Chapter 10: The Science

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Sorry for the short delay, I fell asleep. Here is the next chapter. I hope yall enjoy!
F/N = Friend's name

You attended to the large blackboard with the device in your hand intensely thinking and writing down "nonsense", as what Katia suggested in her mind.

What appears to might be a breakthrough or a eureka moment, you tried to prove your science by engineering the device to the equations on the board, but the result was always a failure.

You were a very cautious individual, too. By, for example, not overloading the room with intense radiation, killing both of you via radiation sickness, or create a hideous monster from another universe, or an ultimate God, capable of wiping out planet Earth in only seconds.

"Y/N?" The Khajiit inquired in a quiet and sad voice.

"Yes, Katia?"

"I'm really sorry for acting like that. I know you're working really hard over there and it was my fault anyway for jumping into your portal like a fool. I don't want you to think that I want to get away from you, because I don't. Because honestly, you have been the nicest person I have ever met." Her heart opened with sincerity, since she felt too guilty to keep away how she really felt.

You were very happy to hear that, and it made you feel more included and down to Earth. "Really?"

"Yes, I promise." Her kind smile touched you and lit up the room. "I'm ready for that hug now... The one you wanted to give me earlier."

You put your work down and quickly walked to the bed and picked her up, wrapping her arms around her and giving her a gentle squeeze. She hugged you back giggling with her legs dangling.

You then sat her down on the bed. "I will attempt to get the portal working again, and make sure it is stable, I promise. I think I am very close, I can feel it."

"Okay," she said at a near-whisper happily. "Um, Y/N?"


"Thank you for letting me stay."

You chuckled. "Anytime."

You went back to your work coming up brainstorming new ideas THAT ARE SAFE, and Katia went back to your phone. After some time of quiet ambience, your phone started to ring, and vibrate.

Katia threw it away from her on the bed, and she sat straight curled up. "What is that?! What the hell is it doing?!"

"Oh, that must be one of my friends, I'll get it." You picked up the phone and answered it.

It was your best friend F/N. "Hey, Y/N, what's good man?"

"Hey, F/N, what's up! I'm not doing much, just hanging out... The usual."

"Okay," F/N replied casually. "Well, since you don't have any plans, how about I stop by tonight, catch up on some things? I know we haven't seen each other in awhile, and i'll just feel bad if I neglect seeing you every now and then."

"No, man, you're fine. We both have a life and there are moments where we can't talk for a long time. But yeah, I will be totally down for that, homie. Tonight."

"Yep, awesome. I'll see you then, homie."

"Sounds good." Both of you said "bye" and hung up the phone.

"Who? What? Why?" Katia was not sure what to say.

"That was called a phone call." You replied. "Basically, when a phone call is made, you get to speak to people that are very far away from you, or even, on the other side of the world."

"Oh okay, kinda like my Soul Cairn in my world. Except, I talk to skeletons and not other humans or species"

"Uh yeah," you respond. "Do you think you might have that on you, actually?"

"I should. I think I left it in one of my pockets-" She then gasped loudly. "Oh fuck." She pulled it out. Since it was washed and dried, she wouldn't think it can work now.

"Uh, Katia. That's a credit card."

"What?" She narrowed her eyes. "Now I'm even more confused."

"Uh yeah I don't think that is going to work based on what I am doing now. But I tell you what, we can go for another car ride today and take it to the bank... See if it is worth anything."

"Ohh, I know what a bank is!" She got excited discovering some more familiarity in this completely foreign universe.

"Yep," you respond with a smile. "Once I put some pants on, I can give you another car ride there."

Her tail began to dance happily. "Eeeeeeee I would love to!!" After a momentary pause though, this almost caused her to be homesick, since this reminded her of her own happiness back at home, though there was so little of it anyway.

Katia began to change and put on her own clothes, too. Afterwards, the Khajiit ran out of the room and charged for the door leading to the garage.

"Wait-" you reached your hand out with your pants halfway on. "That silly cat lady. One of these days she's going to get hurt."

Katia opened the door and galloped over to the passenger car door. She tried to open it, but since the door was locked, she couldn't. "Damn you Gods, why must you defy me!" Her fist raised in protest against the heavens.

Panning over back to your room, you said, "Oh well, at least I locked the car doors so she couldn't get in and take off." You laughed as you finished putting your pants on.

You walked slowly to the door that was left wide open by a certain little Khajiit. You picked up the keys that she completely disregarded as the solution to opening the door, and leaned over to see her pulling on the door and grunting.

You gave a smug look. "Hey."

She looked at you and she saw your keys in your hand. She facepalmed herself. Duh!

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