confession (part 2)

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Aisha's pov -

I was just thinking of him and the unexpected confession. I was sitting on the bench and then my friends came because the next class was about to start. Nidhi asked me where I was and why my mood was off. I said, "I just went to the balcony to have some cold air that's it. Mm my mood is off because I'm not feeling well. I wanna go to my room." I was not telling the truth but I had no other option. I couldn't tell about the whole thing to her. She said, "if you're not feeling well then I will also come with you to hostel." But I said, "no I can go alone. It's OK. You do the class. Then give me the notes OK. Bye" I quickly got out of the class and started walking really fast. But again I saw him. I was so embarrassed. I had never talked about my feelings to him. Even I was not sure about my feelings. But that day I didn't know what happened to me. I looked at him for few seconds then walked again really fast. He followed my footsteps. I was not ready to hear his reply because I didn't want any reply. But he didn't stop. Finally he called me, "Aisha stop please I wanna talk to you. Please stop." But I didn't stop. At that moment I didn't want to face him. So I kept going towards my hostel. He was calling me but I didn't listen to him. I just wanted to escape from there. Then finally he grabbed my wrist and I stopped. He said, "look into my eyes, Aisha. We really need to talk. Don't act like a little girl. Look at me. Please." I finally somehow looked at him. He was looking right into my eyes. I couldn't make eye contact with him. Because I was so damn embarrassed. I shouldn't have told him about my feelings. I didn't even talked to him properly. I didn't even show him any kind of interest. But still I confessed to him about my feelings. He might be thinking that I was also like the other girls, who were crazy for him. But I was not like them. I didn't know what happened to me. But I really felt a deep connection with him. I just couldn't make him understand that. He finally broke the silence and said, "now say what you feel about me. Don't try to run away from me. I'll catch you anyway. You can't escape from me without telling me." I hesitated to speak to him. But I knew I had to say something. So I said, " I'm really nervous right now. Honestly I didn't know what to say. Please don't think that I'm like those girls who are crazy about you. I don't know what happened to me. I really feel a deep connection towards you. You are such a nice person. How could someone not like you? I don't know what to say but you really melted my heart. I'm sorry if I'm hurting you. But yes it's true that I like you. I really really like you. Priya di always tells me that I have kinda like you. But I didn't listen to her. But now I know that she was right. But you don't think too much about it. I'll not disturb you anyway. My love is enough. I will not force you to love me. I respect whatever you're feeling are. It's your life so you have to make your own decisions. I'll not interfere in your personal life. I'll just see you from far. Bye. And sorry again if my words hurt you." He was in shock for a few seconds. Then finally said, "wait I have not even removed my hand from yours. I have also something to say to you." I looked at my wrist. My hand was completely covered by his hands. I looked at him. He said, " I'm not sure about my feelings but I know that you're different from other girls. Your way of thinking is really different from others. I know that some girls are crazy about me. But I also know that your not one of those desperate girls. You are unique." I blushed when I heard that. He continued, "but look Aisha I don't wanna be too fast in these topics. I wanna give it some time. Now go and don't think about it too much." I said, "it's ok I understand. I'm not telling you to love me. It's your life. I can't force you. But anyways I'm happy with my own feelings. Because this feeling of love is so so beautiful. You'll not understand it. When you'll fall in love with someone only then you can understand. Bye." I was about to go but then suddenly a shower of rain touched our bodies. And of course I love rain. So I felt happy. And that moment was magical. It was very special for me and the rain even made it more special. He was looking at me. I was looking at the sky. We were standing at the middle of the road. I looked at the sky. That moment was like a movie. I wanna dance with him like Aditya and Geet in the movie "jab we met." That song "tum se hi" came to my mind. I remembered how they both danced in the rain. That day I just didn't want to come back to the hostel. I just wanna stay with him like that. He said, "Aisha go run. Your hostel is just 2 minutes from here. Otherwise you'll get sick. Gooo" I smiled at him and said, "okay byeeee."

Arnav's pov -

I know that I also have feelings for her because I always get drawn to her. She always melts my heart. She is super cute. But I don't wanna propose her right now. I'll do in the right moment. I'll surprise her with my sudden proposal. I just wanna tease her a bit 😂. She is honestly a good girl. She went to her hostel and I was still there. I was looking at her. This girl is unique. I have never thought that she would propose me. I have feelings for her but I have never expected a proposal from her. It was seriously unexpected. I was in shock for few minutes. But I'm happy that we both have feelings for each other. I'll propose her later. But till then let's make her confused. I love teasing her 😂. I'm really thankful for her. Thanks God.

Aisha's pov -

I headed to my hostel. I was enjoying the rain that day. At first I was feeling embarrassed but after telling him about my feelings I felt good. But I didn't expect anything from him. He might not like me but that's okay. I got into my hostel room. It was almost 12 pm. The rain had stopped. The sun rays again appeared. It came through my window. I changed my clothes and sat on my bed. I was just hoping that he would accept my proposal. I watched some random videos, had my lunch, took a nap. It was not a short one I slept for 2 hours. When I woke up priya di was in the room. Immediately after waking up she just said, "now tell what happened between you two." I was like wait wait. Give me few minutes. I just woke up but no she couldn't wait. So I said, "so it was unexpected." she said, "Aisha just come to the point. I can't wait." I said, "okay okay. So today I proposed him." she shouted, "what? Whatttt? You're lying. I don't believe you." I said, "yes it is true. I just told him about my feelings. I didn't say I love you to him😂. But yaa I confessed that I have feelings for him." she said, "wait, pinch me. Am I dreaming. It's not real. How could you do that? I mean you're not that kind of girl who would propose him suddenly. I know you. Tell me in detail." I said, "yes I would never proposed him so suddenly but the situation forced me to confess my feelings.  He said, " I'll need some time to think. I don't want to take any decision now." That's it. And I will also not force him to love me. Because it's his life. All decisions will be his. So yaa I'm just hoping the best. That's it. Don't ask me more questions. Anyways I'm nervous so I don't wanna answer anything now."  "okay. Okay. Take your time. But you did a great job. Otherwise nishita would take him.😏 she is crazy about him. And I'm sure his answer will be yes. You guys are perfect.", Priya di said. I cleaned my bed and table. That day I didn't have any important task to do so I was just walking in the hostel, talking with my friends. Later that afternoon priya di and I went out to the town. Because we both had some things to buy. We got out of the campus and we were waiting for the bus.  But then I saw Arnav. I got nervous obviously. He was trying to cross the road. I didn't looked at him. I was feeling awkward, nervous, embarrassed because of my deed. I was just thinking what he was thinking about me after these all. He finally crossed the road and came towards us. Priya di said, "hey lucky boy. What are you doing here?" He said, "why are you calling me lucky?" she said, "you'll understand it soon. But trust me you're super lucky."  He said, "okay okay. I went to the town. I had some stuffs to buy." He finally looked at me. I again blushed. He said, "are you also going to town?" priya di said, "yes. We're gonna shop some things. Oh the bus is coming. Byy.  Aisha come come otherwise we'll miss it." She went towards the bus. But I was still standing like a statue in front of him. He said, "don't you wanna go. You are getting late. Go." I said, "oh yaa. Byee." I sat on the first seat with Priya Di. I was sitting near the window. I quickly looked at him through the glass window which was half opened. He was still looking at me. When our gaze met I quickly looked away. I just couldn't make eye contact with him. Then we both headed towards the town. I just wanna know what he thinks about me....

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