Chapter 30: Change the world

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Hands joined, you and Katia stepped out of the room, and treaded down the hallway leading outside. As usual, another gentleman tried to stop you, but as long as you had the card, everything was good, and safe.

Outside was a platform, with a long walkway leading to a stage, a mic, and a podium. The Sun was just above the horizon, casting a bright golden glow over the whole scene. You both make your way to this stage, and you stand in front of the podium.

For a few moments, you stared blankly at the Washington Monument, and it stared back at you. The humid air brushed against your skin and clothes, and leaves from below rustled desolately in one direction. The Sun was afterwards obscured by some clouds.

"Put on your hood," you whispered to Katia, before hitting a black-colored button on the side of the podium. From above, enormous speakers let out a loud, strobing tone. After a couple minutes, the sound ceased, and people began to gather around to investigate, and figure out what is happening for someone to sound such an alarm. This tone is only used for special situations or advisements, such as a global authoritarian change to society, almost like a publicly announced executive order.

As more and more gathered, the People started to take a good look at your face, and tried to understand who you were. You looked down at the crowd with stoic seriousness, as this was your only chance. The chance to turn the United States, and the world, into a more peaceful and understanding place, or throw it under inconceivable anarchy and annihilation, if you deliver your speech poorly.

human voices began to fill the air, as the crowd grew from hundreds, to thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands. For longer you stood there in silence, and the massive population looked up with even more curiosity and worry. Members of the secret service attempted to pull you off stage after finding out what you have done, but the military held them at gunpoint of they even try to move.

"Attention!" You raised your hands as your voice hit the audience like thunder, and the crowd went silent.
"Fellow Americans. I first want to deliver with a heavy heart some unfortunate news. Yesterday, last evening, your President, [president's name], has passed away. For some of you, this may come as a time for mourning and tragedy, especially for the considerably wealthy. For others, this may be a moment of shock. But, for all of us, right now, this is an opportunity for salvation, and revenge. And to take back our freedom that was wrongfully stolen from us. From this point forward, I shall assume the presidency - President Y/N - and abolish the policies set forth from our previous leader that separated our values. And rebuild this country and bring back our love, our happiness, our education, our equality, and our decency! During the presidency of [president's name], we have encountered nothing but outstanding turmoil and conflict among the american people, causing in abominable destruction on our streets, restless riots, and cries for help that appear to be nothing more than a whisper. Under his management, we have seen unaffordable housing; less jobs; crippling market. Neighbors cannot trust each other anymore, and have unnecessary means of protection and lack of regard for one another. Children cannot go to school anymore without fears of being kidnapped or shot. Both men and women have unrealistic standards for each other, and we have seen complete separation of our own families because of extremist belief systems and cults. Cults that teach people that everyone in the world is the enemy but themselves, and fellow cult members.
Starting now, under this new era, we will absolutely crush  these organizations, and establish a new community. A community that instead teaches everyone that love is not currency, and that it is boundless and has no tolerance for hatred, mistrust, or conditions. To celebrate equality, not diversity. To keep our children safe, and continue striving for the education they need to achieve - the RIGHT education. To hug our neighbors again, talk for hours, and accept gifts from them. To renew and produce more energy to alleviate the market's troubles. All these things! This time, we take our country back!"

The crowd unanimously applauded in agreement, though there was still some speculation among the people in some spots.

"To begin this transformation, I have an announcement I need to make to the American people that will ultimately shape our entire future, and understanding, of travel. And unequivocally, the entire world. Though you may have never seen, or known of me, I have worked under this president's administration, in a secret lair unknown to the public. I have worked with an organization known as the Secret Scientists. The greatest and most genius Scientists from all over the world. We have gathered in meetings underground to uncover great inventions that we have thought society was not ready for yet. Well, about a week ago now, I have uncovered an invention so great, that even they were threatened by its potential, and attempted to eliminate my existence. With that statement, I shall walk away for a few moments to grab this invention, and show the entire world for the first time. Brace yourselves!"

You pushed yourself away from the podium backwards and proceeded to talk quickly away from the stage to grab the teleportation machine. Katia shifted her eyes to you for a second and held her hands together nervously. Then she looked down at the enormous crowd and listened to the anticipated chatter.

Eventually you stepped back out wheeling the invention, wearing your unbuttoned lab coat. At the same time, the event was now being televised to multiple countries worldwide.

To the crowd, it was a perfectly shaped white cube, with some glowing blue buttons and dials.

"Behold, world! Behold!"

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