Chapter 16: The next town over

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Katia walked back to your bed to sit down, her tail swished back and forth since she was very curious as to what you were doing. There were so many buttons on this "keyboard" she was informed about, and you were pressing them extremely quickly. Words would appear on the screen, which amazed her.

Unfortunately, you did get off work rather late, which was around 11:15PM, which you have explained to her. This disappointed her, but she waited nonetheless until you were fully off. During breaks, she would shower you with kisses, but made sure not to bother you too much and allowed you to have the little free time you had.

Eventually, it approached lunch. Since you didn't eat on your lunch break, however, and instead ate on your other 15-minute breaks, you turned around and asked her. "Hey, do you want to go for a walk with me?"

She blushed a little and smiled sweetly. "Sure, I'll do anything with you."

You gently took her by the hand, and left the room and went outside your home. It was a very warm evening, but it was very tolerable. There was still sunlight outside, but close to setting, as the sky displayed a near-yellow color on the horizons.

"It's a really nice day," Katia said quietly and soothingly as she leaned her head on your shoulder.

You smiled, "I guess so."

"I'm glad I get to spend it with you, even if it's just 30 minutes... 30 minutes with you can feel like hours."

You chuckled in your mouth and looked down at her. "That's very sweet. Thank you. Now that you're in my life, you need to stay in it."

Katia was touched and pleased with your response, and she closed her eyes, smiled brightly, and nuzzled your whole arm.

"I can get a little clingy, I hope you don't mind."

"No, it doesn't bother me."

After 30 minutes was up, both of you walked back inside and you proceeded to get back to work. Katia went back to her usual hobby, which was Y/N-watching. Like bird watching, but it's you.

Your last break comes around. You turn around in your chair and ask her, "Oh, I forgot to ask earlier on my lunch break. Would you... Uhm..." Your cheeks turn red and you froze up mid-sentence.

"Yeah?" The Khajiit grinned and her tail wagged faster.

You closed your eyes and braced yourself. "Would you like to, er, go on our first date, together?"

She blushed as well, and she thought it was very cute to see you feeling embarrassed. She giggled, took your hand, and held it up to her chest. "I would love to. Where do you think we should go?"

You started to brainstorm, and came up with an idea with a smirk on your face. "Hmm... How about we go shopping, get some stuff together, and then, we can go and see a movie together. I know theres one place where they are having a showing right now at midnight."

She gasped. "Actually, that would be a great idea, let's do it." Her tail swished back and forth still, extremely excited.

Two more hours pass, and you were finally free from work, and you playfully turned your chair back over to her. "Eeeeee hee hee-" She let out, her cheeks were rosy and she purred and her tail was now flipping out.

You stand up looking down at her sitting on the bed. "Well, are you ready to go?"

"Ummm," she looked down at her clothes to find she was only wearing a shirt and panties. "Uh I don't think so, let me pull up my inventory."

She remembered she did have those Kvatch arena trousers. She looked into her Inventory and equipped them. "Okay, I think I'm ready now," she said childishly and grinned.

"Good." You offered your hand and she took it, lifting her up. Both of you held hands on the way to your car. As usual now, she was able to independently open the door and sit down inside, and close the door.

You started the car and proceeded to drive to the store to pick up some things first.

She let out a high pitched giggled. "This is so exciting! I have never been on a date before!"


"Yeah. In my world, no man has ever taken me out on a date. I had a problem with drinking and I was only good for one night stands." She paused and shifted attitudes. "I'm not very proud of it either."

"Oh... I'm sorry about that." You weren't sure what to say, and your expression because a little worrisome.

"No it's okay. That was my past. I think I'm getting better at it though, right? I haven't had a drop of alcohol in like, gosh, three days?"

"Yeah I suppose you have. We can talk about it later though, Kat, okay? Like, when we come back home or something. Right now, let's focus on our date." Your concerned look slowly shifted into something more reassuring.

She sighed, and began to smile again, and shifted to excitement once again. "Okay."

Katia asked, "Man, we must be a million miles away from home now. Where are we going?" You then explained it was the next town over and both of you will be there soon.

Finally, you two both arrived at the city. There were much more white and pretty lights Katia saw, and her eyes lit up. The future was still a little overwhelming for her, but she was able to manage her anxiety better.

These lights that she saw were certainly not used to the ones at home, where it was only candles and flames. It was much brighter and had a more refreshing feel on the eyes.

It smelt like cars, and pavement, which made her very curious since these are smells she never smelt before.

Finally, after some turns, you made it to the parking lot of the store, and you parked your car. Katia's eyes sparkled seeing so many other cars and funny-looking machines, like a kid at a candy store.

You pat her on the shoulder. "Hey, we're here." And she snapped out of it. "Huh- wha- OH!"

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