11. Finally back home

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(Y/n Pov, long chapter ahead.)

Peridot had been flying and carrying me for hours maybe a few days, we haven't said a word to each other even though she did appear to be snickering when I wake each time though. I have a feeling she was messing with me while I most likely sleep talk. She had been carrying me over the ocean for quite a long time, I wonder where were even going, probably some gem place. We had already passed a strange looking geode island, I thought I saw bubbles coming from the ocean near a cliff next to it. Probably my imagination, but Peridot eventually starts lowering us to this weird structure jutting out of the ocean with tons of broken warp pads and a huge broken one in the middle, there were broken pillars circling the whole thing, I notice one warp pad isn't broken but I don't tell peridot, I could possibly use it to get away from her... sadly.. Wait! What!? No not sadly! I want to get away! But hopefully the gems will get here and beat Peridot, so I can finally go home. Peridot looks at the big warp pad in the middle, I'm pretty sure the gems said it use to let them go from earth to homeworld easier than using A ship. I sit a few inches from Peridot as she won't let me get any farther than that for some reason she won't tell me. Eventually, I hear the familiar sound of a warp activating but sadly, so does Peridot so she snaps her head around to face the gems and shakes her metal floating fingers to remove her screen and they float back to her hand, the crystal gems are on the only active pad left, I go to run to them but Peridot snatches my hand and tossed me onto her back "ah! Hah look! I was right! My plan worked perfectly!" "Good morning and good morning y/n!" I heard Steven yell once he noticed me.

     He's too nice for his own good, peridot makes a weird pose as she forces me to stay on her back "what!? How did you know I was here?" She asked "wow, great way to include the person you kidnapped." I mumbled as she glared at me as Steven then spoke "weeee found a secret way to track and we won't tell you! Even if you ask nicely!" Steven then stuck out his tongue, shut his left eye and pulled down the eyelid on his right "Peridot! We're here too!-" "And you'll never get away with this!" Pearl interrupted Garnet, Pearl seemed more skittish and panicked but determined to beat peridot. "Don't you gems have anything better to do than annoy me!?" Peridot shouted as Amethyst punched her hand into her fist "nope we're gonna-" "prepare to be annoyed!" Pearl interrupted amethyst this time as Amethyst looked at her confused and bit startled, which I did the same, they have more context on why she's attacking this way. Peridot grumbles and made her floating fingers clench into fists "I don't have time for this!" She shouted as the fingers changed into a gun and a ball of electricity it seemed "this planet has an experapion date and I'm not going to stick around to find out when!" She yelled again as she fired the ball of electricity but fell over one it launched, which was frankly right onto me. "OW! WATCH WHERE YOUR FALLING!" I shouted at her, as the gems ducked away from ball as it hit the tower behind making it break and fall, as it feel towards the gem Steven summoned a giant shield to block it, Pearl stares at the shield for a second before glaring at peridot who was getting off the floor "uuuhhh- ehehehe-" she looked nervously at the gun she made with her fingers and back at Pearl as Pearl then rushed us. I think she's forgotten I'm here! "That's it! I'm taking her out!" "Pearl wait!" As Pearl charged Peridot, Peridot caught her in a green beam that seemed to freeze her body, it emitted from her palm.

     "Hah! Sorry but your going the wrong way!" Peridot spun in a circle before launching Pearl towards Steven and hitting him as the shield disappeared, Garnet now held up the pillar as she told Amethyst something which lead to her rolling at us like she's sonic, peridot dived out of the way which lead to Anythesyt heading right into the pile of warp pad shards I assume, Amethyst pops her head out of the pile just fine so that's a relief. Peridot laughed as she walked on her fingers backwards which led to me clinging to her "WHOA! I didn't sign up for being upside down!" Peridot Ignored me as she teased Amethyst for missing, peridot hopped back onto her feet onto a broken warp pad "doesn't anything work on this cruddy planet!" I heard say but I was still dizzy from being upside and then upright so quickly "I do!" I heard Steven shout as I looked and watched Peridot get hit in the face with his shield "OW!" She yelped and moved her hands to her nose, a pillar then slammed down onto the warp pad she was standing on which launched us into the air, and we started spinning, I saw all the colors around us blur. I'm going to throw up! Peridot eventually balanced us out and turned her fingers into helicopters again, just above a fallen over Pearl and Garnet, Peridot curled into herself with a nervous face as Pearl and Garnet shouted at each other as quickly as Pearl apologized to her and Peridot quickly fly away from them "wow, this is just sad. I almost feel sorry for you. MEH!" She said as she landed on a working warp pad and did the same face Steven did to her as she warped us away, I forgot how strange warping was, I cling to Peridot and try to calm my breathing, the gems only ever took me on one mission with them, all this was getting to be a bit much. I felt something cylindrical itch my scalp and help calm down, I look up and see Peridot looking away from me as one of her floating fingers was itching my head.... Maybe she's not as bad as she seems...

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