25.5 Let us Bond 🌊

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(Y/n Pov)

     I sat in the barn after having said goodbye to Steven and the gems, Lapis was watching some weird romance show next to me and Peridot sat in between us, both of them very into the strange show "what even is this show on about..?" "No clue yet, but I like it." "Have you not been paying attention!? Not looking at the subtext! The drama!?" Peridot started rambling in which I covered her mouth with my hand, to which she licked in retaliation "Ew! Did you just lick my hand!?" "NYEH!" Peridot stuck out her tongue at me and bolted from the couch, clearly wanting a chase, so I gladly delivered it and got down and chased after her, chasing right on her heels in the barn. She squealed in surprise as I closed in on her, making her run around on all fours and then dive into a box. "Are you two done yet.?" I heard Lapis complain from.... The second floor of the barn? I think. Peridot grumbled in response from under her box as I held it down "almost. Just gotta teach her a lesson." Peridot screeched from under the box "go outside" "fine!" I scooped up the box from underneath, trapping peridot inside of it and carrying her outside before dropping her onto the floor and tossing the box inside again as she glared me. Huffing and puffing anger. "You clod!" "Yeah, yeah, I know." "..... no.... You're supposed to be offended by that! Not just accept it!" Peridot crawled up to you and hopped onto your chest, holding onto your shirt with her feet on your hips so she can be your height.

     "Why not? You call everyone a clod." "That! I... UGH!" She dramatically let go and fell onto the floor,  pouting as she looked at you.... She looked.... Very cute. Peridot huffed again "why are you going red human... and a tinge of blue." "H-huh? Oh... it's nothing. Don't ask." "But I must know! Steven says I'm still learning about the earth! So I must know! Like why Percy and Pierre were trying to eat each other's faces in camp pining heart!" I almost had a heart attack and immediately started to walk away "HEY! IM ASKING YOU A QUESTION!" "IM NOT ANSWERING!" "I MUST KNOW!" She then ran over and jump onto your back, still screeching about how she must know..... then I tripped on a rock. "Y/n! What where you walk! You tripped!" "Cause of your screeching" "I DO NOT SCREECH!" ".....uh huh.... Keep telling yourself that." ".... I will!" We stood in silence for a while before "it's... very quiet here.." "yeah, it is the country though..... but I do miss the sounds of the boardwalk." "I miss the sound of gems soldiers. Oh, to grow something!" I blinked slowly then sat up as I got an idea "oh! I know! Go get lapis!"

~timeskip in a store~

     "..... what is this place?" Peridot thinned her eyes at the stores neon sign as the three of us walked inside, I grabbed a basket as Peridot and Lapis walked further into the store, curious. "It's a place humans buy things, like food, cleaning stuff, hygiene stuff. Yada yada." "So why are we here then? We don't need that stuff." Lapis complained as she looked at a pineapple curiously. "To buy stuff to grow" "buy to grow? Humans buy things to grow!?" Peridot shouted as she climbed onto my back, making a few people give her a little glare before going back to their shopping. "Yes. And don't yell in stores. It's rude." "Oh." I guide the two curious gems over to the little stand of fruit and veggie seeds. "So the vegetables are the ones most likely to grow the best so pick from the ones under this label." I tapped the vegetable word on the sign as the two curiously looked over it and grabbed a few suddenly and held them out to me, some of what they got was corn, pumpkin, hay, etc. "alright, now put it in the basket and I'm gonna get a few snacks myself so I'm not always taking from the temple." Peridot and lapis nodded as they dropped the stuff in the basket and grinned at each other, they seemed surprisingly happy about this. I guided them around the store as I got a few chips, lapis even grabbed a bag to try and a few candies. "Now, we go to one of those lines or machines to buy them and check out.

     "Check out?" Peridot looked at me confused. "It just means purchase then leave." "I see. Humans are strange." "Agreed." I rolled my eyes at the two and led them to a self checkout machine, scanning an item. Which led to peridot scampering to my side to stare with big eyes at it. Lapis also had big eyes but tried to act indifferent. "You want to scan one peri?" "YeeesSSssaSSasS" "eheheh, alright you put this little bit over the red, when it beeps put it in the bag." Peridot quickly grabbed an item and scanned it, giggling at the beep. Before proceeding to scan everything the fastest I've ever seen and grinned at me as I nervously sighed at the price and miraculously paid for it. "Now. We go home and plant them!" "Yay!" Peridot cheered before grabbing me and lapis's hands and dragging us out the store as I grabbed the bags. This'll be fun.

(Sorry it's been a while. 923 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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