Chapter 21: The President

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You meditated on the thought deeply. "Hmm, how about, we can have Skyrim come to us? Let us on Earth teach the folk on Skyrim our ways, and the people of Skyrim teach us their ways, you know?"

"Hey, yeah," Katia scratched her head. "That does sound like a great idea." She grinned. "Let's do it."

You went back to the machine console and pressed some buttons. "I have to close off this portal though for now, okay? I promise I will get it back up and running again. I just need to tweak some things first."

She frowned a little and flattened her ears. "Oh, yeah sure, okay."

You spoke to yourself, but loud enough to where she can hear. "Okay, now to call the President and tell him the great news." You said as you picked up a red, old-fashioned telephone that only connects to the President of the United States. The phone was designed in such a way so that every conversation is top secret, and no one can listen into the line.

Another copy of the old fashioned red phone was on the President's nightstand, and a secondary red phone in the situation room, where only the most trusted top secret White House officials would watch it vigorously. Trusting that the President and only the President will answer this phone.

In the White House, before the president got ready for bed, the Red Phone began to ring at a most unprecedented hour, and the Officials stiffened their back with high alert. The President hurried quickly down the hall, having no time to put on his pants.

He made it to the door, and the Officials saluted him at the door, to which he saluted back. The president opened the door and quickly walked to the ringing Phone and picked it up.

"Hello, Mr. Y/N?"

"Mr. President. It is done. I did it. I have made an excellent breakthrough with my portal machine, and I think you should, or I should, come to your, um, 'private' room, to check it out."

The president's eyebrows straightened, and his eyes widened, resembling great excitement, but still having proper seriousness. "This better be good news, Mr. Y/N. The potential in this achievement is unlike any other. And might be another step closer to having an edge towards our, say, alien opponents."

"I am thinking the same thing too, Mr. President. I am seeing this as a crucial component for our survival of the human race. It's fight or flight."

"Okay, well I will see you in 30 minutes tops."

You and the President both said bye and hung up the phone.

"You, General," The president pointed to the Official in charge of monitoring the Red Phone. They stiffened their back in attention. "Get me my Plane." The president's voice was hurried, but deep and commanding. "Yes sir." The Official said and ran out of the room.

On the president's desk, the official pressed a yellow button, and Air-force One was summoned out on the White House lawn. Soon after, the President put on his pants and the rest of his proper clothing, and went out to the lawn to step onto the helicopter.

The helicopter lifted off and carefully journeyed to the closest secret military base. Many secret phone calls were made, too, to announce the President's arrival, and to bring out equipment for him. After a few moments, a large black truck was waiting for him,  and he got inside, with the secret service guarding him heavily shoulder-to-shoulder.

After some driving down the road, the black truck made it to your residents, and the truck's headlights were turned off just before they pulled into the driveway, to ensure no one knows of its presence.

The air was thin and still, carrying only the gross and natural smell of the countryside. A bright moon hung in the sky, watching over the fields and lonely houses, shacks, and barns. There was a hidden garage entrance other vehicles could enter, and was designed for such a time like this.

In the garage, the black truck pulled up, yet the garage door was left open for a quick retreat. As the President makes his way to the entrance door of your house under the moon's prying eyes, you opened to greet him.

You saluted the Present. "Mr. President, I assume you are ready to look at the latest updates of my work?"

The President gave him a salute back and gave a dismissal wave. "Yes. But before we continue, please, come to my office back in D.C. My top secret scientists, and perhaps the best scientists in the world, are all there, and are eager to see your invention."

"Um... Yeah, I can do that." You lost your stiff composure for a moment. "Will size be an issue? The device is rather large, about the size of a mini-fridge."

The President chuckled, stifling full-on laughter. "No, Mr. Y/N. We came prepared since you already shared pictures with us, remember?" He took a polaroid out of his pocket showing you the picture of your invention.

You cleared your throat. "Yes I remember. You don't mind if I bring my Khajiit girlfriend, as well, do you? She comes from one of the universes I tapped into. And before you get excited, she is basically a cat person. I already checked, she poses no threat. You have my word." You pretend to hold an imaginary Bible and swore with your right hand.

The President straightened his tie. "I don't see the harm in it. I trust you."

You went back to your room to see the Khajiit sitting on the bed, looking lonesome.

You sighed and took a knee and got to her level. "Katia, I know you're scared. But please trust me, these are good people."

She sheepishly nodded her head. "I have a phobia to... Royalty... High-society, high-authority people." She whispered.

"I know. But I'm telling you, they do not want to harm you. Do you trust me?" You took her hands. "These folks will take good care of you, and so will I. I will not let nothing happen to you. I have to let the leader of this country know, so that we can go about this properly, and not just tell everyone randomly like a mad man, understand?"

"Do you promise?" She looked into your eyes.

"I promise."

She hugged you. "Okay. Let's go... I trust you."

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