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Ten years have now passed since the events of Sequel Adventure.

The worlds of Earth and Skyrim have gotten to know each other very well.  The world of Skyrim - Cyrodiil, specifically - was under heavy construction and renovations to reflect a setting similar to the metropolises of Earth. Similarly, the government of Cyrodiil continued to cooperate with the people of Earth, as the citizens of the two worlds exchanged knowledge on how to be more efficient with energy, but at the same time, invent new ways to make that energy cleaner and healthier.

Children and adults alike from Earth would go to magic school to learn spells, potions, physical and mental properties of magic, and the physics of Skyrim. As for the same with children and adults on Earth whom immigrated from Skyrim. 

Earth has taught Skyrim about the knowledge of the airplane, and Skyrim has taught Earth about the knowledge of dragon flying.

You and Katia were the new owners of the Mage's Guild, which was also in charge of all the schools of magic in the country. After Katia soaked her mind thoroughly with magical education, she quickly grew to become a powerful sorceress, capable of unbelievable power with her fire magic. She wore a beautiful, glistening fire robe, that was literally on fire, but because of her talents in the fire arts, the robe does not ignite.

On the other hand, you wore an ice robe as well, wearing frost that never melts because of your proficiency in the specific art.

Years ago, you and Katia actually got married, and you two are now nearing your seventh anniversary. It felt as though it was yesterday, seeing Quill-Weave's face in awe and seeing her tears of joy as a hopeless romantic.

As for your personal circumstances, these were some of the most busiest and most important years of your life, maintaining positive relations with the current King of Cyrodiil (which was now at the age of 26), maintaining peace through strength with the current leaders of Earth, and making sure there are peaceful negotiations between Earth and Skyrim citizens, mayors, and business leaders.

Not to mention the simple aspects of life, such as new food, new cultures, new languages, new politics. And of course, electricity!

It was certainly not easy, but out of the many bills that you and King Phyr have signed jointly, the city of Cyrodiil has quickly changed from a society of torches and oil lamps, and candles, to a society of sodium vapor, LED's, and fluorescent light bulbs.

Uniquely enough, though, the city still does maintain some of its old fashioned infrastructure, such as cobblestone roads, stylish wooden architecture, taverns, cobblers, and some castles, as they are not necessary changes in the city's landscape, for now. Secondly, these structures, as our societies unanimously agreed, are a strong representation of history, and are a symbol of indifference, no matter what happens.

"Hey," says the yellow cat leaning up against the window in your rooms on the second floor of the Mage's Guild. She was somewhat tired from teaching another class of elite magic students. "I'm proud of you. For this wonderful reality you created for all of us. You are truly one of a kind."

you smirked through your nose as you took off your hat, walking over to her. "Well, you are truly one of a kind as well, Sorceress Katia. I never would have thought of this reality, either. And I never knew, when I married you, you could be such a brilliant cat under all that self-loathing ten years ago."

Katia shook her head and placed her finger on your lips to hush you. "Oh, I'm not worried about all of that. All I care about is what's happening right now. Right now, I am in the world of Katia and Y/N, and there's no place I'd rather be."

You held the wrist that hushed you and you leaned in to press your lips onto hers. She moaned quietly and wrapped her arms around you, listening to the sound of the crickets outside at night.

After the kiss broke, Katia continued to hold onto you. her face lied on your chest as she listened to your heartbeat, and watched as the workers outside act diligently to make the buildings taller.

After a long pause, both of you went ahead to take a shower together and brush each other's teeth, and get ready for bed.

Katia kissed you once more before falling asleep... "Alright, Y/N, let's go to sleep, now. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, as always. I love you, my handsome ice king."

"... Love you too, miss fire goddess."

Indeed, each day counted for the two of them, as their love and devotion for one another was without depth.
Will their love be tested in the face of true danger? Will there be a new force of evil to awaken from the rubble that challenges the very foundation of both worlds? What kind of new conflicts will Earth and Skyrim face together?

There shall be no limits to these rips in space-time.


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