Chapter 29: Ready to go

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You rolled the over-bed table away to the corner of the room and prepared to get properly dressed. You opened the wardrobe, which showcased many articles of clothing to choose from - mostly formal, though.

Katia, now sitting at the foot of the bed wearing nothing but her panties, stated, "I don't know how you are going to convince the whole world about your invention, but, I guess I trust you."

Her eyes avoided you with uncertainty. Her arms crossed to protest your seemingly shallow intentions. "You promised me I would be safe..."

As you finished dressing, an eyebrow raised and you turned to face her. "What do you mean, Katia? You are safe."

"Really? After what just happened? I could have been killed! I don't know how- who you work for..." Her breathing picked up from this newfound trauma and anxiety. Her whole life is nothing but crushed dreams and bad luck, and she did not know who to trust anymore. Her words hit blindly with anger and fear. "This whole time I've been here, I have experienced nothing but hell! Sure, all this stupid technology - that I can hardly even understand anyway - is great and all, but it just seems like empty promises! 'Oh, i'll take you home', 'oh, I love you too much to let anything happen,' and what happens after that? I get thrown directly in harms way! Let me ask you something, Y/N. What are we? Do you even like me, let alone LOVE me?"

Pressure ached in your chest from Katia's words. You attempt to keep calm and find logic to her statements as your eyebrows furrowed. "Well. We both got fucked with. I live a very complicated life in an even more complicated world. I know a lot about science, and I guess my pride got too far in the way, that I trusted everyone that would give me the light of day. Any normal person would not understand or even appreciate what I achieved, or think whatever I do is just fantasy. By bringing you with me, I thought that you were a legitimate source of evidence for my work, and not get criticized once again by my peers."

"That's all? That's all I am to you? 'Evidence'? A fucking object?!"

"No, Katia! That is not what I am saying at all. Because I have discovered you, you have actually given my life meaning! Because of you, I have proof that there are universes beyond our own. I have proof that there is hope for everyone's loneliness. Everyone's sadness and despair. To leave this planet and discover something greater - the beyond. You are the greater force of what everyone knows happiness to be. You know, before I met you, I was suicidal. I was driven so mad with despair to find this 'beyond', that as soon as the following day, I actually was going to do it. God delivered you to me, in the most perfect time, and gave me the wisdom to finish my invention. That is why I need you. You are important to all of us here in this universe. And you are most important to me!"

Tears fell down her face as you spoke as she continued to look away from you.

Your voice dropped to a near whisper. "That's why I love you, y'know," Your voice picks up again at a regular tone. "That's most likely why the government wanted to eradicate us, because the love we share is rather dangerous. Our love breaks society free from control and hypnosis. We will face some difficult times together that are beyond our control, but that is the beauty of change. It's easy to blame others, but once we communicate and unite together, we will always find a way out. This is what I fight and believe in. And if I give a good enough speech to the world as I walk upon the stage, we will make the universe a better place. And I know it is hard to trust me after those events, but, that is the past, and he should have known better than to put me in such a low-security cell like that. He was stupid, and now he is dead. We can celebrate."

After a momentary pause, Katia speaks through the barrier of silence. "I'm- just scared, Y/N. I know it wasn't your fault. And I'm sorry... No one has ever said all those nice things to me before like that... I love you too, Y/N. I hope that my feelings for you won't be wasted like all the other times in my life, in my own world."

"Look at me," you sit down next to her on the bed with a hand on her shoulder. Eventually, Katia surrendered, and she turned her head in your direction. But her eyes remained staring into the abyss, not knowing what to feel next, exactly. "I cannot imagine a universe that I will reject you. I cannot imagine a universe where I will stop loving you. Come with me to the stage outside. Come with me, so that we can show the world hope for a better life... Oh, I'm just jubilant thinking about it!" You tapped your feet with excitement.

A weak smile drew on Katia's lips, and she put her head on your chest to feel your heartbeat. Her face spoke of exhaustion, but was content to the knowledge of your strength and passion.

"I can't wait either, Y/N. I might be nervous, but I am as happy as I've ever been. Let's do it. Let's show the world what we can do together."

The last moments in the room was spent embracing each other quietly for several minutes; more than words to describe the emotions they felt. After this sensitive exchange, Katia finally left for a moment to put on something neat and comfortable before joining you again by your side.

You stood at the door in attention, and you were interrupted with her hand joining yours. "Ready to go?" She asked, to which you nodded.

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