Chapter 31: The Great Y/N Transpose

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"This, I show you. My invention: 'The Great Y/N Transpose', will shake the stars, and split the Universe wide open! God has spoken to me, and I have responded! Through God, humanity shall come together once again, through love, and wisdom, and understanding."

You worked The Transpose device in front of you, and pushed some dials. An enormously sized doorframe-shaped portal - about the height of that White House appeared in front of everyone. The wind roared through the people, and Katia's hood flipped off her head, revealing her feline features. Her eyes widened with self-consciousness, and her tail wrapped around her leg.

You approached her and wrapped your arm around her shoulder and looked at the crowd as it erupted with applause.

"People of the world, I ask for all of you to join us! To escape to the world beyond; to Skyrim! Our chance to start over! And create new memories! And to forget about our past, our ancestors, our mistakes!"

You continued:

"Think of our evil mistreatment of the native Americans and the nations of an ancient world. The fears of our ancestors, as seen through the looking glass of today's society, was inappropriate and violent. And terribly uneducated. This World, Skyrim, I have discovered through my invention, The Great Y/N Transpose, is a world similar to that of our ancient times. In our society of today, I think we can do better. With our new understanding, we can introduce our ways of life to these societies, and we shall be their common sense rulers! Today, I will dub this mission: Operation: Second Chance. Under my leadership: for the betterment of our society: we shall explore this new world. We shall also exchange new ideas; science, literature, biology, culture, music, art! There is nothing to be afraid of, as I know this world, and we will be the teachers!"

The crowd resumed their applause and cheers, with full agreement with your idea.

You took Katia's wrist and held it up high. "The love of my life, Katia Managan! She has came from Skyrim." You took her wrist down, and then joined both of her hands with yours. "Though her feline appearance might frighten some, she has taught me so much about her spirit, and the spirit of her cause, and the spirit of Skyrim. Katia has taught me love in a way no human could. Fellow humans, we need to learn this love again. Therefore, we need to learn Skyrim. Come with me, and I shall lead the way."

It was rather impossible for the whole world to follow you at once, but the vast majority of the crowd that gathered with you today has certainly joined your cause with curiosity, but with reasonable cautiousness, called "The First Ones".

You stepped off the stage with Katia and onto the grass. You stepped inside the portal and offered Katia your hand back to her home world - the one she has been deprived of for a week. Like a bridge, she took the hand and stepped inside.

On the other side in Skyrim, the skies were dark. Back to how it all started

It was a cool and calm and clear night, the stars twinkled like finely-crushed glass overhead  as the Sun, Magnus, just finished setting over the horizon. On a boulder, just outside of the Imperial gates, laid the wizardry books of a quiet and focused Khajiit as she once waited for her Imperial guard friend Asotil to return - Katia Managan.

You took your other hand and reached out to humanity on Earth, and one of the individuals from the crowd took it, and you pulled them in. Behold, the first two humans of interdimensional travel, and rapidly growing.

The rest bravely stepped through the barrier, and soon a growing line formed behind you and Katia, bravely marching the uncharted territories of an alien civilization.

Tens became hundreds, and hundreds became thousands... Katia made sure to grab her book off the rock as you made your way to the Imperial doors. And once you arrived, the guards, of course, stopped you.

"Stop, ye who weareth Heavenly garments!" Mistaking your lab coat for the white robs offered in Heaven when a believer dies.

"Guards, I humbly ask that we speak to the ruler of this kingdom. We have come from a Land much more advanced than yours, and bring technology far greater than your understanding, if you can see that amazing square shape over there." You pointed to the entrance of Earth. "We bring the King food, wealth, population, science... Power. Our society has come in peace, so long as you open the door and let us pass."

The guard who spoke looked at his neighbor, and the back at you with eyes squinting with intimidation downward. "What kind of power?"

In an instant, with a hand behind your back, you drew out your weapon and shot at the doors as you stood perfectly straight. And the door crumbled into ashes as you kept a stoic expression.

The eyes of both guards shifted to fear, with the pupils of their eyes shrinking into pins. The main guard who tried to bully you, dropped his spear and bowed his head, with his hand leading the way. The other guard also dropped his spear and ran away frantically to the entrance of the kingdom.

"King, o' king, something terrible is happening at the steps of thine very kingdom!"

The king abandoned his sluggish poster, and looked down at the panicked guard, responding with equal fervor. "What is going on, mine own warrior? Tell me! Quick!" The king then drew out his sword and heroically held it out to his side.

"Oh, king. A fabulous army has formed at your entrance, with powers infinitely greater than our own! We do not stand a chance! Please king, please speak to them, and negotiate peace! They cometh in white robes, such as the kingdom of Heaven!"

"The kingdom of Heaven? Unstoppable powers?" The king inquired. "Then this must be of highest importance... Lead those people, and send them my way posthaste!"

The guard stood still, as though he was overwhelmed with these events. 

"Are you a fool?! Get out there! Now!!" The king shouted, his cheeks turning red with frustration.

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