13. Ruby Magic

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(Y/n Pov)

     It had been 2 hours since I started and I still hadn't been able to summon my weapon at all, Steven had gotten bored and ran off to go hang out with Amethyst in the city and tell everyone I was back in the city so we could throw a big party. "Lets just give up." I mumbled as Ruby shook her no "No! We cant give up! We need to find your Enteral flame!" I whined "Maybe you should try something else, like lighting yourselves on fire." Sapphire gave the request as Ruby then ooo'd and nodded, I mean, should be easier than summoning a weapon right? "So! You just have to have super strong emotions! Get Mad! Get Happy!" Ruby shouted as she lit on herself on fire, I took a breath and tried finding something to get mad or happy over.. seeing the gems was great.. But not great enough sadly.... what about Peridot?... I mean.. She's cute.. quite pretty.. and.. beautiful... and.. "THERE IT IS! YEAH!" Ruby cheered wildly as I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Ruby as I looked down and saw flames erupting from my body.

     "OH!-" I get a little startled as Ruby kept cheering and Sapphire gave a thumbs up with a smug smile, Pearl was gently clapping next to her as I heard some yelling down the beach and Steven running over with a group of people which made the flames on me extinguish which made Ruby pout but Sapphire dragged Ruby back over to her and the fused back into Garnet with a smile as Steven jumped into my arms for a hug but then I got tackled by more people, The cool kids were there, Sadie and Lars, Onion, Jamie, etc! I laughed as I did my best to hug them all back but physically couldn't.

     We all eventually pulled out of the hug, "We missed you!" "Steven told us what happened!" "That sounded Crazy!" "Can you tell my blog about it!?" Everyone talked at once as they swarmed me "How about we all just have a party on the beach later today?" I requested and Everyone seemingly agreed and we all planned it out to start at about 6 PM and last until 8 PM for a night party as Garnet helped me pick out the best time for the best future outcome. Soon enough everyone left as Me and The gems headed back into the temple to watch some shows with Steven as we waited for the time of the party to arrive, I had asked Sour cream to be our Dj and he said yes so we're going to have music and Pearls going help me make snacks for the party as well.

~Time Skip Where you and Pearl are baking so you can have some bonding time with bird mom~

     Me and Pearl decided to send Garnet, Amethyst and Steven to go ask some other towns people If they could bring snacks as well as this has turned into a big city party by now. "Alright, so I got all the supplies we will need for baking! Oh! This seems like so much fun! Now, what should we make?" Pearl gently cheers as thought of making a big cake "How about a big cake? or many normal sized cakes?" "Hmmm, how about many small cakes so we can still follow the recipes exactly like they say!" I forgot how 'perfecty' Pearl is "Alright then, now we just need to start!" I said as Me and Pearl both grabbed the boxes of cake mix and the tools to start baking, We both put the cakes in the oven and waited for them to finish as the other gems got home and let Pearl be with the cakes so me and the other gems could set up the party.

~One more time-skip~

Eventually the party came around, Sour cream arrived first to set up his Dj stuff with the help of me and Steven, I surprisingly had a new-found strength. After helping Sour cream with his set the rest of the town came over and the party started, Connie gave me a hug as soon as she saw me so I hugged her back and we exchanged a few words. Sour cream started playing some songs which got everyone dancing expect the gems and myself, we were hanging out around the snack table we had set up, Amethyst was stuffing her face with snacks as me, Pearl, and Garner talked. "What are we going to do about Peridot though? We can't let her run around forever." Pearl spoke softly "well, I've been stuck to her, she'll be back at the galaxy warp eventually. I guess it's a waiting game until she shows back up again." I told Pearl and Garnet.

     "No. No more waiting, the second we get any more information about her whereabouts, we get her." Garnet spoke with a serious tone as I frowned slightly. "So your going to poof and bubble her right?... not... anything else..?" "Yes. Only poofing and bubbling. Nothing more. Nothing less." Garnet spoke as Amethyst looked at me with a smug smile. I glared at Amethyst as a Pearl and Garnet spoke with only eachother again. Amethyst dragged me to the side and away from them "You can hide it from them all you want. I know your crush on that little pie~" "Amethyst! Shush! It's not a crush! She's just.... Better than expected." As I said that Amethyst only laughed as I got more flustered from the teasing. Evening though the party had ended and everyone had went home, me and the gems had gone back inside after packing all the stuff we had up and brought them inside and stored them in Amethysts room. I flopped onto the couch, and tossed my blanket over myself and waved to the gems as they went into their respective rooms and looked at the ceiling to see Steven leaning over me from the loft area to say goodnight and disappear back to his bed as I fell asleep peacefully.

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