Chapter 5: Earth

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"Yes, electricity." You said to Katia. You quickly got out of bed and put your pants back on. "Here, let me show you."

Katia then followed you to the light switch. "Listen carefully. First I am going to just go over the basics with you, okay? So here is a light switch. Once I flip it up, this light bulb will turn on. Why  this bulb will turn on, too, is because it is connected to a wire inside the wall. This wire carries 'electricity' to the bulb. Now, give it a try."

Katia did what you said and flipped the switch upward, and behold, the light turned on. "Eeeeee, that's so cool!" A wide grin filled her face.

"Uh huh," you smiled, quietly sharing the excitement with her. "Now, flip the switch downward to turn this light off."

She did so, and behold, it turned off again, filling her with even more squeals of excitement and joy. She then giggled playing with the switch, turning it on and back off again, and then picked up the pace, flickering the light rapidly.

You grabbed her wrist, "Hey no, not like that. Because you flicking the light so quickly might cause instability, and the light bulb will blow out. Meaning, the glass holding the light might shatter from the potential overload of current."

"Uhhh... So don't overdo the Magicka. Got it." She understood somewhat with a cute and innocent face.

You facepalmed, "Right, don't overload the Magicka."

"So... where does this 'electricity' come from, Y/N?"

"Well, in short, it comes from giant machines called 'generators'. We can obtain electricity from sources such as the Sun, the flowing of water, or even these things called a 'nuclear power plant'. Simply, anything that creates energy, we can harness to power lights and machines."

"Wow." Katia's eyes widened and very focused in what you had to say.

You took her hand. "Here, ill show you more." You took her to the kitchen. "Throughout our human history, we have found out there are many ways we can use this energy. We can even use it to make heat... AND cold."

You turned on one of the stove burners. "See how the metal is glowing red with heat? This machine we can use to cook food on." You quickly filled up a pan with water and set it on the burner

As you waited for the water to come to a boil, you opened the fridge. "This is called a 'refrigerator', 'fridge' for short. This is what keeps everything cold, so that you can possible store food to eat at a later time." You opened the door next to the fridge. "This is a freezer. Self-explanatory. This freezes your food. It's great for ice cream, or to keep raw meat fresh."

She nodded.

The water began to simmer at least, steam lofting and suds rushing to the surface. "See how amazing electricity is? The water is hot and you can probably boil something in there, like a chicken, or spaghetti"

She nodded (she never heard of the word "spaghetti" in her life).

"Over here, too," you go to the sink. "You may wonder, 'how is there water coming out from this faucet and you're not doing anything?' Electricity!"

She nodded.

Katia still had your phone in your hand and held it up to show you. "How do you turn on this mirror, again?"

"Press that button there," your voice dropped. "You know, my phone you're holding is powered by electricity too. It's called a 'battery', which is short for a tiny generator, basically."


Luckily, since it was your day off work, you spent the entire day showing Katia the fabulous wonders of electricity, and how we use this power to run our lives essentially. Oh, and spending the entire day teaching her how to run your phone.

Afterwards, you began to show Katia the other facet of your society: transportation.

"What the hell is that?!" Katia said as you showed her the garage.

"That is called a car. It's a large complex machine with wheels that can take you wherever you need to go on Earth. Here, let me start it up for you."


"Yes. The planet we live on."

This answer confirmed to Katia that this is not her reality now, and she frowned.

You grabbed your keys from the dish on the counter and then proceeded to  start the car. The car revved up and began to pur. You made sure to open the garage door too beforehand so you don't foolishly pass out from carbon monoxide.

The sudden, foreign loud noise scared Katia and she jumped behind a trash can and curled up shaking.

"No, hey, Kat, it's okay. The car is not going to hurt you or anything. It makes that sound to let you know its running, okay?" You walked over to comfort her. "I'll go and turn it off for now since we're not going anywhere at the moment."

You then did so and put the keys away and closed the garage door again. "Alright, let's go back inside," you said still comforting her with your hand on her back.

Back in the living room, you crossed your arms. "And there you go, that is everything you pretty much need to know... For now. Hopefully this makes more sense... The 'futuristic' stuff that's happening in my house anyway. And if you still don't get it, don't worry. I will always be here if you still have questions or need help."

Katia stood there hugging her arms nervously.

"What about your world? What is life like back there?"

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