Chapter 33: ASOTIL

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Katia sat on your lap as the party continued. During the party, Katia was surprised to see one of her friends again approach her: ASOTIL.

"Ah, Khajiit lady, we meet again." ASOTIL said as he rode  his horse in the building, holding onto his helmet.

Katia gasped and smiled with her teeth. "ASOTIL!!! Where have you been??? I missed you!" She retreated her tone a bit. "Er, if you were looking for me, I'm very sorry. There's so much that happened, and my curiosity got the best of me."

"I understand, dear citizen. But there is no rest for warriors such as I, hence these long hours. There is never a time where our citizens should not be protected. There was a massive line of strange looking citizens outside, so I made my way through the crowd to determine what the commotion was about.... So what was the commotion about?"

She flushed as she attempted to make a brief summary of her whole situation, he ears drew back. "Oh, a whole lot. To keep it brief, I went through this portal, and I then met this wonderful person named Y/N - he's right here. One thing led to another and now something about Skyrim and Earth becoming an alliance. Oh, and this portal took me to Earth, too! And Earth, is such an amazing place, but it's so scary at the same time, and I was imprisoned for a moment, and there's secret places on Earth, and Y/N overthrew leadership, and the people there are actually suffering and looking for a better place to go to in the universe, and-"

"I have heard enough, Khajiit friend... So there is a whole new territory that we never heard about, huh? And these... newcomers... want to team up with us, the wonderful citizens of Cyrodiil?"

She nodded. "Well. Skyrim. But Cyrodiil will be a start, yes."

ASOTIL began to ponder about the idea for a moment, and you spoke up to ease his thoughts. "You will hear about it when the king and I make a speech, tomorrow. It should explain the whole plan."

"Alright, then, humble leader from abroad. In that case, I shall see you two at a later time. There is justice to be served." ASOTIL saluted before making his way out of the room again to be on guard outside and sniffing out any injustice as Cyrodiil's law enforcer.

Katia leaned into your chest to feel your heartbeat. "You know. You're the first boyfriend I ever had in a long time. It's been years. And I think, you are the coolest person I have ever met."

You pressed your lips and nose atop her crown and breathed in the scent in her fur. "Thank you, Katia. You are the most fascinating and beautiful person I have ever met. There is no one else in life that I have ever met that was like you."

"Awee," she replied, nuzzling into your chest more. "I love you." Her last words before falling asleep in your lap, her tail laid curled around her own lap.

The King of Cyrodiil next to you fell asleep as well, but mostly due to drunkenness, and eventually, sleep would have overtaken you, too. You picked up Katia and laid on the floor, resting her head on your breast as your head lied on the hard floor.

The following morning approached again, and you have noticed the King was no longer present at his seat. At this time, you woke up Katia and she stirred out of her sleep. At first, she thought she was at Quill-Weave's home, but then quickly realized she was laying on the floor in the royal dining room.

"Good morning," you greeted her softly, brushing a stray strand of fur from her face. "Looks like we both fell asleep here last night."

Katia nodded, rubbing her eyes before stretching languidly. "Yeah... I must've been more tired than I thought." She glanced around the room, noticing the absence of the King. "Where's the King? Did he leave already?"

Your eyebrows furrowed, and you stood back on your feet, while at the same time, helping Katia up from the floor as well. Some others around you and her were on the floor sleeping as well, while the First Ones slept where they sat. Some people on Earth were outside on the streets sleeping as well, while others interacted with the people of Skyrim; nords, elves, orcs, species of every kind. Always, the reaction between them was "you look strange... Something I've never seen before."

You walked around the palace to see if some knights can help you find King Phyr. Eventually you come up to a double-doored room with two knights guarding it. You told them your name and  inquired about his whereabouts, and responded, "this is the King's bedroom, all unauthorized persons are forbidden."

"Who's at my door?" The King asked.

"No one your majesty, just some lost peasants. One Khajiit and one Nord named Y/N wearing some white cloth."

"Ohh, let them in! Quickly!"

The knights raised their eyebrows and they opened the doors for you two, and you have reunited with King Phyr once again.

"Good morning, you two." The King side-eyed you and Katia as he was in a T-pose in his underwear. "Since this is a special moment for us and for the people of Cyrodiil, I suppose I have to look my best. Sorry if it appears that I ran away from you."

"That's okay. We were just looking for where you were, that's all. No hard feelings." A nervous smile drew on your face."

"Hard feelings? What does that mean?"

"It means that I am not angry and that I forgive you."

"Oh... Well good." The king looked up and down your attire, as well as Katia's. "Perhaps you both need to get changed as well. Don't want my people getting the wrong idea allowing peasants taking leadership around here." His snarky attitude showed through his dialogue. "Take some of my attire, as a gift from me."

He clapped and turned to face the individual fitting his clothes. "Tailor, person, lady, could you please bring up two more tailors for this lovely couple here. For King Y/N and Queen Katia of Earth? And bring two mirrors!" He turns to you both again saying softly, "they always forget the mirrors."

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