12. Let Me Explain

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(Sorry, no Malachite chapters for bit as that episode with malachite infusion is a while away, Y/n Pov)

Garnet carried me back to the warp pad as we all warped back to the temple and Garnet set me on the couch. I was extremely sore from falling onto the roof of that ship as it was metal. "Are you sure you're alright? No broken bones? No trauma from Peridot?" Pearl fussed as I laid down and winced at my extremely sore elbow, Amethyst sat down in front of the couch as Steven did the same, Garnet and Pearl kept standing. "Yeah, my elbow just hurts cause of how Peridot kept us connected." Pearl grumbled and looked away as said Peridot and I felt two chubby arms wrap around my chest "Im glad your okay..." Steven just barely whispered as he looked off to the side. I smiled and hugged him back, "Im glad your all okay, man this has been alot!" Amethyst laughed as Steven giggled and Garnet shook her head with a smile. "Well, could you tell us what happened to you?" Pearl asked as she finally looked back over at me. "Oh yeah! On the day I uh... went missing, I found this little red looking beet shaped ship in the woods, I went to check it out and make sure there were no fires. I... might've climbed into the shop though and messed with the door setting. Then I pressed another button and it launched me into space! I passed from banging my head against something and woke up on Peridots ship. I had these red stripes when I woke up cause there were shards of rubies in the ship and I'm guessing they cut me and got stuck inside, then..

(Hours of explaining from both sides later)

     "Jeez, I missed. SO much!" Steven and Amethyst laughed at my reaction to their side of their explanation. Garnet then rested her hand on my shoulder "well, talking about those Ruby shards. You clearly posses the powers of gem now, somehow. And someone should teach you to use that power. So I say go and train trying to summon your weapon. Now go train on the beach." Garnet then gave me a nudge towards the door and I whined in response but left the house and went onto the beach as I heard Pearl interrogating Garnet as she believed I should rest.

This is gonna be a lot..

(427 Words, sorry, the chapter deleted itself so I had to redo it from what I remembered.)

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