Chapter 23: Secret Scientists

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Hello, sorry for being super late with this one, my Uncle passed away this Monday and needed some time to grieve and comfort loved ones. New chapter is out and I am hoping to get back on track with making more!

Secret Scientists, I welcome you to take a look at my latest invention that I have spent tireless hours and years of my life to work on and improve. Now finally, it is here. I am happy to announce the very first, physical portal. No longer is this an imagination, or an elaborate fantasy the curious mind dreams about every night.

As far back as the 17th century, the curious man thought what it would be like if they were replicated in an alternate reality, or to travel in a different modem of reality that ultimately give them satisfaction, or love. It is a combination of a state of belonging, and the imagination of a time period where they could go to make things right with others. Today, we have broken that ice of unknown.

Y/N grabbed the cloth encumbering the blackboard and pulled it off, revealing an new equation that re-writes the past and future.

"Scientists, are you ready?" You stood at the board holding out the palm of your hand with charm and confidence. The Everything Equation was born.

As you stood before a dimly lit room filled with secret scientists, the weight of the moment bore down on you. You were about to reveal an invention that would change the course of history – a portal to the uncharted realms of interdimensional travel.

The room buzzed with anticipation, but my nervousness was palpable. You cleared my throat and began, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, today marks a momentous occasion in the annals of human discovery. For centuries, we have gazed at the stars and wondered what lies beyond. Today, I present to you the culmination of years of tireless research and experimentation – the [last name] Gateway."

You went over and plugged the chrome square machine into the outlet. From there, you picked up the gun that attached to the machine with a thick, noticeable cord. When you held the trigger in your hand, you felt the soft vibration from within, which resinated otherworldly energy.

"This," you continued, "is not just a door but a bridge to parallel universes, alternate realities, and uncharted dimensions. With the Gateway, we can explore realms beyond our imagination, tap into untold sources of knowledge, and forge connections with civilizations far beyond our own."

Whispers of amazement rippled through the audience as they absorbed the implications of what lay before them.

"But," I cautioned, "with great power comes great responsibility. The Gateway is not a mere plaything; it is a tool that could reshape the fabric of existence itself. We must use it wisely, ethically, and with the utmost caution."

You went on to explain the rigorous safety protocols, the need for thorough exploration, and the potential benefits of interdimensional travel for humanity. The room filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"In the end," concluded, "the Gateway is a symbol of our boundless curiosity, our unyielding spirit of exploration, and our indomitable human ingenuity. It is a doorway to the unknown, a testament to our capacity for discovery, and a promise of a future where the boundaries of our reality are limited only by our imagination."

You urgently pressed some buttons on the Gateway and fired at the wall with the gun. Colorful beams danced in the air to formulate a door-shaped entrance. A curtain of flowing colors danced around with perfect edges to outline the shape.

The room erupted with applause - the equation on the chalk board, the stack of research papers, and the Gateway altogether was an artistic masterpiece, and also, a peak in human achievement.

"Mister Y/N. I do have a question." A scientist raised one of their hands.

"Yes sir?"

"Say if one of us enters this world, how are we to guarantee our return? What shall we do if the portal closes, or malfunctions?"

"Well," you reached into your bag to pull out an orange and a rope. "How about we toss an orange into the portal? After some time, maybe 30 minutes, we can pull it out and study it, and see if anything happened to it."

"Who is that individual next to you? Iam seeing what appears to be a... Tail?" Another scientist asked.

"Oh, " you blushed lightly, "this is Katia. She is actually from the world I have opened to you all. She is called a Khajiit. Or to simplify, a cat person, in that world... And to answer another question. The world is called Skyrim."

"Take off your hood, dear," you whispered. Katia hesitantly took off her hood to reveal her feline appearance. Scientists gazed at her with awe and excitement and took extensive notes.

You began to tie the rope to the orange and you chucked it into the portal. You were able to see the orange on the other side, sitting in the gently swaying grass of Skyrim. The scientists behind you continued with their notes as Skyrim's daylight lit up the room they were sitting in.

After 30 minutes of waiting, you gently pulled the orange back to the room everyone stood in. You held the end of the rope as though the other side was an alien creature, being careful not to taint the evidence. You tied the rope to the lamp overhead as the scientists sat around it, still writing in their pads, curiosity exploding in their mind.

Behind them, you sat down next to the shy Katia and took her hand. "They sure do love their research, don't they?" You warmly smiled at her, stifling a chuckle.

"Yeah," Katia replied and leaned her head on her shoulder. She spoke just above a whisper. "I'm sleepy. I hope this will be over soon."

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