Chapter 34: Earth and Cyrodiil: The Beginning

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Proceeding to get ready with today's agenda, both you and Katia and the King were getting dressed side-by-side. Katia wore a magnificent beautiful  dress with different shades and variations of the color purple. Tailors completed the appearance with a golden, light crown. 

Her ears drew back nervously, remembering her past horrors of anything high-royalty, but she let them put the crown on her furry head. The tailors did the same for you, to compliment the couple. You wore similar robes, except yours was more ruttish.

Previously, the King called upon specific ranking officers to advise the high priests of a special announcement he has to make to his people. Once the news was spread down the chain of command, church bells began to rang, and folks of every valley gathered around the town's square.

From a sizeable balcony, all of you stepped out to meet the amassed crowd. The skies were sunny, and with the wind carries heavy, and great courage. From each side of this balcony, there were two men wearing blue cloaks. Masks covered their faces, and each held a glowing staff, ready for any sudden danger, such as Magicka attacks.

"Great people of Cyrodiil," the King began. "On this day, we have done more than prevail on the journey the Gods have given us. Today, we have stricken a great deal to expand our territories, and seek a path that is beyond our own will. From a land called 'Earth', Cyrodiil will be a new kingdom, and under new management, shall we become everlastingly powerful!  Behold, the two leaders of that Universe!"

King Phyr stepped back, and allowed for you to come forward and look down at the crowd as it applauded with some uncertainty.

You began a speech that was similar to the one you performed back on earth, following within the purviews of your philosophy of peace, and a purpose in life, through trading. To help and serve one another by sharing. Peace through the exchange of common interests, improvements of ourselves, and great beneficial advancements between Nirn and Earth, in an effort to become Godlike. They will have love through religious satisfaction and general humility, knowing there are forces beyond the understanding of both worlds. They will have love that reflects the love you and Katia share. They will join hands and sing the songs we sing, wear the same clothes we wear. They will drive cars. They will use phones, and smartphones. They will use the internet to multiply their intelligence.

At the same time, we will learn patience and tolerance in the process.

We will sing the songs they sing, wear the same robes they wear. We will cast spells. We will use sacred texts, books, and Dwemer technology. We will use the soul cairns to multiply our intelligence.

Through your genius, you will create discoveries and inventions to transfer the Magicka of Skyrim, to therefore be used on Earth as well.

You end your speech to quote Abraham Lincoln: "I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends."

The people of Cyrodiil's confidence and faith was rekindled with a sense of courage; growth; prosperity. They roared with approval and applause, truly believing that they will be rescued from poverty, oppression, and ignorance under your leadership.


Afterwards, the crowd scattered and resumed business as usual. New headlines on local newspapers spreads among the townsfolk, and now everyone talks about you and Katia. Even Quill-Weave, her best friend.

As King Phyr made arrangements on finding the best home in Cyrodiil for you and Katia, Katia asked, "Uhm... If possible... Could you make reservations for me and Y/N to live in the Mages Guild? I'm pretty good at my Magicka I think. I started as a fire mage, and now I'm actually learning to become a Witch hunter, too. I don't know, maybe I could teach Y/N how to use Magicka with me? It does get lonely without a study partner, after all."

The King raised his eyebrow at the thought, causing Katia's heart to rattle in her chest. "Hmm, I suppose I could do that. Some of those 'mages' there are kind of snobbish, but I know how to get them to behave."

Katia grinned brightly, hardly containing her excitement. She grabbed a hold of your arm as her tail swished back and forth.

Convinced into believing that Katia was a queen of a foreign land, it didn't take as much teeth pulling as once thought for the folk of the Mages Guild to happily accept the two of you into their quarters.

Space has been created for the two of you, so that you both can share a room together.

Once you closed the door, Katia began to shower you with endless kisses, with exclamations of her love to you. She threw her crown on the bed.

"Queen? Really? I mean, I may have gotten over - or at least managed - my fear of royalty, but I still think it's a little too much for me. I just want everyone to know that I love my Y/N. And if anyone tries to harm you, I will claw their eyes out... Literally!"

She cupped each side of your cheek and kissed you passionately. "You're more than just a stupid king to me. In my heart."

"I love you too, Katia. I didn't know I could make anyone this happy. You are far greater than a Queen to me as well. You are Katia Fucking Managan - the keyholder to my heart. Khajiit goddess."

After a warm exchange of smiles, and glances of each other's glistening eyes, Katia remembered the quest that started her whole adventure. Returning the letter to Quill Weave.

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