Chapter 14: Depressed/Hurt

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It was completely dark outside now. The full moon was freshly above the horizon, with its silver glow shining brightly over all the trees and nearby houses. The crickets filled the air and there was a gentle breeze that made the leaves shake.

Outside, you grabbed a chair recliner and pushed back and rested peacefully as you moon-bathed. The weather was calm and fair, with a couple stray clouds in the sky. It felt much more pleasant ever since the cold front hit a few days ago, the one where it was raining and thundering. The same night when you invited Katia into your home.

After some moments, back in the house, Katia began to grow a little worrisome, as she thought you were going to return and potentially play some more video games with her.

Finally, the Khajiit got up from the bed and left your room, and walked around looking for you. Eventually, she would open the front door and walk outside.

In the middle of the yard, she saw a silhouette of what appears to be a desolate blob, and she walked over to it.

It was you, staring miserably at the moon.

"There you are, Y/N! Are you okay?" Katia's looked down at you with her soft, caring tone?

You eyes shifted to look up at Katia. You sighed. "Not really."

"Why, what's wrong?" She replied with greater concern in her voice, laying a hand on your shoulder.

"I don't know, I'm just really bummed out. I try to make sure everyone is happy, but I always think my best is never good enough."

Her eyebrows lowered as though she is disappointed in you. "Y/N, why do you think such horrible things? You are such a sweet, sweet person. You invited me into your home, actively took care of me, and.... Gods, I think this might be the happiest point ever in my life." She smiled excitedly. "And it is all thanks to you, Y/N."

"Yeah, sure. But I can always... do better."

"What? Y/N, please stop. You are more than good enough for me."

A long pause ensued with Katia'a arms crossed. "I don't deserve anything." You choke up.

Katia had a plan B... "Hey," Katia said. "Get up, I need to show you something real quick. It's important."

Your eyebrows raised, but your eyes showed you were very tired. You sat upright and proceeded to stand.

Once you fully stood up, Katia quickly wrapped her arms around you. Her tail wrapped around one of your legs and she nuzzled your chest. "My sweet baby."

You gently embraced her with a hug too, and you immediately started sobbing and whining. "I don't deserve you," you cried weakly.

"Shhhh," she replied and rubbed your back. You returned her affection with a pet on her head, which she leaned into. While you pet, she began to pur, which made your heart melt even further.

After a few moments, she let go of the hug and she held your teary, snotty, ugly face. She took her thumbs and wiped away some of the tears as she smiled directly into your eyes.

The world has seemed to stop for you at this moment. There has never been a time in your life that anyone has shown you this much consideration for your wellbeing.


"Y-yeah?" You replied with a scratchy, heartbroken voice.  Sniffling since your nose was stuffed from the crying.

She was going to ask if she can come back inside with you, but seeing how she noticed you still felt disparaged and distressed, she only said "I love you," in the sweetest, most gentlest voice you have ever heard.

"I love you too!" You started back up again whining and sobbing with another round of tears, and her thumbs were ready to wipe them away once more.

After some time, the crying eventually ceased, leaving you with a headache, and your head feeling twice as large. You were breathing heavily and you tried to calm down since you were exhausted now.

"How about we go inside now, okay, Y/N? Maybe you can show me more 'video games' that you might have!" She looked up at you with an innocent cute smile and her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah," you breathed out. "Sorry for acting like that. I know that was embarrassing."

Both of you were holding hands on the way to the front door of your home. Katia giggled. "There's nothing wrong with having feelings, Y/N. Don't be so ridiculous. I cry all the time!"

You chuckled warmly. "I know." You rub her head a little and she leaned into it.

Back inside the house, you both walked to your room and interacted with your PC again. You then pulled up a library of video games you had on Steam.

"What is this 'Steam'?"

"It's just the name of a gaming platform, that is all you need to know. Here is my library of games. It's a long list so you have a lot to choose from."


"Okay," you pecked her on the cheek, and she blushed red. "I'm going to go take a shower and then sleep. I'm beat."

"Okay, Y/N." Katia smiled and waved at you like a little Khajiit kitten as you walked away and into the bathroom. You proceeded to take that shower as she attempted to browse the library with the controller you handed her earlier.

"Vah-lor-rant," she announced as her head tilted to the side. "Let's play that. That looks cool." She said to herself. Though personally, you hated the game. It made no sense to you competitively and thought it was "full of band kid normies", whatever that means.

After some time passed, you got out of the shower and Katia glanced at you putting clothes on, but went back to 'vah-lor-rant' trying to learn how to play the game.

You were too tired to explain to her that was an FPS game, plus, you were too tired to teach her how to use a keyboard and mouse. Once you got fully dressed for bed, you hopped under the covers next to her on the bed.

Your face was halfway covered in the blanket, and you gently scratched her back before you closed your eyes. "Goodnight, Katia. Have fun." You said as her tail was flicking your face. Some part of you knew she was doing that on purpose, out of slight, subconscious affection. "Oh, and press that button there to turn everything off when you're done." You said as you pointed to the PC's power button.

Once Katia was finished with her gaming, she proceeded to do just that, and join you in bed afterwards. It was 4AM and you were already knocked out. Under the covers, she thought this was very cute, and kissed your cheek one more time before she fully closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Sequel Adventure (Katia Managan x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora