Chapter 55: Sendoff (Part 1)

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A few days have passed since the group departed for the land of Odale...


The guild hub in Flavrence was active as ever, perhaps even more so with the absence of Geld no longer hogging the quests from the quest boards. The party Geld threw in the guild hub still left an infectious vivacious effect. The remaining adventurers and guild folks who took part in the Geld incident would pass onto other arrivals with their merry vibe.

At a bar counter, an adventurer wearing a heavy cloak concealing most of his figure drinks in solitary, ignoring the cheerful laughs that roared behind him. After taking a sip from his drink, he lets out a pensive sigh. He nudges his head at the sound of a visitor taking a seat next to him. The person is none other than one of the guild folks who directly confronted Tatsuo during the blue quests incident.

"One Springfield Ela' Granza!" The person next to him says in a cheerful manner. He turns to face the adventurer sitting next to him. "Oh! Aren't you...Tony?!" The man exclaims to the brooding adventurer. "I knew it...! It is you Tony!" He exclaims in delight upon inspecting the adventurer's face more clearly.

Tony's eyes widen, spooked by his familial acquaintance.

Tony: ...You're still here, Jarvan...?

Jarvan: Yeah. Me and my guildmates here have decided to stay a bit longer here.

Tony continued to sip away at his drink.

Jarvan: But where have you been...? We haven't seen you for a while, we had thought you left already...We didn't even see you at the end of the competition!

Jarvan: We were even getting worried, you know? You missed out on a fun party! Those brats compensated us an entire day's worth of food and drinks for everyone here, it was fantastic!

Tony's arms shivered. Both his hands tightly gripped his drink. His body petrified at the mention of Tatsuo and his group. He replies back to Jarvan in his soft, raspy tone.

Tony: I...Was in my room...

Jarvan: Whaaat? The entire time...?!

Afraid of the direction the conversation was leading to, Tony stayed quiet for a while. He resigns himself to the situation and utters a response back to Jarvan.

Tony: Yeah...

Jarvan felt slightly appalled by the response. Betrayed even.

Jarvan: How could you do that to us...? Weren't you part of the foraging group...?

Jarvan: Well, I won't scowl at you now since what's done is done already...But you could've at least told us something beforehand...You could've been the difference in beating those guys...

Tony hangs his head lower to his mug.

Tony: We...Weren't going to win anyways...That guy wasn't normal..." – His voice grew more faint than before.

Jarvan: Huh? The guys from before?

Tony: Yeah...

Jarvan was finding Tony's bleak attitude problemsome. He places his hand behind his head, scratching it.

Jarvan: Well...At least they've left now. With them gone, there's more quests up for picking again, which is part of the reason why we're still staying here.

Jarvan's eyes suddenly widened from a sudden thought as he internally gasps to himself.

Jarvan: Don't tell me...You went back because we lost to them...? I mean...I could understand your frustration...It really was unbelievable how they won against all of us...But I'm sure they've bribed the guild hub here or something since they were loaded with money. I mean, In the end, they were pretty cool people though!

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