Chapter 1: how it all started

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It was a cool and calm and clear night, the stars twinkled like finely-crushed glass overhead as the Sun, Magnus, just finished setting over the horizon. On a boulder, just outside the Imperial gates, laid a quiet and focused Khajiit reading some wizardry books as she waited for her Imperial Guard friend Asotil to return - Katia Managan.

The peacefulness of the night's ambience was quickly interrupted. Katia's ears began to twitch as the sounds of whispering began to pass through them.

The whispering suddenly became so noticeable as she silently read, she was compelled to turn her head to the right.

Of course, there was nothing, and the sound vanished. Only a small dark cave next to the lamp-lit roads. Katia dismissed the sounds she was hearing, and turned her head back to reading her books.

The whispers returned just minutes later and grew louder once again, as if a mosquito annoyingly buzzed around in her head.

She quickly turned her head again to look. The whispers fully did not go away this time, and seemed to be emanating from that dark and curiously frightening cave.

The Khajiit closed her book and slide off the boulder she was laying on. She began to approach the cave, activating her Night Eye as well to see in the dark.

Once she made it to the entrance of the cave, her feet started to make their way down the stairs, crouching as the roof of the cave was quite small. She took deep breaths to maintain her self-esteem as she walked deeper and deeper into the cave. Also, on her way down, she began to make out a greenish-blue glow that got brighter.

After 30 or so steps down, Katia made it to the bottom, what she saw next made her gasp with shock and awe.

She de-activated her night eye to see a large room. The only light in this room came from a great portal that appeared unstable, causing light flickers to it's surroundings.

Katia giggled with excitement, but made sure to walk towards the portal slowly and carefully.

At last, the cat was not even a foot away from the portal with her arms proudly crossed, where portal sparks can even touch her face and clothes.

After a few moments, Katia very slowly took her hand to the portal's exterior. A range of thoughts and emotions brushed through her mind, from fear and hesitation, to utter excitement.

her fingers tapped the exterior and felt like static. Her tail puffed up and thrill rushed through her fur, making her excitingly shout "Woah!"

Katia delightfully squealed and kept touching it some more. Soon, she was brave enough to even put a whole hand though, and pull it back out. On the other side, it was warm and humid, which made her even more curious and worried at the same time. What the hell is behind that portal?

Next, she stuck her whole arm in and began swipe her submerged arm around with a squeamish look on her face. Nope, just a whole lot of warm, humid air... Kind of smelt like rain, too.

In her thoughts, she talked to herself, "Okay, Kat, you can do this. I need to find out what is on the other side. Just a quick peak. In and out."

Katia meditated on the idea for a moment, slowly breathing in and out. Once she made up her mind, Katia lifted one foot up and leaped through very rapidly.

Her eyes were completely shut when she went through, and she scrunched up her body in fear of whatever is about to happen, or the fear of what she was about to witness. Slowly she opened her eyes to find she was at the edge of some road structure. It was also nighttime on the other side as well, so there is one familiarity Katia noticed at least.

She looked down to find she was standing on the edge of some stable platform that was dark gray. It had white lines on this edge and a yellow line in the center extending what appears to be an infinite length.

Behind her, the unstable portal she walked through closed immediately.

"Did that fucking portal seriously just close on me?"

All of her confidence, her curiosity, and excitement disappeared, and was replaced with anxiety and terror. It seems there is no turning back, and that one stupid little quest of returning a stupid little letter to Quill-Weave meant NOTHING anymore.

Her breathing picked up and she put her hands on her head attempting to remedy her pounding chest. To her left, she began to see bright lights coming at her rapidly. "Oh Gods, is that the angels coming to take my soul away?!"

The lights raced to her, and once the light was almost blinding, she screamed and jumped into the grass.

On the ground where she fell, Katia was in a fetal position shaking and on the verge of tears. All she could think of was her horrible decision and just wanted to return to her home in Cyrodiil. In Skyrim. She silently prayed to the Gods and apologized for her foolishness.

All her horrible decisions and regrets in her life almost threw her into a panic attack. Now she is in a world she does not know completely.

Slowly, after a tear fell from her eye, she got back up from the ground and started to observe her surroundings. "Well, at least I have all my stuff this time, and I'm not naked and in the cold," she thought, trying to find even the smallest amount of positivity in this situation.

After a few more moments of Katia standing and weighing out the benefits and drawbacks, a drop of water hit her nose.

One drop became a few drops pattering the ground. And it was now pouring.

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