Just Headcannons

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This isn't a chapter just headcannons for gems and some of the story.

Just gems

- Rubies physically cannot handle being alone, when their alone, they will desperately search for their group or someone to guard.

- All homeworld gems react to laser pointers like cats do. I mostly thought of this cause it'd be hilarious to see the diamonds chasing after a dot that's not even the size of their fingers.

- the humans in the zoo cannot get back up if they fall onto their back. Their like turtles.

- All quartzes will go crazy over catnip and the game fetch. Throw a stick and they climb over eachother to get it.

- the diamonds are terrified of spiders. When on earth, if they see a spider they will freak out and run back to their ship to hide-

- Jasper can hide things inside her hair. Including people and other gems-

- Peridot spent 3 hours crying after Steven stole her foot in the Episode friendship

- Lapis can dye her water wings different colors and dyed them like space when she was missing it.

- Peridot will chase people she doesn't like on all fours and scream and hiss at them


- Peridot can fuse but only with people she trusts but she can't stay fused for long.

- Y/n and Pearl have a complicated relationship, they'll bicker and fight but will be best buds 2 minutes later and no one knows how this works.

- Steven will attack Y/n with surprise hugs, Y/n is used to it by now.

- Peridot will hide in Y/n's hoodie and steal it weekly. Might as well buy a new one. But even if you do, she will still steal the one your using.

- Y/n is slightly actually scared of Garnet-

Malachite part of the story 😱

- Y/n has trauma from fusion but will still fuse only if it's someone they trust and they know they can take control

- Y/n is best friends with Lapis despite what happened to them but even then, lapis breaking Peridots tape recorder was Low to them.

- Y/n has the ability to control water like lapis but it is a lot weaker then Lapis's power.

Space Gems Heart (Peridot X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now