17. Rainy Friendship

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(Y/n pov)

I slept next to the bathroom door and woke up to mass amounts of toilet paper outside the door. I just sigh and look at the time on my phone, only 5 Am, so I have about an hour til Steven wakes up to start his routine for the day. "Peridot. Can I come in? I need to do my routine before Steven wakes up." Silence.. "Why should I let you in!?" "Cause I won't bother you or harm you?" Silence once more... then I heard the door unlock and tiny little feet running to the tub and a then a think into the tub. I smile as I open the door and come inside and see Peridot glaring at me from behind part of the shower curtain as a i shut the door "calm down your glare, tiny, you'll live with me being in here for a few minutes." Peridot grumbled as I called her tiny as I went up to the sink and looked in the mirror, I trailed the red marks on my face with a frown. I felt two little hands on my shoulders as I watched Peridots head pop up behind mine in the mirror, I could feel her tiny little feet jabbing into the back of my hips. "What are you doing?" I asked Peridot as she watched me in the mirror and then she pointed into the mirror "what's that? Your the only clod here I slightly, SLIGHTLY! Trust." I sigh and grab my (favorite color) toothbrush "it's a mirror, it's reflective glass meant to be used to see yourself" I heard Peridot ooo as she put her chin on my shoulder as I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and brush my teeth, which results in Peridot staring at me.

I spit out the toothpaste and grab my cup I have marked with a moon sticker on it, I fill the cup with water but once I turn on the water from the sinks faucet, peridot jumps off my back which makes her hair get slightly messy but relax down once she realizes it's just water. I drink some of the water and spit some out and dump out my cup, I turn off the water and set my cup down. "What's that?" Peridot pointed at the sink "that's a sink, it's meant to hold and also drain water." I heard her ooo once more which made me chuckle "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" "I'm not, I'm not, calm down." Peridot huffed and pouted as I then went to leave the bathroom, I couldn't help but feel Peridot was staring at me as I left the room and shut the door again. I heard Peridot lock the door as I slid down against the wall, I looked at the time 5:21 AM. I'll be sitting here for a while.

~time skip~

I had been playing games on phone until 6. The gems had gone to the kitchen to talk more about Peridot and I watched Steven walk over yawning with a Peridot foot in hand and pajamas on, I gave him a wave and smile as I'd like to see how this would play out. Steven knocked the door "Peridot. Can I come in? I need to get ready for the day." "No." "I have something for you." He held out the foot to the door as it unlocked and Peridot peeked out, then snatched the foot and shut the door, before opening it, Steven went inside and shut the door, i stood up and head over to the couch and flop onto it "you good Y/n? Peridot didn't talk or annoy to death right?" Amethyst asked as I waved her off as Garnet simply chuckled with Amethyst as Pearl shook her head. I ended up falling asleep.

~another time skip~

I woke up to Garnet banging on the bathroom door, I looked up and saw how it was stormy outside, I just sighed as Peridot and the gems yelled back and forth as I got up and got an apple out of the fridge before walking over to the bathroom. I watched the gems try to interrogate Peridot, Steven eventually came out of the bathroom with his normal outfit on "sorry for interrupting your interrogation" Steven gave me a wave and leaned against the wall "don't worry about it Steven." "I swear peridot will crack any second now." Pearl said confidently as Peridot then retorted "I'll talk for the likes of you! You... Crystal clods!" "UGH! I got your clods right here you little!-" Pearl made her hand into a fist at the door as Peridot laughed as Garnet put a hand on pearls shoulder "hold on Pearl, if she's not going to be of any help, let's investigate this thing on our own. Y/n stay with Steven and Peridot" I gave Garnet a nod as the gems went to the warp pad as Garnet told Steven he had to stay and Pearl called peridot harmless which resulted in more screams from Peridot about how she wasn't harmless. Garnet told Steven she loves him before they warped away, Steven went to the kitchen and started boiling something, I went into the kitchen with him as some small thunder clapped outside "they left you know. You can come out now" "yeah, you can come out Peridot. You just can't go outside." "No! I like it in here!" I rolled my eyes at her comment as Steven said okay. Some rain started pouring down onto the window as thunder clapped throughout the sky, me and Steven both looked at the rain and smiled "wow, it's really coming down" "sure is." A super loud thunder clapped with made me smile, I've always liked the sound of thunderstorms. The bathroom then slammed open and Peridot ran into a wall as me and Steven turned to look at her, "it's happening!" She screeched, Steven put a lid on the thing he was boiling and asked "what!?"

Peridot then ran over to us and climbed up the back of my hoodie so it hid her and her little head popped up next to mine "the cluster!!!" "Really!?" I shuddered at the thought of the cluster but then realized, she's probably just scared of the thunder "what else could be making that horrible-" another thing of thunder sounded and she screamed right into my ear and pulled my hood over her head as she shook in fear "it's pounding on the earth from the inside! This is it! This is the end of world!" Peridots voice got muffled as she shoved her face into my shoulder and held onto me tighter, I sighed and gently rubbed her head, she gently whimpered as Steven then started explaining "oh, that's just thunder." Peridot lifted her head from my shoulder to look at him "what..?" "Yeah, everything is fine. It's just thunder it happens when it rains." "Yeah, nothing to worry about, Peridot." "Eh... huh?" Peridot then looked outside at the rain "you don't know about rain?" "I don't know anything without my screen.." wow, Peridot would definitely be an iPad kid. If she was human of course. "It's okay, here. Pretend this soup is the ocean." He lured her attention back to the pot as he talked, he demonstrated with it "when the sun warms it up, the water evaporates into clouds, like this steam. And when the clouds get really heavy it rains." We watched the condensation happen on the lid of pot once Steven put the lid back on the pot "so scalding liquid pours down from the sky?" Peridot asked "no, it's cold, not freezing cold but... nice cold." I answered as Steven nodded and turned off the stove "here why don't we just show you?" I unzipped the hoodie and took peridot off my back, I left my hoodie on her which was funnily big on her, me and Steven then went to the door and Steven went outside first to feel the rain before running down to play in the wet sand while cheering, I just stood on the deck in the rain and watched Peridot as Peridot looked concerned as she shouted our names once we went outside.

"It's okay Peridot, don't worry." "Come on!" Steven shouted as he laughed down on the beach as Peridot looked at him very nervous. "Look we're okay! It's just water! This is just something that happens on earth! Isn't it cool" Steven explained as Peridot watched him run around and fall into the dirt as I sigh, I watched Peridot nervously stick her hand out into the rain, flinching back inside once it hit her finger and she rubbed the water away before coming and standing outside with Me and Steven with stars in her eyes. "Yeah! You did it! What do you think! is it cool!?" Peridot looked at Steven as some water trailed down from her visor "cool." I heard just barely mumble as I went back inside to get us all some towels. After a while Steven came back inside and used the towel I gave him to dry his hair and clean his hands from the mud, I had a towel on my head and I dragged Peridot onto my lap so I could dry her off.

"That was fun. Huh?" Steven looked at Peridot as she mumbling as i dried her hair and she kept smacking my hands away from doing so " it was..... something... hmm... uh... mm.. Steven? Y/n?" Me and Steven both have her hum as I let her get up once I finished her drying her and she tossed my hoodie onto the couch. "I'm going to say something." She took a breath before saying "thank you." "Uh what for?" Steven asked "for explaining this 'rain' business to me." She did air quotes when she said rain "it was no problem Peridot, your stuck here so you deserved to know." "Yes, you're both much more intelligent creatures than I initially thought." Me and Steven glanced at each other before he very confused thanked her. "Yes, much more... useful then those clods. Steven, Y/n! I've made up my mind!" "About what Peri?" Peridot glared at me for a second because of the nickname before looking away blushing slightly with her cheeks puffed out "I've decided to share some more information with you both!" "Ah, I know you use my toothbrush" me and Peridot looked at Steven confused.

     "N-no- well yes- but it's about the cluster." Steven gasped as he said "you cracked." "I haven't cracked!" Peridot screeched with a slight voice crack which was oddly cute... I can't hide it anymore she is adorable- "wait, you have to tell the gems. They need to know this!" Steven said as I nodded with him "no! I don't want to talk to them! Your both the only two I need!" Peridot grabbed Stevens shoulder and my hand as she couldn't reach my shoulder. Me and her both blushed with our now holding hands position as she got on her knees to be eye level with Steven, "I could show you now! But I have nothing! My arm attachments! My fingers! My screen! My log! It's all gone! But all of my logs up to date 652 still exist! Backed up in facet 5 of the prime kindergarten." "You want us to take you to... the kindergarten..?"

(1933 words, their will be many time jumps for the next few chapters so they don't draw out many episodes.)

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