Chapter 17: The Date

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Sorry for being a little late, here is a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy.

You got out of the vehicle and walked to the passenger side of your car to let the Khajiit out. You opened the door and Katia was very excited, but shy at the same time. She took your hand and hesitantly stepped out.

both of you held hand and leaned on each other's shoulders walking up to the automatic doors, the cool fresh breeze hitting you all as the door opened. You made sure to get a cart as well.

"We're only gonna get just a few things, and head back, okay? Don't want to miss the previews."

She nodded and held onto your shirt tightly, making sure she never loses you in the large store. There were so many new sights and smells she was exposed to, and it made her anxiety increase.

You wrapped your arm around her shoulder out of reassurance after seeing her scared little face looking all around the place. You said quietly. "Hey, if everything around you is getting too scary, just look at me, okay?"

She looked up at you, "Okay."

Both of you headed to the meat section too pick out some lunch meat for the house. You then got some quick and easy meals, such as pizza, chicken strips, and chicken patties.

As you walked around and you continued to shop, she remembered the trick you told her, to look up at you, and it helped her calm down. In general, as she adapted to her surroundings, she became a little calm as well.

Once you were finished shopping, you finally arrived to the checkout, in which the cashier woman began to scan your items. Katia pretended to be invisible again, putting on her hoodie and hiding your tail behind you.

When everything was all in a bag and paid for, you both walked out and she continued to perform her invisibility stunt.

You popped open the trunk, and since there was virtually no one around them anymore, the Khajiit acted normally again. "Oh Gods, is that a tiny room in your car?!"

You laugh. "No, this is called a trunk. Basically you can store items in here, such as the groceries we have now, or anything that can fit, and you can travel down the road with it... But, I mean, I guess it's a tiny room with all things considered."

"Oh wow, okay," she replied. You began to demonstrate by neatly unloading the groceries from the cart, and you close the trunk. "See, and now we can travel down the road with it."

She was amazed with this new discovery. Afterwards, you put up the shopping cart, and both of you left the parking lot and on the way to the theater. Luckily, you two made it just in time, and you requested two tickets to see [insert movie because im not creative].

In the theater, you ordered a large container of popcorn and a large soda for you and Katia. Katia was already familiar with "the soda", but was certainly not with popcorn. You recommended you give popcorn a try, and she laid a piece on her tongue, and chewed it.

She made a funny face. It did taste very good to her, but it is something she had to get used to.

At last, you entered the film room, and you both took your seats. Since it was relatively dark, the humans in the room could not really tell that it was a "cat person", so she was in the clear in that regard.

"Are there any sad parts?" She asked. "I do kinda have to admit I am a crybaby." Her ears lowered once she admitted this fact.

You rubbed her back. "A couple, but most of the movie is happy. You will be okay, I promise."

She nodded and pecked you on the cheek, which made you blush. Once the previews were over, the lights dimmed to where the room was fully dark. The movie began, and she could hardly contain her excitement.

During the few sad moments in the movie, Katia began to tear up, and whisper to you how sad it really is. You continued to rub her back to keep her calm, and she hugged you on the side as she nuzzled your shoulder.

During the happy moments, she was very relieved, and giggled at the funny scenes. When the movie was over, you then stretched to  wake up your muscles, and Katia yawned since she was starting to get tired.

You two proceeded to make your way out of the theater and back into the car. Once you both sat down again at the car, you all sighed with relief.

"So, what did you think?" You asked her.

"That was AMAZING!!" She grinned from ear to ear. "Oh my goodness, did you see how that bad guy was defeated?!"

"Oh yeah, I loved it too."

During the rest of the trip back home, you and Katia talked about the movie the entire way. There was a brief moment of silence when you pulled up the driveway and into the garage. As usual, you made sure to turn off the car and shut the garage door, and you helped Katia from her seat and walked back inside.

"Hey," she poked you cutely in the living room, which got your attention and you turned around the look at her.

"I had a wonderful time." She told you and she held her body bashfully, while she held her hands together in front of her waist. After a few moments, it seemed that both of you communicated with each other in your heads, and you both equally gave each other a loving kiss.

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