Chapter 4: The next day

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You left the bathroom and proceeded to go back to your bedroom. Since you have a new guest, you decided to pull out the spare bed and tidy some areas a bit. Also, you grabbed a pair of clean clothes from your laundry basket to give to the cat.

As Katia was undressing, you opened the bathroom door again. "Here."

She gasped as her breasts were exposed, and you quickly covered your eyes.

"I'm not looking," you assured her. "I forgot to give you some clean clothes once you are done."

"Okay," she replied nervously and grabbed the shirt and boxers, and sweatpants. She set them on the vanity and proceeded to approach the bathtub again, tipping her feet in the warm water.

Though she was not so great when it came to public decency sometimes, she was very conscious in regards to her personal hygiene, making sure to clean all parts of her body thoroughly, especially because she was all fur. After she was done with her bath, she uncovered the drain, stood up, and got out.

Katia shook herself too out of instinct, which caused her to fluff up like a ball.

Afterwards, she dried off with the towel to remove the remaining water, put on the clothes you gave her, and went to your bedroom, which she saw you cleaning up and making the spare bed for her.

"Oh, hi Katia. Are you done?" You asked. She nodded her head. "Yeah, I was just here making the spare bed for you. If you have nowhere to go, perhaps you can stay with me and-"

Katia walked up to Y/N to give them a hug. She was too exhausted to cry anymore, and uttered out a soft "thank you" in your shoulder.

You embraced her hug and wrapped your arms around her, too.

They let go for the time being, and you proceeded to continue with what you were saying. "Anyway, here is your bed. I already have some pillows set out. Now just give me a moment while I go get you a blanket."

She sat down on the bed and yawned. She smiled lazily and replied with "okay".

You were getting a bit tired as well since it was getting late, your clock showed a couple hours past midnight.

Around the house, you began to turn off all the lights. You stopped the wash machine for a brief moment to put in Katia's other clothes she wore previously. Next, you checked the hallway closet and saw a large spare blanket she can use.

Once you returned with the large blanket, you saw that Katia was already knocked out cold, almost snoring because she was sleeping so deeply.

You felt very accomplished, and it melted your heart since you felt sorry for the cat. You lovingly put the blanket over her shoulders and tucked her in.

Before you got into your own bed, you finished turning everything off, leaving just your room light on, until you decided to turn that off as well.

You then covered up in your own bed since the night was pretty much over. You watched some videos on your smartphone, turned over to look over at Katia one last time, and went to sleep fairly quickly, as the rain and light thunder outside felt comforting.


It was now daytime and you were still semi-sleeping. Katia was the first to wake up and stretch, showing all her sharp teeth.

At first, Katia's memory was still a little fuzzy since she thought she was at her female friend Quill-Weave's house in her own universe. After adjusting her eyes a bit and looking around, she was afraid that was not the case.

Right away she remembered the events of last night, and it saddened her a little bit. On the nightstand that separated Y/N's and Katia's bed, she spotted a black square object, which she curiously picked up.

Katia pulled the covers off her legs, and got up to walk to your bed to wake you up. "Hey, Y/N?" She lightly shakes your shoulder.

"Hmm?" You stretched  and opened your eyes to see it was the cat lady that you let into your house. "Oh, hi Katia," you say as you remained in the covers.

"What is this square slab thing? Is it a tiny mirror?" She asked while holding the top of the object with her fingers.

"That would be my phone." You couldn't help but giggle. "Look, I press this button here to turn it on." You then proceed to do do, and the phone lit up to show the time on the front screen.

Her mouth was wide open with fascination. "Amazing... I knew you were a powerful Magicka user!" She points at the phone. "Can this be a way to get back to my world?"

"Wait... Magicka? What are you talking about?"

"You know, spell casting, creating elements like fire and lightning," she explained.

"Oh... I don't think stuff like that exists here, Katia. I'm sorry."

"Really? Here, let me show you!" Katia got excited since using Magicka in her own universe was new to her as well. She attempted to create a fire in her hand, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. This puzzled her since she was already quite proficient at making fireballs at least.

Frustrated, she asked. "Then how are you able to control these lights? Isn't there a source where you able to make some kind of, er, power?"

"That would be called electricity."


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