Chapter 13: San

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Tatsuo and co arrive at a house. Darren skeptically asks whether they are at the right place. After looking at a note that Heymlir provided them, Sharon reassures them the matching address.

As the two bring their attention back to the house, they already see Tatsuo knocking at the door – "Hello~??? Can you open the door~? I'm looking for someone named Veloren Aund Gerfuden! I heard from the mayor that you know him!"

A response comes from the other side of the door, "...Did you say....Veloren...?"

The door swings open. An old man spontaneously emerges with an outburst of joy with both arms spread open.

???: It's been a long time since I've last heard that name!!!

For an old man, his body was physically fit and toned. He wore an outfit similar to Victor with a collared shirt underneath a vest.

???: Welcome to my abode! My name is San, San Roswell!

San eagerly urges the group to come inside his property, making both Darren and Sharon feeling awkwardly uncomfortable.

San: Oh! Where are my manners! Would any of you care for some tea?

Sharon: think we're good....

San: Is that so? Don't be so reserved now!

The group is guided to the living room. Much like the exterior of the house, the interior was classically fancy, insinuating that this man was living a wealthy life. The group settles themselves across from San who seats himself on a big red couch.

San: Now then! Heymlir sent you guys over here?

Tatsuo: Yeah, my name is Tatsuo, and these are my companions Sharon, Darren and Windie.

San: I see...Again, I am San Roswell, previous guild leader of Forest Grump! Just earlier you mentioned Veloren correct?

Tatsuo: Yeah, do you know that person?

San: Did I know Veloren? I'm a big fan of the man!

A surprising reaction for the group. For once the group was about to receive answers to what has been an aimless journey.

San: Veloren was a man that I greatly admired! I've even gone on an expedition with him once!

Sharon: What was he like?

San: Hmmm...A pretty hard question if you ask me...But if I had to describe him...He was a man of "good".

San begins reminiscing himself looking at Veloren from behind, his tarnished hunter-green cloak flowing gallantly in the wind along with his unkempt gray hair that seeps beneath a red cloth that scarfs the top of his head.

San: Back when I met the man, it was during the time when the world was still recovering from the "Doom Period".

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