Chapter 42.2: Underground Spring I (EXTRA)

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The group continues to make their way to port Victoria. Whilst walking down a road a colossal broccoli-shaped tree reaching through the clouds in the distance catches the attention of Victor.

Victor (amazed): Woah...That's a huge ass tree...

Darren: Hm? Is this your first time seeing one?

Sharon: Really...It's ginormous! I can't imagine how it'd look if we were actually right in front of it... – She says adding in to the grandeur scenery. .

Darren: Huh? You've never seen at least one of those trees too? It's freakin' huge! How do you miss it?

Tatsuo: I've seen two of these before. It's impressive how even living here, you can miss something as big as that. Guess Irene is just that big. I've been here for years and I have yet to explore the entire thing...Shut up Henteko.

Darren: So? Are your eyes satisfied yet? Let's not get sidetracked now. I want to hurry up and get to Odale.

Queenie: There might be a town located at the base of the tree's trunk. We can stop by to check it out if you'd like.

Darren: Oi! Oi! Hold up now...! Don't you want to go to Odale as soon as possible too?

Queenie: I do. But it is beginning to get late. I'm just saying that the town over there may be our closest location to settle for the night, and who knows how much longer it'll take us to get to the next town following this path. Unless you'd rather prefer having to to sleep out in the fields again in sleeping bags?

Darren (sounding defeated): You guys do whatever you like then...

Darren notices Tatsuo, Sharon, and Victor have long begun walking off the path.

Darren: Aaand...They're already making their way towards it...Guess there wasn't a choice...

The group arrives at a small quaint town where the houses have flower-shaped plants placed upside down as roofs, located along the rim of one of the tree's gigantic roots.

Sharon and Victor gapes at the sheer size of the tree.

Sharon: Hmmm...How should I say...Seeing it up close like this...It's impressive...

Victor: But at the same time...It's not...I mean, the scale is stunning but...

Tatsuo: It looks a lot better when you look at it from a distance instead.

Both Victor and Sharon agree in unison.

Victor: It's just too damn big...! This single tree root basically covers the entire area...So you're basically only looking at bark! And looking up does no good either, it's all leaves!

Sharon: The ambience is quite pleasing though...It's a well lit place with all the luminescent bugs scattered around the area...It's rather soothing.

Darren: Good to see it was everything you guys had expected...Anyways, we're here now, let's just get ourselves a place to stay.

The group begins touring the place. They encounter a local, who wore nothing but a floral skirt and a floral headband with floral pattern tattoos etched on his arms and cheeks. He points them towards the tallest structure in the town, telling them that's the only place to go if the group were looking to rest here.

Upon entering the tavern, the group encounters its owner sitting atop a giant, cleanly cut tree trunk; a stern-looking amber skinned old woman wearing tribal clothes with a native-style feather bonnet. Strapped behind her is a massive unfolded paper fan.The tavern owner introduces herself as Clara. She asks the group if they wish to stay at her lodging, to which they confirm with her. Clara raises her brow in an inspecting manner.

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