Chapter 2: Shelter

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Rain beat down on the grass and pavement. Katia has never felt more alone and frightened in her life, she was completely disconnected from everything she ever knew, and has to start all over yet again. There wasn't even any alcohol to drown away these woes this time, since she actively worked so hard to get clean, too.

Across this infinite, dark gray path, she saw another walkway that seemed more akin to the roads in her universe. It was paved with gravel, and not this seemingly-perfect slab platform she was standing on.

Katia looked to her left to see if there were any other fast-moving bright lights coming from that direction, and then ran across quickly, equipping her wizard robe and lifting the robe's hoodie over her head at the same time.

She has now made it across, the rain still poured loud and hard. She gave herself a hug and began to sob, focusing on her fear and loneliness.

Depressed, Katia looked up from the gravel to see a structure much like the ones she is used to seeing back in her universe. Except, it appeared a bit more cleaned-up and modern.

Nevertheless, the cat knew it was a potential shelter of some kind, and it gave her the smallest amount of motivation to walk towards it. The least she could do is get out of the rain that mimicked her despair.

She walked up the steps and onto the porch. Since the cat's confidence was completely washed away, she was just too shy to even knock on the door of the home. Instead, she sat down on the chair, and gave thanks to the little shelter the porch provided.

But after some time of sitting there nervously, Katia finally drummed up the courage to stand up and look at the door at least.

Too nervous to even take a deep breath, she made the tiniest knock.


In the small home was you. In your own life, you were moderately lonely as well. Not many people came to your house, nor did not have many friends. Day-by-day you would go to work, come home in the evening, and then play some video games before you finally went to sleep.

As the rain pattered on the roof, in your room, you were working on some technology you found at a yard sale. Since you lived out in the middle of nowhere almost, you attempted to create an antenna that could receive better signals, so that you could enjoy better internet.

Aside from these matters, you began to hear the little scratches and knocks. At first, you paid no mind and thought it might have been some twigs scraping across the window.

The little knocks did not go away, however, and you thought it was time to investigate the sound since it was seriously bothering you. Right away you confirmed it was coming from the front door, and you turned on the porch light.

Through the peep hole, you see a sad little cat person sulking, as though all the joy left her eyes.

You opened the door, which caught her completely off-guard.

She gasped, "Oh, uh, hey, er, mister," she uncomfortably blurted out. "Can I... Come inside, maybe? It's such a long story and I basically have nowhere to go. Long story short, I went through a portal and now I'm stuck her in this universe and-"

Katia put her hands on her head. "Ugh, oh my God, I'm so sorry. I'm such a loser," she says with an exhausted voice. She then began to cry.

You sighed worryingly, as you do admit you feel bad, she looked very pitiful. Something tells you her story just might be the truth.

"Okay, come in," you tell her, opening the door further and extending your arm out.

"Really?" She whimpered.

"Yes, before I changed my mind! It's raining, and about to storm and, well, I'll just feel bad if I don't."

She slowly took some steps inside, enough for you to close the door.

Katia looked around the living room while staying timidly in one spot, some objects seemed much familiar to her, while others were completely unknown. Still feeling disconnected from her own reality, she shyly wrapped her tail around her leg.

She took her hoodie off and began to shake her head to attempt to get rid of some of the water from her already-soaked fur.

"You can sit down, you know," you said to her. "Oh, uh, yeah," she replied. She found a wooden chair and shuffled to it and sat.

"Hey, you can sit on the couch. Please, get comfortable. That's the least I can do for guests."

"C-couch?" Katia responded, never hearing the word "couch" in her life.

"Yeah, of course." You then pointed to a couch across the window. "Come sit here."

She listened and got up from the old wooden chair, and shuffled to the couch you told her to sit. "Um, so why is this called 'couch', exactly?"

"Well, couches are what people sit on generally, they can also be called a sofa depending on where you live, or how you grew up."

"Couch... Couch..." she said softly. "Okay, got it." She then took a seat on this "couch".

A rush of relaxation and comfort went up and down her body instantly and she gasped. "Oh Gods, this is the best thing I ever felt!  It's like the chair version of a bed."

You laughed, "Oh yeah, you can also lay on it. And some people even sleep on it."

The "couch" was so comfortable, it even forced a stretch and a yawn out of her.

Katia's curiosity over the most basic of objects made you grow excited. You saw it as an opportunity to gain a new relationship based on your sense of mentorship, to potentially teach her everything there is to know about this world. To ask her questions about her world back at her home, too.

"Hey," you said with a half-smile. "After you're done enjoying that couch, maybe I can go show you the bathroom and you can take a bath?"

"There's a room-sized bath?!" Her brain broke.

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