. Your alright. Peridot. Y/n. You two fused.." Garnet spoke calmly to us as Steven bounded up to me "So what's your name!?" "Steven! Be calm, we don't know if their okay with this!" Pearl told Steven whilst slightly holding him back as I looked at my hands, I had yellow fingerless gloves and then the other pair had what seemed to be Peridots old limb enhancers. I guess she had missed them.. but who am I..? I'm not Y/n but I'm not Peridot either... "Bloodstone. I'm bloodstone." I said confidently, I guess with Peridot and Y/N's personalities combined, I'm the best version of both them. "Alright, Bloodstone. You are not 1 person but you are not 2. Your an experience. And you should go enjoy it! Just be back to the barn before midnight." Garnet said and let go of my face as I looked at myself once more before smiling and then running off to well. Be an experience.

(1016 words)

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