24.5 Hit the Diamond 🌊

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(Y/n Pov, yes, this chapter is a majorly touched up copy and paste from the past one but that chapter took so long to write-)

    I grumbled as I felt the cold air of wind... what... what happened....? I'm not fused anymore... thankfully... but.... Who's... what's going on...? I heard a mass amount of people talking behind me.. who.....? I struggled to open my eyes at first, everything blurry and watery as sit up, I groan in pain and used one hand to hold my head.. I turned around and saw the gems... what are they talking about...?

"Baseball!?" "... I saw that this was a possibility.. though I'm surprised this is the path we're taking, alright everyone, get ready for this then." Sapphire spoke as all the gems shape shifted into new 'baseball' outfits, ones specifically suiting their styles as they grabbed baseballs, gloves and bats, I felt Steven rush over and hug me. "Y/n! Your awake! Finally! I-I was so worried!" "Hey.. hey.. it's alright... my head just really hurts..." I told him as I patted his shoulder, "do you want to help us beat some rubies in baseball so they don't search the barn and find peridot?" Steven asked hopefully and cheerfully. "Ugh... I don't know Steven... my head really hurts..." "awe man... well, you can stay in the barn and rest with peridot or come watch us for a bit . But not actually rest! You've slept for a very long time." Steven said as he walked over to the rest of the group after pointing at me since I slept a lot. I'm guessing Steven was explaining what I was doing, now that I'm up. I walk over to the rest of the group and just feel... taller than normal... like garnet height honestly.. eventually they all walked out and I followed after them shortly after and sat on a bench.

I watched them play a few games and the rubies honestly seemed to be having some fun. At the time now, I was on the bench and frankly so we're some of the rubies, specifically the Eyeball and Navel gem placement ones. The 'Navy' one hadn't stopped staring at me with dreamy eyes... (lapis hadn't stopped glancing over either but I know it's for a better reason than this Ruby) "your very pretty~ I didn't know humans could be so many colors at once~ it's very cool~" Navy said as she stared to lean against my arm and slowly slid herself so her head fell into my lap. I looked at her surprised as she looked up with a frankly fake innocent face "how'd I end up here?~ I'm comfy~ can I stay?~" Navy said as she stretched out on my lap, her back on my legs and her stomach facing the sky. I don't really want to let her stay, but I do have to admit, she's cute. So I nodded and let her lay in my lap as the game continued, Eyeball stared concerned but she also seemed to stare longingly, like she craved affection. I can't believe I'm doing this... i pat the spot next to me to encourage her to at least get closer, what I wasn't expecting was for her to snuggle up directly at my side! Are rubies meant to be so cuddly? Cause this... was a bit much... honestly the only person I'd want to cuddle like this is perido- NOPE- SHUSH HEAD- Soon enough, and sadly enough- the rest of the rubies noticed the two clinging to me and followed suit- Leggy clung to my legs, Army was on my left, and Doc was on my shoulders "uh- rubies! We're still playing! Leave Y/n alone!" Steven shouted as all the rubies looked over and whined/pouted in some type of way and stomped off to the field. "You alright Y/n? They looked like they were leaching onto you."

     "I'm alright Steven, but... I mean- they did just feel like heated weighted plushes so it wasn't that bad... but it was very weird- I'm.. im gonna stay in the barn now to make sure I don't latched onto." "Alright, still! Keep cheering for us!" Steven said as I got up and walked to the barn, I gave him a thumbs up and go inside the barn. When I got inside, I saw two little green hands peeking out from under a box. I gently smile at her but notice a mirror and walk over to it first. My hair was more shaped like Malachites was, it had some faint streaks of the very light mint color. My skin was... along with the red stripes, but with some smaller thinner malachite skinned stripes. I seemed so... different now.... But I was a human trapped in a fusion for... I don't even know how many months.. I sighed and turned the mirror around before going and laying down in the spot I woke up in, laying on the thin layer of hay and blanket on the floor. I heard a gentle pitter patter of feet come towards me and I looked to my side and saw peridots little box beside me now. "Peridot... what are you doing?" "..." "peridot. Tell me." She didn't say anything and simply pushed herself up against my side but stayed slightly under the box, it lifted up slightly from her pressing herself into my side. I set my head on the floor and looked under the box at her, we made eye contact as she blushed and squeaked, moving away from me. I simply chuckle in response and grab the box, pulling her closer and I knock it over.

     Peridot squeaked louder but looked at me with a very dark green face. "Are you jealous from the rubies being so cuddly to me?~" I playfully teased as she whined but snuggled up to my side again. "Hehehe, never expected you to be the jealou- no- wait- I definitely expected it." Peridot glared at me and pouted before grumbling a shut up, I laughed and ruffled her hair, making her spike all over. She grumbled more and fixed her hair and we laid side by side. We stayed like for while, eventually though, I got uncomfortable and grabbed peridot, who cutely squeaked in response and blushed before I sat up and brought her over to the barn door so we could watch the gems play baseball, I left peridot to sit in my lap, frankly, she was holding onto my shirt and pressed herself against me as we watched the game. Soon enough, I saw one of her little arms reaching up and start messing with my new star shaped hair, her pupils turn into stars as she gently gasps and stuffs her hand entirely into my hair as she feels the fluff. "You likin my hair there peri?" She squeaked and quickly jumped away and then looked out of the band and gasped.

I follow suit and look out just to see Ruby and Sapphire fuse again, then watch the rubies all fuse together into a giant Ruby, Peridot then bolted up from my lap and bolted outside "WAIT! STOP! DONT HURT THEM! OOF-" she then faceplanted and tried running on all fours "OOF!-" faceplanted again before finally getting it and running over to them on all fours, I run after her and stand behind Pearl and Garnet, not by choice as they block me from getting closer. "Wait! Please please! It's me you're after right? I'm gonna stand by and let my friends fight my battles!" Peridot said as she stood in front of all us in front the mega Ruby, who honestly had really cute facial expressions. "Awe! Peri loves us!" Steven said as he put his hands to his cheeks as mega Ruby crouched down to try and get to peridots height from their newfound height. "Are you the Peridot assigned to the failed earth mission?" She/they questioned ".... Not sure if.. failed would be the right word to-" I gently hit the back of her head as mega ruby interrupted her at the same time "where is Jasper!?" Steven looked at me and mumbled "is that what you were trying to say earlier-" I simply sighed and nodded in response "you're looking for Jasper...?" Peridot questioned, honestly sounding slightly disappointed "correct!" "Wait, but I'm the one who betrayed the mission! Who called yellow diamond a clod! The new leader of the crystal gems!?" "Wha?" Pearl said as we all looked at her confused on that one, even though she'd make a great adorable leader in my opinion-

"Tell us where Jasper is now!" Mega Ruby gently yelled as she leaned closer to Peridot and Steven, Pearl tighten her grip on her spear and Garnet gently clenched her fists, I did clench my fists at Jaspers name and thinned my eyes at mega Ruby with a scowl, Lapis stood beside me and looked away at the sound of Jaspers name. "Jasper um... we know where Jasper is..?" Peridot said she looked at Pearl who shook her head "well!?" "Uh..." "NEPTUNE! She's on the planet Neptune!" Steven shouted and pointed to where he assumed Neptune was, I moved his hand to the more correct spot as Mega Ruby looked in that direction then back at us with an innocent face. Before squinting suspiciously then saying "well, why didn't you say so?" Steven sighed a breath of relief as the rubies unfused, leggy sitting down, army looking violent, Navy acting innocent, Eyeball looking angry as usual and Doc with her hands on her hips looking proud. "We all here? 1.. 2.. 3.. 4... and Hah! 5! To the planet! Neptune!" Doc shouted and turned around pointing to the sky "let's move out soldiers!" Army shouted before marching off to the ship "what a lovely sounding planet~" navy said, following army but not before winking and blowing a kiss at me.. for some reason... I felt two arms hug me and looked down to see peridot glaring at Navy with a small scowl of jealousy as Doc dragged Leggy off as Eyeball walked up to Steven "...thank you." She grumbled before marching after the rest, looking at us a final time before shutting the ships doors and flying off to Neptune.

"Man, rubies are dumb!" "Not all of them." "Well, I beg to differ. Hey!- Garnet!-" I whined as she gently punched my shoulder, but even then, it didn't hurt as much as it should've..

(1755 words)

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