22. Freedom

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(Y/n pov)

It was a few days after me and Peridot had fused, we had finished the drill and wanted to take it for some test runs. I was eating an apple when suddenly and mini earthquake happened and made me drop my half eaten apple into the dirt. "This could be the start of the emergence of the cluster! Stage 1 slight tremors very quarter hour stage 2 full scale earthquakes! Stage 3! The earth is destroyed! We're running of time! We need to drill, right now!" I walked to the group as I was leaning against the barn for some peace "No! It was Malachite!" "Malachite!?" "What?" The gems had explained to me that Malachite was the toxic fusion of Jasper and Lapis. The actual Gem Malachite was toxic when put in water. "I was on mask island! I was in a watermelon steven! They have a lovely community but but Malachite! She was there!" Steven exclaimed as I stood next to Peridot who was on a hay bale.

"Lapis Lazuli is losing control. Soon Jasper will overpower her and Malachite will be loose." Garner spoke in calm voice but I could pick out the worry that lingered in her voice. "Who knows what sort of destruction and unstable fusion like malachite could cause" Pearl said as Peridot looked around in confusion so I whispered to her I'd explain and she smiled "alright gems! Pearl, Amethyst and I will warp to mask island, Steven, Y/n it's too dangerous for you both, stay here and watch after the drill with Peridot. Let's go gems! To the nearest warp pad!" Garnet shouted and pointed as Amethyst and Pearl shouted with her as the three ran off to a warp pad. Suddenly the ground shook again.

~mini timeskip to after explaining everything to Peridot~

"So lazuli has Jasper trapped in a fusion? Your joking me." Peridot mumbled as me, her and Steven sat on a blanket in the grass. "It's true! But lapis must be getting tired from fighting Jasper for so long." "Just being on a ship with Jasper made me tired" "no joke Peri." Once more the ground shook "A! I gotta help them! But they told me it was too dangerous." "Cause it is Steven." "Why don't you just disobey them? Rebel? Isn't that like... your guys thing?" Peri requested as I smacked the back of her head gently "huh! Your right! Oo I know! I'll fall asleep! And go into a watermelon Steven again! This way I can help them and be safe at the same time!" Steven said as he did a cheeky laugh once telling me and Peri his plan. "Wow, your a real anarchist." Peri said sarcastically as Steven mumbled before falling asleep. Peri grumbled and fell back so her head fell onto my lap. "Guess it's just us for a while now."

Peri looked up at me "what will happen if we don't beat the cluster in time?... what will happen to you..?" ".... Let's not think about that." Peri sighed and grabbed one of my hands with her small little hands, she gently felt the lines in my palms, it made me giggle a little so she noticed "what's that noise your making?" "Oh... I'm... giggling, what your doing is tickling me. Hehehe" I giggled as she blinked at me before tickling my hand again which made me giggle more "Peridot! Eheheheheh stop!" I pulled my hand away from hers as she giggled at my reaction. I calmed down and pouted at her, after fusing, we got extremely close and were side by side all the time. "That's it." I then grabbed her sides and started tickling her, she screeched loudly before laughing like crazy and flailing her arms around, smacking my head and kicking the floor. "HUMAN! STOP! HAHAHAHAHHAHAS STOP IT! AHAHAHHEHHEHE I DONT LIKE YOUR EHEHEHEHE HUMAN TICKLES!" She screeched whilst she laughed.

I laughed at her and let her go as she flopped her arms down on the floor beside her as she panted, despite not needing air. "Your laugh is so cute Peri." "No.... It's not... jerk... human.." Peri panted out as I giggled at her, she was absolutely adorable. "Bad human.... No tickles.. ever again." Peri grumbled as she flopped back onto me, very grumpy. "Only a few more times." "NO! NO MORE TIMES!" Peri screeched and smacked my cheek so I smacked hers back, she gasped offended and then back up away from me, and then tackled me to the floor. We started play fighting and wrestling, toppling over each other as we fought. I eventually got tired out so I fell onto my back and let Peri 'win' the 'fight' as she sat on my stomach, victorious. "Yes! I win! Your feeble hybrid body was no match for the great and lovable Peridot!" She cheered as I giggled at her immaturity.

     The ground shook violently again and Peridot leaned down fast and hugged me tightly, we then heard creaking and saw the drill shaking and suddenly falling, RIGHT TOWARDS STEVEN! We both rushed up and suddenly glowed.

(Bloodstone's pov)

     I rushed and held the Drill with my 4 arms just before it crushed Steven "well, that could've been bad, tiny man." I said as I lifted the drill back onto its wood stand which I stomped deeper into the dirt to secure it better. "Have a good rest kiddo." I patted Stevens hand as I willingly felt myself disappear.

(Y/n pov)

     Me and Peridot unfused holding hands, we both looked at each other and our hands and violently tugged them away from each other, we looked away from each other with dark green and red cheeks. I felt my body get increasingly warmer, I knew I lit on fire so I climbed off the grass onto the top of the drill as Peridot sat next to Steven when the ground shook again, more violently, the drill didn't fall over this time but Steven suddenly woke up in a fright.

(1008 words)

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