24.Hit The Diamond

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(Y/n pov, timeskip to the rubies cause I love those little gals, ps, long chapter! To make up for my time away)

Lapis had smacked down the beet shaped ship... the memories I had from a ship like that... peridot smiled at Lapis, I was still a bit sour from how Lapis has been treating us Once she learned we 3 were staying in the barn together, I decided to stay back with Peridot to make sure she doesn't get into trouble ... I heard steam hiss as I looked up, noticing the rest of the group is here now. A latch on the ship opened, a red hand grabbed onto the edge and.. I'm guessing a Ruby looked out before looking at us, showing the gem on her right eyeball. "Ruby...?" Steven slightly mumbled before Garnet grabbed us all and tossed us all into the barn to hide, Steven and Me peeking out to watch the said Eyeball Ruby. The Ruby hopped out onto the grass and seemingly growled as she started walking around, a second Ruby popped out of the ship, having a unibrow and seeming very angry, her gem located on her arm as she kicked the grass and flowers, just being really angry. A third Ruby appeared from the ship, seeming happy and smiling at the sky and view, she said some things I couldn't quite hear, her gem located on her navel as she got out and walked around. Then another Ruby peeked out of the ship, seeming very timid and shy, she looked like she was mumbling something before she was pushed out of the ship by another Ruby, the shy Ruby had her gem on her upper thigh, the Ruby that shoved her out had a yellow visor and her gem was on her doc, she appeared to be the leader.

"Whoa.. look at em all." Steven said as he perked at them from the floor, Peridot peeked out while pushing her hands onto Stevens head "I knew it! Their after me! This is the end of the line!" Peridot said as she sat on Stevens back "no it's not peri.." "wow... you really weren't kidding." Lapis said whilst looking at Peridot, who was terrified. "I disobeyed a direct order from yellow diamond and called her a clod to her face." Peridot said as she frowned then cheekily smiled at calling yellow a clod. "Oh honestly... you call everyone a clod.." Pearl spoke sassily as she rolled her eyes as Peridot covered her mouth with one hand and got of Stevens back, which she was sitting on. "Yes, but not everyone has command over all the armies of Homeworld! Waiting for the word to shatter me!" Peridot scampered over on all fours to a box with a bunch of baseball items in it, before dumping everything out and putting it over herself, silently whimpering. Me and Steven walked over, I lifted the box off her to show her, quite adorable curled up form. "Peridot, we won't let them get you." "... but haven't I caused you enough trouble..?" Garnet then walked over as I tossed the box aside. "Don't worry, Peridot. It's our sworn duty to protect anything that calls this planet home. And that includes. Clods like you." Peridot stood up and stared at garnet with wide eyes before mumbling. "That's my word.." "listen up everyone!I have a plan, or should I say we have a plan." Garnet spoke as she raised her hands and unfused before all of us, Pearl, Amethyst and peridot seemed spooked, I was used to them unfusing so Ruby could help me with my magic. "Hello everyone." Sapphire spoke calmly whilst holding rubies hands, Pearl and Amethyst walked up to them and said in sync "Ruby! Sapphire!" "HuuUuuUuUGgGggSsSsS!" Steven slowly ran up and hugged both of them as they were his height.

     "Heh! Hello Steven." Sapphire said as she hugged Steven with one arm and Ruby copied. "So, what's the plan you two?" I asked as Ruby looked up at me proud and chuckled "you got this. Just act casual." Sapphire kissed rubies cheek and Ruby hit her hand into her palm (the one with not the gem-) "yeah, casual!" Ruby then proceeded to awkwardly walk out of the barn over to them. Everyone watched Ruby interact with the rubies as I look at sapphire "is this really gonna work?.." she just smiled at me as Ruby came running back into the barn. "They want to search the barn!" "We heard." "We saw".. "I'm scared!" "Let's ambush them!" Amethyst slightly shouted as she raised a baseball bat which I pushed out of my face as Peridot held onto my leg "no. No one needs to get hurt. Let's be sensible." Sapphire said as she walked up to a nervous Ruby and put a hand on her hand which Ruby was chewing on "what do I do!?" "Just go out there and tell them this is a place where humans live." Sapphire said as she held rubies hand before letting go. "I don't want to go alone..." "oh! I'll come I'll be your backup!" Steven said as he put his arms up, just barely flexing "and I'll be your backup. Two humans is better than one." I said as I stood behind him just as amethyst walked up and handed us both a bat. "Here's some backup for your backup." We then walked after Ruby over to the group of rubies, knowing Steven, he's probably thinking of names for them. They all stared at us. The Ruby with her gem on her navel stared at me closely and smiled dreamily. (Foreshadowing??) "I checked the barn! And I just found a bunch of humans" Ruby nervously chuckled.

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