sudden confession

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Aisha's pov -

Days are going really fast. It's almost September. The weather is really hot. I am just focusing on my studies. Because I heard that exams are coming soon. So I paid attention to my studies. Life's is just going normal. I sometimes see Arnav,  I just smile when I see him. He also does the same. He is a final year student so he has a lot of pressure. So he nowadays doesn't get much time to talk to us. Even priya di is focusing on her studies. She also doesn't get too much time like before to gossip with me. And I don't also want to disturb her. One afternoon I said to her, "priya di, I'll miss you." She looked at me and said, "what happened Aisha? I'm not going anywhere now. I still have 7 month." I was sitting on the chair I quickly went to the bed where priya di was. I said, "time will go really fast. I know. I'll really really miss you." I hugged her. She is like my own sister. She always supports me and corrects my mistakes. How will I stay in this hostel without her. I really felt sad. She said, "it's ok. We will stay connected obviously. And one thing if you like him then please talk to him. Otherwise he will not be in this campus after 7 months. And others will still him from you. So please if you have some feelings talk to him." I said, "I don't know. I don't hate him but I can't figure out if he is suitable for me or not. And I don't want to take this decision too fast. Help me." she said, "I can't help you. You have to talk to him. If you act like this, remember he will not stay in this university forever." I said, "leave it na. I don't know. I don't even talk to him. I don't even know him closely. And this kind of decision are complicated. I want to fall in love but only once. What if he doesn't feel the way I feel for him. And what if he get's bored after sometime. Look I want to fall in love deeply, madly but with one person. I can't change partners like other girls. I willing not be able to move on if our relationship doesn't work. I want to have a pure love. But for that I'll need a partner who thinks like that." She said, "I understand you. But anyways leave it. If he is your destiny then definitely you will end up together. And BTW he is a good guy." I came back to my table thinking of what to do. It was 5.30 in the evening. I just wanted some fresh air so we went outside the hostel for an evening walk. We were just enjoying the calm air of that evening. I didn't know that he would be there. We saw him sitting on a bench under a tree. We went to him. He saw us and asked to sit. We sat with him. I was just thinking what should I do. Should I tell him. What if he rejects me? I just couldn't say anything. He started the conversation. He said, "so, how is you university life going?" I said, "it's fine." I wanted to say so much to him. But I couldn't. He said, "mm okay." Priya di interrupted and said, "you know Arnav, Aisha was being emotional in the hostel. She I'll miss us." He said, "us. What do you mean by us. Aisha will you miss me too?" I was literally so confused. I had no answer. If I said yes he would think that I like him and if I said no then he would think that I hate him. OH God I didn't know what to say. I finally said, "yes. A little bit." ohhh God why did I say the last two words. I was angry at myself. He said, "a little bit. Not too much." I said, "I don't know. Let's go priya di. It's late now." I just dragged her and just said bye to him. I had no answer so I just wanted to hide myself from him. We went back to hostel. Priya di was just asking me why I behaved like that and the reason why I didn't tell him that I will miss him. I had no answer. I didn't know what's right and what's wrong. I was just confused. I just layed on bed and played a song to relax my mind. She didn't even tell anything to me after that. Because she didn't want to disturb me. Then after 1 hour I woke up. I slept for 1 hour. I washed my face and came to my study table. Priya Di was studying so I didn't tell anything to her. I also studied till 9 pm and it was time for dinner. We both went to the dining hall and had our dinner. All the girls were just talking, laughing but I was the only person who was in a totally different world. I was just thinking about him. I was totally confused. Were my feelings true or it's just an attraction. I just didn't want to take a stupid decision and at last end up breaking up with him. I just wanted a pure form of love. From teenage I wanted to fall in love only with a person who would understand me and my feelings. I knew that he was a good guy but I didn't know at that moment what he thought of me. I was not eating I was just looking at my plate and thinking. Priya di said, "why are you not eating Aisha? Don't think too much. It will be fine." I came back to reality and had my food. We both went to our room and layed on bed. I was just watching random videos on YouTube. It was almost 11 pm. Priya di asked, "Aisha I juts want to ask you something. Please be honest and tell the truth. Do you really like him?" I looked at her and said, "I do like him. But I don't know if it's love or just attraction. I don't know what to do." she said, "okay I know that you like him. The way he treats you, the way he looks at you really made me believe that he also likes you. But he doesn't share these things with anyone. If he shares something related to it I'll definitely tell you. Don't worry. Now sleep. Tomorrow you have class so you have to wake up early." I stopped thinking about that I tried to sleep. Next morning I woke up early. Did my daily routine. Had my breakfast and went to the hostel. Priya di had class at 10 am. So she didn't come with me. I went alone and I met nidhi and ayushi on the street. We went together to the department. We directly went to our class. It was kind of a boring lecture. After that we came outside because next class was at 10.30. We were talking about our exams. Then sudden I saw him coming towards me. I acted like I didn't see him and went inside alone. I said to nidhi, "I am going to the washroom." I didn't know what to do but I was sure that he was going to ask me the same question. I went to the balcony because there were no students at that time at the balcony. From the balcony our campus was seen beautifully. I went there and hoped that he would not find me. But unfortunately he found me there. He came closer and said, "why are you hiding from me Aisha? I just wanna ask you something." I said without looking at him, "I don't know why am I doing this. But I don't wanna face you. I have no answer to your question." He held my hand and turned myself to him. I was shocked. I was looking at his eyes. He was still holding my hands. The way he was holding my hands was so gentle. He said, "will you miss me?" I stopped for a moment and started thinking what to say. And I didn't know what happened to me at that moment. I just confessed that I like him. I said, "yes I will miss you because I think I like you but I don't know what to do. If I should say this to you or not. Don't ask me anything now. Bye I'm going." I quickly ran to class. I was being stupid but I just said whatever came to my mind at that time. He was just standing still and looking at me. I sat on the bench and started thinking what did I just said to him. I asked myself, "Aisha is it you. You just confessed him about your feelings. What will he think of me. I don't know. Let see what happens."

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