Chapter 3: Cleaning up

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Katia eventually gave in and nearly dozed off as she relaxed on the couch. Katia's sudden sleepiness also was caused by all the stress and worry that occurred  moments ago.

Meanwhile, you were on the other side of the wall attempting to cook a meal, concerned that she might be very hungry. You were unsure how long she might have been outside before you met her.

It was a very simple meal: ramen noodles with some chopped up fish inside.

Once you were finished making the food, you approached the cat with her eyes closed. You scooted a small desk up to her and set the bowl down.

You tapped her on the shoulder with the palm of your hand, "Hey."

Her eyes opened tiredly, "mm...?"

You pointed at the helping you made in front of her. "Here, I made you something. I figured you might be starving because of how long you might have went without food..."

The aroma of the food went up her nose, and her eyes opened wider. Whatever it was, it smelled absolutely fantastic to her, since she hasn't eaten an actual meal in quite some time.

"Oh my goodness," she says in a thankful but sleepy voice, "thank you."

You pulled up a chair across from her and the table, and she began to devour the bowl like a carnivore before you even got a chance to sat down. You smiled with pride and pleasure, almost pushing out a chuckle.

You sat down with your helping, and ate the meal at your own pace.

With her mouth full, Katia sat down the bowl and started to moan and bawl again. A swing of emotions overwhelmed her, from the euphoria of sitting in a "bed chair", to eating a "high-class" meal that only royalty got to enjoy in her own universe.

She slowed down and proceeded to chew and swallow at her own pace, too. Katia continued to eat and finish her helping while still crying.

She then calmed herself down enough to where the crying ceased.

"So, perhaps I should have asked from the beginning, but what's your name?" You said.

She hesitated at first, but then replied, "it's Katia... Not that it matters anymore."

"Sure it matters," you smiled, "It's a pretty name. I would certainly rather call you Katia than just 'hey lady' or 'cat person'."

She smirked. "Yeah." After a brief pause, Katia followed up with, "I don't know what to say. You invite me into your home, and I have been treated with nothing but kindness," She choked out with tears in her eyes, her hands in her lap.

"I thought everyone deserves to be nice to one another. I don't know what you went though before you showed up at my door."

"Er- sorry. What about you? What's your name?" Katia said.

"It's Y/N," you replied.

So exhausted, Katia only managed to shed one tear and nod her head. "I don't know what to do, I don't even know if you believe me and call me crazy. I-"

"Relax," you interrupted and swallowed your last bite of food. "All of this you can surely tell me in the morning." You then got up and put your chair back and take care of the bowls you both finished. "Just a moment," you said leaving.

After you put the dishes away, you put the small table back where it was in the middle of the living room. "Come on, let me show you the bathroom. I must have distracted you with that little dish I made." You laughed.

"Okay," she replied.

Down the hallway Katia followed Y/N, curiously looking at the weird metallic objects and the light above her, which the only explanation that made sense in her head was that it was powered with Magicka. Maybe Y/N is an ultimately powerful sorcerer able to weld magicka without even thinking.

She stopped you. "Hey, what are those huge metal boxes?"

"Oh, that's a washer and dryer," you replied.

"I'm sorry?"

"Yeah, you throw your clothes in here," you opened the lid, "you turns these knobs, and you press the start button on the far right here, and that's it. It will wash your clothes  automatically without lifting a finger."

"Woah..." Katia began to take off her clothes.

"HEY WOAH WAIT! You don't take off the clothes you're wearing right now!"

"Oh... Well, I have other clothes I can try," she grinned and pulled out her inventory, which was her adventurer's outfit, her thief tunic, and her Kvatch arena clothes.

"Okay, much better." You took those clothes off her hands and put them in the washing machine.

"So, you change the size of the load, how many spins, and press start?" Katia asked.

"Yep, and the clothes will practically wash themselves."

"Oh, wow, okay. Well I'm going to put it on 'extra large', because that was a lot of shit I had."

"No no no, you put it on Small. That was only three things, Katia," you laughed.

"Huh? By the Gods, how much can this thing hold?!"

"I am not sure, but quite a lot."

Katia was truly shocked, she was absolutely convinced you were not the average person... In her world, at least. "Okay, now this is a 'dryer'? What does that do?"

"Self-explainatory, it dries your clothes, too. And a lot more quicker than just putting them outside."

Katia became even more shocked, letting out a surprised "woah". You proceeded to press start and water began to flow on the clothes. The cat has even more questions, like "how is there water flowing out of basically nowhere?" Which you replied, "there are hoses on the side that push out the water, see?"

She nodded her head and tried to understand to the best of her ability. Onwards they went to the bathroom, which was next to your room on the right. You turned on the light switch, which she was amazed at as well, since it might have been your Magicka (magic).

"Here, let me help you fill up the tub," since you did not trust her with the water in fear she might scald herself, or vice versa. You turned the knob and water began to rush out. Next, you plugged the drain so that the tub may fill up.

"Okay, here is a towel for you to dry yourself once you are done. That is the bottle of shampoo. I already opened it for you. All you have to do is squeeze it and it will come out. Just rub it all over your fur while it is wet, and then wash it off in the water."

"Got it," she replied as though she understood. Once the tub filled all the way, you then turned the faucet off.

"Hopefully in your world, this is a similar practice to cleaning yourself."

"It is," she gave a relaxed smile, "though it's not as... futuristic as I imagine my baths at home."

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