Chapter 7: The Short Car Ride

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You opened the garage door to greet the outdoors. The smell of the summer filled your lungs and tickled your nerves. The heat and humidity from the afternoon's energy wrapped around you like a blanket.

The light from the orange sky casted all around your garage and car. Katia from behind you stared back at the orange glow, slowly wagging her tail, capturing all the beauty in her eyes.

You interrupted the moment, "So, let's get started." You clasped your hands together.


You opened the car door for her, "there you go, now just sit on the leather seat there."

Katia did so and you began to put on her seatbelt. She gasped. "What is that?!"

"Oh, it's a seatbelt. It's supposed to protect you."

"Wait, I thought this was going to be safe!"

You reassured her. "It is, just trust me. I would never want to hurt you."

Before you closed the door, Katia grabbed your hand urgently, since this is a brand new experience for her.

"Please tell me I will be safe," she pleaded.

Your other hand landed on top of hers. "Katia, I promise. I really think you will enjoy this."

All hands let go, and you closed the door. You walked around to get on your side and sat down next to her and behind the steering wheel.

You turned the key and the car started, a worried face remained on the cat as you got ready to pull out of the garage.

Once the car moved backward, Katia moved her upper body all over the place, trying to look out of every single window at once.

"What the hell, are we floating?!" She said.

"Well, I might have put in new suspension since the other ones were getting old, but other than that, nope. We are certainly on the ground."

Katia tried to keep herself calm and lowered the pace on how fast she was moving her head. Once the car was fully turned around, you then shifted gears and began to roll down to the end of it.

"Look," she pointed, "it's the infinite black slab walkway thing I saw."

"That's called a 'highway', and you are certainly not supposed to walk on it."

One of her ears bended down and she turned her head, as though she was very confused.

You followed on with your explanation. "It's designed for other cars to ride on. Otherwise known as 'driving', which is what I am doing now. It is one of humanity's most prominent modes of transportation. This is kinda the way you all used horses, but this has wheels to move, and it is way, WAY faster."

Katia nodded her head and understood.

"There are other ways to travel as well, such as using boats, trains, bikes, and even flying."

"Wait, we can fly in this universe."

You laughed. "Not in the way that you think. We use giant machines called an airplane that lift us in the air, and you can travel in the sky. It's even way faster than a car, but it costs so much more."

"Man... I really am far away from home." The cat began to stare into space.

Before you began to make a right turn, a car from the left approached with their lights on. Katia's breathing started to pick up rapidly, and once the car passed you both, she squealed and covered her face.

"Are you okay?"

"What was that?! Last night, it tried to chase me."

"Oh, that was another car."

"Huh? I thought it was some spirits that were coming to kill me."

"Er, no... It's just lights on a car. Nothing more. Alright, since they passed us, lets go ahead and get moving."

You then make a right turn onto the highway, and began to pick up the speed. With her eyes open, Katia tried very hard to take deep breaths. She started to ask more questions. "What are those huge poles next to the highway?"

"Electrical poles, to carry electricity to other houses."


After some brief driving, you and her arrived at a small town that was a few miles away from your own home. Since it was twilight, street poles began to light up the roads, and lights from inside of buildings became more highlighted and noticeable.

"Remember, Kat, every single light you see here is electricity. No magicka, no spells, no lanterns, none of that old-fashioned stuff."

"Okay," she replied anxiously. "The buildings are a bit more square and taller than what I remember back home."

Eventually Y/N and Katia stopped at a little convenient store. Y/N instructs Katia to stay where she is in their car as they walk inside to grab some things. After some time, Y/N came back with a bag and a large cup. Y/N then lightly tapped on the window and she jumped a little, which to her relief, it was your face.

"Here, since we are travelling, I figured I would give you some Earth food for you to try as well."

In the bag, there was a couple bags of chips and a couple sticks of beef jerky. You joined your hands with Katia's hands, and you taught her how to open the chip bag, as well as how to open the jerky.

She took a chip from the bag and ate it. "Oh my gods!" She exclaimed with delight, and dove her hand into the bag to get more. The taste was so amazing, in fact, that she almost forgot her surroundings. She squealed again and tapped her feet.

You pointed at the cup you put in the cupholder. "Take a drink, too. We call this type of drink a 'soda' here on Earth."

Since Katia has never seen a straw before, she asked "how". You told her to put her mouth over the hole and suck, liquid should start flowing through the straw. Katia did so and made a weird face. The liquid felt like static, but was very refreshing and stimulating to the nostrils and a rush went up and down her spine. The feeling interested and excited her, and took more drinks, each time showing a different reaction on her face.

You chuckled. "Okay, let's go home now. You can eat that on the way."

You then started the car and began to pull away from the convenient store, and proceeded to make your way onto the main highway. It was fully nighttime and the lights of the town shined fully.

As you were travelling down the road, Katia had a new idea while eating, and that was to take a piece of the jerky and lay it on a potato chip, and eat them together. "I'm sure I will find a name for this," she said holding it up proudly. You gave a warm smile back.

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