Chapter 13: Friend Company

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"Heyyyy, F/N. How's it going, my friend?" You give them a friendly hug

"Yep... It's me," he returns your physical gesture with a warm smile. "Look what I brought you?" F/N holds up a bottle of very expensive red wine.

"Aw, come on man, you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to waste all your money on me." You gesture your hand to welcome them inside.

They proceed to walk inside and you close the door. "Oh, it's no problem on my account. Since you are my best friend and I haven't seen you in so long, I wanted to give you something special. And I know you really like and appreciate wine." They said.

"Well, I appreciate you, always. As soon as I save up a little bit of money, I will be sure to give you something in return, I promise."

"Oh, you don't have to, Y/N, if you really can't. Your company is far plenty."

You smiled with respect. "Hey, guess what?"


"I finally got a new girlfriend after years of trying!"

"Heyy, let's go buddy. I knew you could get another one eventually." Your friend grinned and shook your shoulder out of happiness.

You hesitated at first to introduce her to them, since your girlfriend is not what others might seem. She is a 'Khajiit', otherwise known as a cat person, to your understanding.

"She is actually here right now if you want to meet her... I got her a little occupied though with a video game." You giggle.

"Oh yes sure, I would love to."

They followed you down the hall to your room, and you slowly open the door. On the other side, Katia's ear twitched from the sound and she turned around.

As soon as Katia saw the new face, her pupils shrunk and she jumped under the computer desk in a fetal position. Her tail puffed and she appeared terrified.

"So, F/N, I would like you to meet Katia." You then approached the scared little Khajiit hiding under the desk. "It's okay, sweetie, it's only my friend. They are very nice, I promise." Your charming smile gave her a little bit of hope. You then lended your hand out and she took it.

Both of you got up from under the desk, and Katia was still clearly nervous. "She's a little shy. New people." Your smile remained.

"Okay," their eyebrows lowered in understanding. They found it a little strange as well that your significant other was a... "cat person", but otherwise, they didn't ponder on it too much. "Love can be found anywhere," they thought.

"Hey, I'm F/N." F/N reached their hand out to symbolize a handshake.

Katia slowly moved her hand to join it with theirs. "I'm K-Katia." Her eyes squeeze shut.

There was a short pause, and then you followed up with, "Hey, F/N, I almost forgot... There is some leftover spaghetti in the fridge. Do you want me to make you a plate?"

"You know what? Sure. I haven't ate since this morning."

"Great!" You grin. "Katia, you want some?"

"Okay," she replied with the tiniest smile on her face blushing.

Without getting into extraordinary detail, you walked to the kitchen and heated up all 3 of their plates of spaghetti, and returned to your room. You came back to find adorably that Katia was shyly conversing with your friend.

"Here you guys are," you hand each of them the food. "F/N, now is your chance to critique me on my cooking ha ha ha, since I know you have a keen interest in culinary arts."

F/N takes a bite. "Hmm, might need more seasoning, but hey, that's pretty good." Katia takes a bite too and she is delightfully in love with it.

You were excited with their answers. all three of you talked back and forth with all kinds of subjects, such as video games, writing, and old memories from when you and F/N were at school.

Once all of you finished eating, you all simply set the dishes in a neat pile for later. "F/N, how about we do some gaming, what do you say? We haven't done that in awhile." You gesture as the video game you introduced Katia to is still on.

"Sure, Y/N. Whatever you want to do." They gave an exhausted smile.

Three of you now had controllers and you were the game host. "Let's get in a 3v3 match." You selected 3v3 and all of you were now in.

Some of the game matches were tough since unequivocally there were players better than all of you. But at the end of the day it didn't matter, since it is a million times better when you are playing video games with friends.

All of you kept playing, and as the night went on, Katia's shyness slowly began to melt away, as though she forgot what she was supposed to be anxious about in the first place.

You all were on a losing streak once. But with everyone's teamwork and dedication, they won a match. Katia got a little too excited and she stood up yelling and cheering. "YEAAAAHHH TAKE THAT YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!"

Both you and F/N looked up at her grinning, not knowing what to say and simply glad that she is having so much fun.

As it was starting to get late, everyone wrapped up the evening. "Okay, Y/N, I gotta get going." They get up from the bed.

"Okay," you smirked. As you and F/N got to the front door you secured a farewell with them and gave them a firm hug.

"I had really, really fun, F/N. We need to get together more often."You let out a nervous chuckle."

"I agree, Y/N. I will see if I can find openings in my schedule. I have a significant other back at home to I gotta worry about as well."

"No, no. No worries. I get that. Just whenever you can, homie. Don't hesitate."

"Sure thing. Goodbye now. And thank you."

"Bye." You say as your sentimental last words to F/N before they closed the door.

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