Chapter 18: Inhibitions Part One

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Sorry for another late post, depression has been kicking my ass lately. I hope you will all enjoy this latest chapter!
(also, I will try my best to pick up the pacing moving foreword through the chapters, I think its a little slow for what, and how much, I have planned for this story, lol)

The kiss was broken between the two of you and locked foreheads, looking into each other's eyes. You took her hand and laced your fingers around hers.

you smiled widely and handsomely, "maybe we can take the next step, now that we had our first date."

She spoke in a near-whisper. "I would love that."

"Do you want me to make you something to eat? It is pretty late though, so maybe I can throw something in the microwave."

"The little metal box that heats things?" She giggled. "That would be nice."

You pecked her on the lips and let go of each other's embrace. "Okay." And you proceeded to heat up some hot pockets that you took from the freezer. Katia sat there and watched you, not sure what to do with herself exactly.

Once you were finished heating up the food, you gave her a plate of hot pockets. Afterwards you began to sift through the freezer again to find a bottle of rum.

"Hey, do you want a drink?" You held it out for her to see the bottle clearly.

Katia hesitated, knowing that alcohol could trigger her more intense reaction. But she also didn't want to seem like a party-pooper. "Um... I don't really drink much, Y/N. But if you want to do something, I can try anything."

She bit her lip nervously, hoping you wouldn't push her too hard. Despite her reservations, she trusted you and wanted to support whatever choices you made.

"I know. I understand you are trying to cut back on the alcoholism you told me about. But one cheat day, or night, if you will, don't hurt, right? Besides, I am sure whatever happens, I will take care of you . And it will be in the safety of our own home, and not some party. Does that make sense?"

Katia looked into your eyes, feeling a mix of emotions. She was grateful for your understanding and support, but also scared of what might happen if she gave in to temptation. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded slowly.

"Okay... I trust you, Y/N. If you say it'll be okay, then I'll try."

You gently rubbed her on the back and petted the fur on her head, and grabbed the drink from the freezer. "How about some rum and coke, to give it some taste at least, right?"

She nodded her head sheepishly. "Yeah, that will be fine. Thank you."

You have her a warm smile as you made the drinks. You laughed as well since you had a plan in mine to go with all this. "Listen, it will be just for one night, too. I know you're nervous, I get that. I just want to get to know you more. And hey, I'll let you do my makeup, too."

Katia giggled at your joke, trying to lighten the mood. She loved the thought of getting to know each other better, and she was excited to share her hobby with you.

"Okay, but only because you asked nicely. And no, I won't make you look like a clown, promise!" She playfully pushed your arm, smiling at you. Despite her nervousness, she was excited to spend time with you and explore this new aspect of their relationship.

You laughed and joined pinkies with her. "Okay, you promise."

"Yeah, I promise," she responded with a sense of happiness and contentment that she had not experience in a long time. She giggled further at the thought. "I cant wait to try my hand at making you look even more handsome than you already are."

You laughed even harder. "I will be the prettiest girl in the world!"


Skipping to the part where you two were in the bedroom, you and Katia were sitting on the bed crisscross, with both alcoholic beverages in hand.

"Alright, so what kind of look were you hoping for with your hair tonight? Something casual and messy, or more formal and tidy?" Katia played with your hair when she asked.

"It can be casual, or messy, I don't mind. Whatever you have on your mind. I promise you I won't get mad, it's just for fun."

She smiled at your words, feeling a bit more at ease. She began to braid your hair, starting with a simple three-strand braid. "Well, I was thinking of something a bit more formal, but with a bit of a twist. How about a French braid? It's a bit fancier than a regular braid, but still not too formal."

you giggled and took a gulp of the rum and coke. "OH wow, rum and coke is spectacular. You should take a drink."

Katia blushed at your praise, taking a small sip of her rum and coke. It was stronger than she was used to, but she didn't mind. She felt a warm glow spreading through her chest.

You celebratorily lifted your glass in the air. "French braid, huh? That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it!"

Katia smiled at your enthusiasm, finishing the last braid. She stepped back to admire her work, feeling a sense of pride swell up inside her. "Well, what do you think? Do you like it?"

you took another drink of your coke-rum, you felt warmer and happier, and you laughed proudly when you saw the hair in a mirror.

"Oh my gosh, I love it! That's so pretty."

"Thank you! I'm so glad you like it. And you look amazing, too."

you turned to face her as you both sat crisscross on the bed. "Now we need to do the makeup part, remember?" You tapped her glass with your glass and you reassuringly rubbed her arm. "You can take another drink, sweetie. I'll be here with you, even if you do a bad job. I promise!"

Katia giggled, taking another sip of her drink. The warmth spreading through her chest was starting to feel a bit much, but in a good way. She was glad you were being so supportive.

"Alright, let's do this! Makeup time." She grabbed a small makeup case from her bag, opening it up to reveal a variety of colors and brushes. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she began applying foundation to your face. "So, what kind of look were you hoping for tonight? Something natural, or more glamorous?"

You took a third drink, you felt warmer, but not quite tipsy just yet. "Oh, glamorous! I want my face to be your art project!"

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