Chapter 26: The Spirit Awakens

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The following morning approached.

Though you thought this was all just a bad dream, you wake up acting refreshed, expecting to be in your room snuggling against your warm Khajiit.

Instead, your eyes squinted to the bright florescent lights above and you lifted the covers - the only item that brought you warmth - to feel the ice coldness of your cell. Your skin reacted with goosebumps and you shuttered with such a sharp discomfort.

The bitter coldness of the ground stabbed your feet as you stood up from the rough bed. You sighed and stretched the tiredness out of your body before putting on your scrub pants and slippers.

Still slightly dreamy-feeling, you thought to yourself, "if I am going to break out of this cell and retrieve my significant other, and my invention, I first need to go about my plan as quietly as soundly as possible."

You observed stoically, monitoring the heavy men who guarded your enclosure; you looked at the camera above, too. Pretending as though you never had a second thought, you went to your lab table, and began to craft and brainstorm the How in the equation. How are you going to execute this plan?

You hear the metal door clang and squeak as it opened, and out walked your closest enemy, the President.

"Good morning, Y/N. How did you sleep?" His hands his behind his back.

"Fine, I guess."

"I'm surprised you began working. I still thought you were at your rebellion phase. Well, I guess not." He cleared his throat. "As you would probably tell already, your colleagues adore your invention, and want to find ways they can improve on it further... So, here, I give you some of their collaborations, their recommendations, and a bit of their ideas in regards to your equation."

The President walked over to the small slit in the cell door and handed you the stack of papers. You retrieved them and were graced with the warmth that it provided, since it was fresh off the printer.

"Thanks," you replied. "I'll check them out." Though you would have normally been excited in working with the Secret Scientists, you remember how you are being treated, like an innocent piece of trash owned by a corrupt tyrant.

"Oh, good." He smiled with his disgusting teeth. "Hopefully, you will come around to accept your life here, because this might be an example of you hiding your grief... I will be back periodically to check on you. But as you can see, I am a very busy man. So for now, I bid you farewell."

The President then walked away, which relieved you in a sense, seeing how he ruled the entire country, even though he was quite incompetent.

Out of curiosity, you sat down on the bed and looked over the papers the Secret Scientists sent you. The tops of each paper were stamped out as "Top Secret".

Your mind flowed reading their research and illustrations and ideas surrounding your work. You face lit up with admiration as you read all the positive formalities they were thoughtful enough to send to you.

You pulled out the nightstand drawer and laid the papers in a folder for your own sake. You wanted to test these theories and ideas out on your portal invention once you are able to get out of this situation. Therefore, it only determined you further to escape, no matter how challenging the road ahead might be.

From there, you began to go to work, crafting mechanisms, drawing equations and illustrations of your own creativity on the board. You did not work on improving your invention though, just methods to escape your cell flawlessly. As expected, the President did check up on you periodically, to which you explained you were contributing to your scientific team.

For about three days, you worked diligently. With each passing day, you grew more stressed and worried that anyone would find out that you were not helping their cause at all.

But at last, you were able to come up with a device that might be the answer to your way out. It is a gun that can turn anything into a liquid. Typically, the president would show up at a specific time each day, but on this day, he was rather spontaneous.

"Hello, Y/N. Do you finally have something we can show to your colleagues out there? They are starving for new information regarding your portal."

There was no way of hiding from this one, and you had to explain what you were holding in your hand. "Well, what I have made here, Mr. President, is a gun that can change realities. But the problem is that it is random, so a random reality, and not a specific one. I am close to fixing this problem. And you can only use it on the portal, because," you pointed it at a chair and fired the gun, melting it to a liquid, "it melts things."

The President pointed his handgun at the glass, and you flinched as he pulled the trigger. However, the glass wasn't even scratched, and the bullet flattened like a dime.

"Did I scare you?" He laughed as he retreated his gun to his inner breast pocket. "These walls are tougher than diamonds."

You nodded your head sheepishly.

"Whelp, I'm off again. If you're not finished by tomorrow, then I will have to search your room. My trust is waning, Y/N."

Once he left, you were able to breathe again. Shocked, even, of his ignorance.

Sequel Adventure (Katia Managan x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα