first meet

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Arnav saw me smiling. He said let's give us your introduction. Shall we start from the first bench, smiling girl? I got little nervous. Cause why not I was smiling sitting on the first bench. I was so damn embarrassed in front of everyone and on the first day of university. I stood up looking at his eyes. Nidhi was holding my hands to encourage me. I said, "hello my seniors and my friends. I am Aisha Sharma. I am from Delhi. I found this university amazing. So I got into here and it's indeed really nice and you guys are also very nice" Don't you know how to give proper introduction. Arnav said. I again got confused. "Say something about your passion,hobby. I mean we are not here to only study books. We'll develop other qualities too. So tell me about it" I said, "sorry"     Then I continued, "I Really like to do paintings and sometimes I sing. Cause I really love it, also I like to read books" Arnav said, "interesting so I am sure we will get the opportunity to here your song. Right?" I was confused and said, "okay, sure". Though I rarely sing on stage. But what can I say in ftont of so much people. Then he said,"OK sit down and don't smile specially when you are on the first bench. You should care about the professor. What will he think haa? If you want to smile then sit on the last bench. Got it." Then I sat down. Then nidhi gave her intro. Then other students also. A girl named neha was really talking sweetly to him like a bit flirting. Obviously he was so damn good. So every girl was looking at him But he didn't care about them. He was doing his duty. He was such a perfect guy, I thought. Then the seniors talked about the rules and at last they said ,"its your first day and your classes will not be held today." So today is a chill day" netish bhaiya said. Then they went out. But Arnav gave me a look before leaving. I don't know why? But anyways then we went down stairs to have something to eat. We were so happy because there was no class that day.......

Next part will be uploaded very soon. love you all. 💓

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