Chapter 22: Mr. President

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In your room, you unplugged your portal device from the wall. The outlet appeared far different from what a standard outlet is. It was much larger and drew much more power. Each time you turned it on, the lights would flicker from the surge.

You rolled the device out on a dolly and went to the black truck and loaded it onto the tailgate. Two secret servicemen covered the tailgate with an opaque tarp so that no one could see it.

"Um, Mr. President, may I sit in the back with my Khajiit? She gets very nervous around new people. I hope you don't mind."

The President made a joking implication, grinning. "Well, I certainly would have liked your company in the front seat too. But if you insist, I trust that you know what is best for us."

You gave him two thumbs up. "Great." You went back to accompany Katia and offered her your hand. Slowly she stood up and held your hand tightly and walked with you as close as can be, almost hugging you on the way to the truck.

Both of you sat in the back seat, sat next to you both was one of the guards. Another one of the secret men was the designated driver and started the truck and pulled away, driving back to the military base to meet back up with Air-force One.

Katia shyly wrapped her tail around your leg and put her head on your shoulder. Because of the alienating experience she was shaking a little. But, you kept her anxiety at bay a little by rubbing her back and whispering positive affirmations in her ear. "You're doing good. You're a good kitty."

The crew made it to the military station and the secret service aided in rolling your portal machine to the helicopter.

Both of you stepped out. Katia held onto your side close and urgently. The street lamps casted its white glow on the pavement as the fresh air reeked of diesel. And gunpowder.

Both of you huddled closely to the helicopter. "Remember when I told you about flying being another modem of transportation for us?"

She nodded sheepishly.

"Okay, well, this is what is going to happen here. I know this world better than you, so I am going to cover your eyes. I am not sure how well you do with heights. I am also going to put on headphones for you because the sounds are going to be really really loud. All of are going to be wearing headphone. You have to trust me okay? Nothing here moving foreword is going to hurt you."

"Okay, Y/N."

The President, you, Katia, and the secret service all hopped into the helicopter and took off en route to the White House. All of you wore headphone and you covered the Khajiit's eyes to avoid panic.

When everyone landed, you uncovered Katia's eyes, and you both and the president made their way to the Oval Office with the portal device.

In the middle of the room, there was a circular carpet. The president closed the door from behind him after you both stepped inside and ripped off a patch of wallpaper from the wall to reveal a metal panel with a keypad. Then after, the president entered the numbers and gave a retina scan and opened the little door to reveal a lever inside, to which he pushed and quickly stood the middle to meet the both of you.

The circular platform began to descend a few basement levels, and finally, there was a long hallway once the platform halted its decent. From there, you wheeled the device down the hallway with Katia and the President and entered a large circular room.

The president walked up to the large round table with the greatest, and most secret scientists in the world. You were a little surprised as well to find some of these were big names, such as Elon Musk, and... Your best friend F/N?

The whole room erupted in clapping when they saw your portal invention in person. Which was even more shocking since only you and the President knew about it.

Before you started to present your historic discovery in science, all of you first celebrated and threw a small party, with some champagne and snacks.

Elon Musk walked up to you in a congratulatory disposition and shook your hand. "Y/N! You are a true inspiration to my scientific dreams. Thank you for this amazing breakthrough, and you know, I can't wait to see that equation you used to make this possible. So fascinating."

His hand retreated from yours after a moment and went over to Katia. "... And you must be?"

You opened your mouth but you were interrupted by her voice. She cleared her throat and blushed a shade of pink. "It's K-Katia."

"Oh, I see. You're not from this world, are you?"

"Er, no, sorry. Not technically." Her ears dropped to the sides of her head.

He chuckled. "Maybe it came from one of the universes you discovered, does that sound right, Y/N?" He turned to look at you.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." You smiled warmly, stifling a laugh.

F/N approached you. "Hey, Y/N! Fantastic work man, I wouldn't imagine you had such an amazing brain. Even triumphing over my brain."

"Ahh, well my brain must not be that great since you already knew about it." You laughed. "What's more unimaginable is you are a member of the Secret Scientists as well."

All of you together laughed and talked and had a great time for a brief moment, before it was time to get serious again. Once the get together was wrapped up, everyone began to reorganize and take out their notes. there was a large chalkboard setup, as well as your own list of notes you brought with you.

The President sat next to you, and you were about ready to begin your presentation to the Secret Scientists.

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