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Aisha's pov -

I didn't know that everyone knows yesterday's incident. Who told you about this? I asked nidhi. She said, "I saw a photo of arnav shirtless." "oh ok so someone took his photo too. OMG these girls are just crazy" I said. I explained the story to her. Then we headed to our class. Professors came and we gave intro. Then they started taking classes. We had lunch break at about 12.15 . we headed to the cafeteria and we were having lunch. Then we heard a group of girls talking about me. They said, "this is the girl who spilled juice at arnav." one of them even said, "I saw her with him he was holding her waist. She was about to fall. Also she was smiling at class that day, maybe she is trying to impress him." I was about to stand up and say something to them but nidhi stopped me from creating a quarrel. so I didn't say anything to them. Then we headed to the department again because we had class at afternoon shift. While leaving I gave a taunt to them by saying, "not every girl finds Mr arnav handsome and attractive. He is so arrogant who likes him?" they were looking at me. But I didn't care because if they can talk shit about me than I also can. We went to the classes. I was so angry. Like how can someone think that I am here to impress him. Huh. At the stairs of our department I met arnav. He said, "do you remember that I'm gonna come to your hostel for the shirt?" I said, "no need to come to my hostel. I'll give it to you tomorrow. Anyway I don't wanna face you because if I do then people are gonna talk shit about me." I didn't know what happened to me at the moment. But I just kinda scolded him. Which I shouldn't. But what could I do. I was mad at that moment. so I said whatever came to my mind. And went to the Class. Nidhi after said that he was in shock after hearing what I said. He asked her what happened to me. She said, "some stupid girls were talking shit about her. but please don't mind"

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