Chapter 2: Victor

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My name is Sharon, an adventurer that is currently in search of a cure to save my parents. Despite the racial difference of me being an elf, they still loved and cared for me as if I was their own. Although, that relationship might not be accurate since they're old enough to be my grandparents.

Our lives weren't anything thrilling, we lived in a small quaint house located in a lush prairie surrounded by mountains. Perhaps it was because of that, I found an addictive fascination of adventuring from the tales I read in the old worn out books my parents kept.

So far, my adventure hasn't been anything grand as I've read and heard about in the books, but the foreign interactions and exploration were enough to keep me captivated. Just recently, I met a strange boy named Tatsuo who is also incredibly strong...


*A couple days before...

Sharon rummages through the remains of the bandits' belongings and finds a couple empty bag pouches. Thinking they could be used to aid them in carrying the treasures with them, she calls out to Tatsuo to inform him.

Sharon: Hey Tatsuo, I've found some empty bags we could use for –

As soon as she turns around she sees Tatsuo lifting the box of treasure casually onto his shoulder, letting out a small grunt. The elongated wooden box shakes upon nestling between his neck and shoulder, his shirt crinkling underneath. His monstrous strength defies her expectations yet again and leaves her speechless for a moment.

Sharon: ....

Sharon: Isn't that pretty heavy...? – She questionably asks.

Tatsuo tilts his head back. "Yeah? It's pretty heavy, but I think I can carry this to the next town." He said with no effort nor strain.



And now...The two of us are running for our lives... From a ruffled up oversized bird.

A massive chicken-like creature with an elongated neck aggressively chases down Sharon and Tatsuo. It intimidatingly shakes its spread out wings, with a wingspan large enough to fit both Sharon and Tatsuo. Its raptor-like legs kick up a dust storm behind it as it screeches in cluck noises.

Sharon outlandishly struts her arms and legs, doing her best to outpace the giant chicken monster. In contrast to Tatsuo, who seemingly remains unfazed by their predicament, has both hands held firm to the wooden box placed on his shoulder to hold it in place as he runs.

"Dammit Tatsuo! Why couldn't you do as I said!" Sharon irritatingly shouts.

Tatsuo: But you said to stick to the path...

Sharon: We could've easily gone around the flock! Why'd you have to go and kick one of the hens?!! Roolidooks and Rooliqueens are known to be territorial! Now this Roolidook is mad because you kicked one of its hens!

Tatsuo: So that explains why they keep attacking me...

Sharon: You mean this isn't your first time?!

Tatsuo: Well I mean, they look like giant rocks so it's hard for me to tell the difference.

Sharon: That's their camouflage!!! They're capable of retracting their heads inside their bodies to resemble rocks! And you should be able to spot the difference if you're walking up to these things and kicking them!!!

Tatsuo shies his head away from facing Sharon. "Yeah you're right, they're just fun to kick around." He said admittingly.

Sharon grumbles in frustration but resigns herself from arguing further and orders Tatsuo to take action.

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