Chapter 27: Quick, Survive!

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The evening sun fell into a purple twilight in the skies just out your tiny window adjacent to the ceiling. At this moment, you were about ready to make your  great escape, and rescue of your timid Khajiit girlfriend.

The air was still and calm, despite the unnerving pressure from surveillance and bodyguards circling your chamber. You attached your weapons together and assembled them hurriedly, eyeing back and forth with caution.

You sighed to shake away any nervousness; this was your only chance, and there is no room for any mistakes no matter how incompetent the leader of your country was. It was ultimate Power vs ultimate superior Intelligence.

After you sighed, you shot your ray at the glass, and melted a portion of it into a shifty silhouette to which you could easily walk out of. The bodyguards quickly reacted to your trick and immediately went to pounce on you.

"Yes, come to me," you cunningly smiled and embraced his touch. The one that attempted to tackle you first physically froze into an ice rock. In fact, they became so cold that they began to crack and shatter, eventually turning into a pile of body parts on the ground as they fell below your feet. The vest you wore made anyone who touched it instantly freeze and die like this.

The other bodyguard attempted to run away with fear and stress, their heart racing at what they witnessed. You turned the dial on your weapon to lava, and fired a beam at them, turning into the latter: a pile of lava on the ground melting the concrete slowly under.

You carefully walked over the puddle and opened the door calmly, brushing the frost dust from the other individual. What you saw first was the round table where the Secret Scientists were collaborating with each other and softly chattering.

before they could react to your presence, you pulled back your sleeve and freed your mechanical wristband. It self-assembled into a huge laser beam, to which you swung with your hand and sliced all of them into another pile of body parts.

The main subject of the matter though, the President, was not currently at the scene, and was sitting obliviously at his desk at the Oval Office.

A weight that you thought you never had was lifted directly off your shoulders. Now there was one ultimate mission left remaining: save Katia.

Across the room was an identical door and you went to it and opened it. Finally, this episode of terror was over. You saw the poor hopeless cat sitting on the edge of her bed, with a teary expression.

You shot the glass as likewise as before, melting into a oblong shape. The sound caught her ears and her eyes and noticed it was her handsome Y/N.

She scoffed with disbelief and leaped into your arms. "Oh, Y/N."

You embraced her passionate grip and held her tightly back, seeming to never let go of her again. "I'm so sorry," you spoke just above a whisper. "I didn't know." A tear left your eye, as well.

"Y/N. It's okay," she sobbed and sniffled. "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you, too." The warmth of your bodies felt more real and amplified, as there was nothing else that could bring you more joy than each other's company.

You let go of her needing touch. "Okay, we have to leave, quickly." You took her hand and proceeded to walk out of her cell and open the door to the main basement room with the round table. Then, you walked down the hallway to the left and pressed the button that lowers the elevator that leads to the Oval Office. "Stand behind me," you whispered to her, and she followed your lead.

When the platform came down, you both walked onto it and it began to lift back up. The President anticipated who exactly was coming up the elevator sitting at his desk. As he saw your head come up, his worst fears flourished to the surface.

"Oh, Y/N... Um... I'm surprised."

You walked up to his desk slowly. Your silence was too loud. As he picked up the phone and pressed the SOS button, you switched the dial on your gun again, and shot him, turning him into a concrete statue as the phone froze in place in his hand.

"Emergency services," the voice on the other end of the phone professionally asked.

You placed your mouth towards the bottom end of the telephone and uttered "November, Echo, November, Echo. NO EMERGENCY. November, Echo" In that order. Promptly after, the phone disconnected, making a buzzing sound.

The nightmare was coming to a close. You have prevailed over the Power with pure wit and determination. Now what left remaining was the cleanup, and the intimidating road ahead as to what you had to explain to the people of the Nation, and your fellow governmental colleagues.

You knew in the President's coat-pocket, there was a laminated card that he hands out to special individuals that give them access to any of his belongings. Typically it is handed out to family members or closest friends. Since you gun only transformed his flesh into stone, you were fine taking out the card as normal.

Katia followed you closely behind shuffling her feet and her tail behind her legs. She gripped onto your shirt, since you took off your frost vest since it was no longer needed. Once folks stop you at checkpoints, you showed them The Card. "Special access," you properly commanded, and they let you through with no trouble.

The last stop was the President's private bedroom. "Special access," you said holding up the card, and the officials let you through. They were even so kind as the open the door for the two of you - opened for the two of you to create more cherished memories just before the big day of tomorrow.

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